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2022, the Year In Preview!

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All CM of WWII on steam? Man, thats lovely! I'm so happy right now! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

But I have a single concern, I do own CM Black Sea and i have a question:

You guys will not remove the currently vehicles that are in the game today right? Because i love my Abrams without the trophi system :D

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Looks like a promising start for a new year after already many great years for Combat Mission. Really looking forward to the CMBS module!

Thanks for all the content we get and in advance for the content to come!

Just want to mention one aspect which would be great to see for both modern and WW2 titles, the possibilities to use both machine guns and automatic grenade launchers in an indirect role (giving the player another choice to make in a scenario how to use these weapons). It is both conceptual and practically used IRL so I hope it will make it into the series (engine 5?)..

Modern example (USMC in Eastern Europe hint to CMBS module) https://www.businessinsider.in/marines-in-eastern-europe-are-practicing-a-little-used-tactic-another-sign-theyre-getting-ready-for-a-big-ass-fight/articleshow/65060827.cms

Modern example (Ukraine hint to CMBS module) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW68aPsFC_Q

WW2 example (British troops in late war hint to CMFB module): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZQHtHMOm0c (First 22 seconds)

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8 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

At a time yet to be determined we're going to give Black Sea a long awaited Module of its own.  This Module will include US Marines, Ukrainian Airborne, and Russian Airborne forces with the usual awesome Campaigns and Battles that come with all Modules.  This Module is very far along in development, however we don't want to make guesses as to when it will be released right now.  We'll let you know soon enough.

I'm very happy to hear about more content for Black Sea! It's the scenario that interests me the most.

At the same time, I do wonder how exactly they are going to do the new content. Particularly the Ukrainians. The fictional scenario of Black Sea has gone from a speculative near-future to alt-history, since IRL was knocked wildly off course by the events of 2014 and the "frozen conflict" since then.

I'd really really like to see an IRL TO&E for the Ukrainian forces that reflects the changes to the command structure and so on as a result of their attempts to adapt. This stuff fascinates me. I know that the Black Sea Ukrainian war isn't the same as the IRL Ukrainian conflict, but I think this can be fudged since Black Sea takes place in 2017.

I'd also like to see unconventional forces for Russia. Various "uncon" forces - proxies, mercenaries, and so on - have been essential to Russian operations since 2010 or so.


2 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Please, please look at the Red C2 and give the Uncons some more Specialist Teams (esp. Breach Teams) & Individual Vehicles

Very much agreed on fixing Red C2. The Syrian army has it hard enough without being forced to communicate with shouting and rude gestures as if it's the 1800s.


8 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

We're still planning on doing an Engine 5 Upgrade that focuses on performance improvements.  No firm idea when this will be ready to talk about more, not to mention when we'll release it.  Oh, and it will be a free Upgrade this time around.

Definitely happy to hear Engine 5 will be a free update! I really hope it's not just limited to performance improvements, though. CM Pro has so many cool features - especially the full replay feature (with assorted things like ammunition expenditure) that deserve to make it into the commercial product. Replay will make it so much easier to create CM content.

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wouldn't be a good year bone without this tradition. LOVE IT... looking forward to the year ahead, say just 1 question...are new vehicle packs still a thing to be bringing??? across the board? 


excellent work guys, and happy new year! 

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Steve, regarding the BN module with early D-day scenarios - I have a fairly complete and well researched map made of Courseulles-sur-Mer (and a few kilometers inland) with force selections for both sides, with accurate (as can be) landings for the Canadians. I would be happy to donate that map to the battle pass if someone want to complete it, use it or whatever. The project bogged down because there seems to be a limit to how many mines/barbed wire the engine can handle before causing a CTD on the first turn resolution. 

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Thanks for the good vibes!  Yeah, we're pretty happy with the way things are shaping up.  Normally we have large gaps of time between releases, which has its pros and cons for all of us.  This year, however, we have a pretty steady release schedule.  Yet not one that gives us ulcers!

Each time we release a game with Slitherine we'll be releasing a patch for Battlefront customers so they have immediate access to all new stuff.  Obviously the big ones are PBEM++ and Tournament features, but also any bug fixes too.  You will not see anything new in terms of gameplay features.  Those will come with the Engine 5 Upgrade, which is focused on performance improvements.


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USMC vs russia, airborne forces!!!!!  That will be great!  Get some more infantry-based fighting. 

so BFC is working to get all its content updated to the same level and up on steam.  That's great, it has a cost but it has to be done.  There's a CMBS module coming, plus they ARE working on engine5!   And Steve said there'd be new content to go along w the steam releases.  Not bad.  Plus he promised a surprise.  I like surprises, though I still haven't recovered emotionally from wetting my pants when CM was announced out of the blue.

I get that it's not barbarossa or the other stuff many of us are clamoring for, but getting everything updated to same level is important going forward I think, and knowing engine5 is in active dev is heartening for sure.

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6 minutes ago, rocketman said:

Steve, regarding the BN module with early D-day scenarios - I have a fairly complete and well researched map made of Courseulles-sur-Mer (and a few kilometers inland) with force selections for both sides, with accurate (as can be) landings for the Canadians. I would be happy to donate that map to the battle pass if someone want to complete it, use it or whatever. The project bogged down because there seems to be a limit to how many mines/barbed wire the engine can handle before causing a CTD on the first turn resolution. 

I'd like to get a hold of that so we can at least figure out what might be going on with the defenses crashing the game.  If you haven't done so already, please PM Elvis (John) and arrange for a handoff.

The topic for the Normandy Battle Pack is likely going to be limited to Utah Beach.  Still firming up the specifics, but expect airborne forces (for both sides) to be a primary focus.  Honestly, I've always found the small unit infantry stuff the most interesting way to play Combat Mission, so having a Pack that is infantry focused seems like a really good idea to me.  Not that I don't love the big German kitties or swarms of Shermans :)


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2 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

  You will not see anything new in terms of gameplay features.  Those will come with the Engine 5 Upgrade, which is focused on performance improvements.


Things like higher FPS, better- shadows and drawdistances will be nice (if those changes are included in V.5)...But can we expect to see any improvements/changes to the editor ? I see no mention if this....


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Oh, and about Black Sea's timeframe.  It would be a massive effort to move it beyond the initial combat period and into the "frozen conflict" setting Ukraine has been in for the last 7+ years.  As interesting as this would be (and believe me, I'm very interested in it) that isn't something in the cards for CMBS at this time.


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12 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

Normandy Coinciding with this will be a new Battle Pack focusing on early D-Day combat.

Final Blitzkrieg ... we'll release a new Module that will extend the timeframe through to the end of the war and introduce Commonwealth Forces plus the last ditch forces of the Third Reich.

Excellent News! Especially looking forward to the FB-Module and some 02/45 Battle of the Rheinland stuff (OP Blockbuster et al.)

Map 11: The Rhineland, Operation “BLOCKBUSTER, 22 February–10 March 1945

Canada Army 3 NW Europe: Chapter 19: The Battle of the Rhineland, Part II: Operation BLOCKBUSTER, 22 February–10 March 1945 (tothosewhoserved.org)

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12 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

Updated CMSF2 and Black Sea (1st Quarter) - both previously released Matrix/Slitherine CM Families will get the PBEM++ and Tournament systems as free updates.  Any bug fixes and what not that have come up from Cold War development will be rolled in as well.

Does that include cluster munitions by a chance?

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