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danfrodo last won the day on February 17

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  1. wow, that was close! I bet you were shouting at your screen "FIRE FIRE FIRE YOUR WEAPON FIRE YOUR DAMN WEAPON!!" Or maybe that's just something I do
  2. We expect UKR to exploit these vulnerable salients, and sometimes they do make attacks on them. But in general we don't see UKR choosing to do this in any meaningful way. These are new, unfortified flanks, yet UKR hasn't the will or strength to contest them as strongly as one might hope. Is this due to lack of artillery (thanks to the US delays)? Is it RU FPVs/arty making cutting those flanks too costly? Is UKR simply too weak or too casualty averse? Is it UKR just wanting to play the delay/attrit card and is willing to lose the territory? Is UKR building up for something else? Every time I see these salients I hope to see it cut off and right now it's just not happening, for whatever reason.
  3. That's a painful one for sure! Lose the tank, lose the men, lose your well laid plans, all w one shell. Or was it an FPV drone? -- awfully precise for artillery. Thanks for sharing, as always.
  4. I think first we'd want to invade Canada & dethrone the woke socialists in Ottawa. "First we take Hull, then we take Berlin!" as the old song goes.
  5. Much thanks to @The_Capt for the excellent analysis over last few pages. So yer sayin' there's a chance UKR to actually go on the offensive someday...... I think recruiting in UKR might go better if there's a clear line to offensive action. Easier to get folks to sign up for offense & victory than for getting ground down in a trench for weeks at a time doing holding actions. I'm hoping there's a big chunk of UKR army actually training & preparing for offensive action, I suppose in 2025? Or if things go right maybe later in 2024. As TheCapt said (paraphrase), keep shaping and be ready for offensive action when there's an opportunity.
  6. your attempt to play the both-siderism game is pathetic and shows an incredible amount of ignorance, both in historic and in current events. What Gingerich did was completely unprecedented. What McConnell did was completely unprecedented. And Trump is off the charts for breaking both norms and laws. ANd where on the left are the insane ones that are wielding power? Where's the dem Matt Gaetz? MTGreene? American democracy is on the brink and it is due to one side and one side only. Guess what -- Biden won't attempt to throw the country into a civil war to unlawfully try to cling to power. Trump's been doing that for last 4 years, including a full on mob-coup attempt that left people dead. So just WTF are you even talking about? Clearly you've been watching Hannity or some other bull**** monger and now you are parroting their bulls--t. So stop watching Fox & newsmax. It makes you look like a damn fool. Oh, and please respond by telling me how it's the dems fault the GOP held up UKR aid for 3 months. Dems aint the ones on Putin's payroll.
  7. Some good news, some less good, but mostly good in this installment. More patriot systems probably will be entering the pipeline. Maybe big US aid on the way? Hopefully. RU continues to lose a lot of radar, hopefully one day we'll find F16s & lots of missiles/drones running through those AD holes. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/4/18/2235874/-Russian-stuff-blowing-up-More-Patriots-may-be-on-the-way-for-Ukraine?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web
  8. well, one solution for 'house has rats' is to burn the house down. Easy and mindless. But a smarter, less lazy person might actually choose to do the work of actually removing the f-ing rats.
  9. ah yes, the most powerful kingmaker in the GOP, showing her brilliant colors again. Meanwhile, stuff happening in the war. Airfield hit in Crimea. Tank has much bigger instantaneous bavovna than one would expect. And flooding in RU, where residents go online to chastise Putin for the lack of sufficient response & aid -- that'll go well for them. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/4/17/2235660/-Russian-stuff-blowing-up-Ukraine-launches-devastating-attack-on-Crimean-airfield?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web
  10. Vertically oriented solar panels are a thing, I just saw a whole video about it (w manufacturers/installers/users being interviewed). They are not installed as fences, but can double as fences. Installing solar panels as fences would be really stupid & expensive, unless these are old, worn out ones that don't work anymore. edit: By the way, california generated enough renewable energy to provide 100% of grid demand for for 30 of last 38 days. That's california, the 6th largest economy on earth.
  11. I hereby swear that if M Johnson actually allows for big aid package to Ukraine that I will not call him any more bad names. Until the next UKR aid package he blocks. UKR needs this so badly. I wonder how long before US 155mm & patriot ordnance is actually on site at the front?
  12. Some good vids here today. RU allegedly gearing up for big push in May/June. Gonna be hard to stop w/o adequate artillery supplies -- FU Mike Johnson. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/4/15/2235347/-Russian-stuff-blowing-up-Ukraine-says-Russia-s-summer-offensive-is-coming?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web
  13. We'll take all the help we can get in pressuring this pile of filth to do the right thing. Hopefully this becomes a cause celeb amongst evangelicals.
  14. Oh, are we gay bashing? Definitely the root of all our problems! I thought it was jews but the insightful & informative views here have convinced me it's actually the gays. Or is it the muslims? I can't keep up on who is currently destroying western culture/society so thanks for all this information on things that really matter. Why, in the US 20 years ago we were told how gay marriage would destroy america, and it certainly has!
  15. I didn't read it, so I'll go ahead and comment Let's say UKR did cut off and destroy a lot of RU forces. We know now that Putin is impervious to losses -- he just throws more at the problem, though of course quality in men/equip/training going down continually w this approach. UKR was not capable of a big offensive operations, so wishing they had done so seems kinda silly. They won thru some very good active-defensive actions against an overextended enemy.
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