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About rocketman

  • Birthday 06/24/1971

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    The Pale Blue Dot
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    Photography, literature, strategy games and Arsenal FC (go gunners!)


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  1. Yes, that is the one. I agreee that the limitation regarding bunkers is a problem. I recently saw a documentary that only briefly mentioned the assault (interviews with real life people) and that most of the German garrison was eliminated in the bunkers and not in real battle. Can't say if the interview is representative, but lowering the total from 300 and have them fight outside of the bunkers seems like a fair estimate. I have the book that @Ithikial_AU mentions. I used it for my (unfinished) scenario for the Juno beach landings. I can have a look if you let me know what you are looking for specifically.
  2. I made a scenario for the assault on Merville battery a long while ago. Tried to make it as historical as possible. Will be interesting to compare to what you come up with especially the "what if" version. The assault through the minefields was the trickiest part to get right IMO.
  3. @WimO If you consider doing "Actions of 9th Para around Breville Les Monts & Chateau St. Come" I started a project years ago and have some research (allied troop deployment etc) to share and a preliminary map (topo done and roads, some terrain features, and the Chateau layout) and can probably scan parts of the book "The Day the Devil's Dropped In". Drop me a PM and let me know.
  4. I removed all barbed wire and the scenario works fine with really decent frame rate despite the chaos of fire in the first turn. I then added 30 units of wire (300 sections) and the scenario crashes again when resolving the first turn. Immediate CTD when pressing the red button. I wonder if it is the barbed wire that is bugged or some kind of hard cap on fortifications that is the root of the problem. I might try some other things that might get it to work. The absoulte worst case would be just not have any barbed wire and substitute it with wire fences and terrain features to make it harder to traverse, but it's just not the same. My scenario is the landings opposing Courseulles-sur-Mer and my intention was to also use the map for a "what if" counter attack just as the Canadians started to move inland. I have a BIGOT map that covers almost all of the area north of and including Tailleville in case you feel like revisiting it. The other day I watched @Hapless great video on the Gold Beach landings at Le Hamel - and that made me want to do a scenario on that as well. Haven't been into scenario making in a long time and have several started projects. About time to get going with one again.
  5. Sadly, the game still crashes as soon as the red button is pressed for the first turn resolution. The scenario doesn't take an awful amount of time to load, so that points to some other problem than huge map, tons of units and rather the amount of fortifications, mines etc. Guess the project will remain on hold.
  6. I have a much more powerful PC now as well and will try it again before sending it to you. My conclusion back then was that the calculations done by the game when turn 1 is processed causes the crash, probably because all the fortification/mine/wire units are converted to being an immovable part of the map, and pillboxes sink into the terrain. I even made a smaller empty map with just a ton of fortifications etc and it crashed as well. I recall Steve mentioned a while back that there will be improvements to how the engine uses modern hardware, maybe that will do the trick even if it isn't a bug per se. Edit: I can try with current 4.04 version and later 4.05 patch.
  7. A question for @BFCElvis or @Ithikial_AU - a few years ago I started a project on the Juno Beach landings that I more or less abandoned because the game crashed due to too many barbed wire, mine and fortification units. I opened a support ticket but never heard of a solution. Looking at one of the official screenshots it looks like this issue might have been solved or the level of units improved. Has this been patched despite not in any patch notes? If any one of you can shed light on this I would appreciate it as it is a project I someday would like to finish if possible.
  8. Video on progression of Russian losses per type of weapon/asset over time (according to UA):
  9. This is good news, however, there are no statements in the document that would indicate that Sweden is any closer to giving Gripen to Ukraine than before.
  10. @Haiduk , can you please elaborate a bit about the Kiev dam mentioned above. Is there any way for the ruzzians to destroy it with outside force? Is it even ”fragile”?
  11. Don't know about the area you mentioned but when I did research for my scenario Rittersprung I saw photos and period topo map of the Our River near Ouren (Belgium/Luxembourg border area. And it is definitely was an obstacle to be considered and far from "just a ditch". At least there.
  12. Short party though, now it stands at 2002!
  13. The Russian Oryx page is back online for me now.
  14. Just for info, I did a mod for plowed snow fields and noted that the "minis" are 512*32 pixels in size which surprised me. Maybe because of the pattern. Also noted that there is a wide variety of "mini" sizes for different textures and couldn't figure this out. A solution to get improved distant view is high on my wish list. Alas, maybe we have to wait for CM3 for that to happen.
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