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A Canadian Cat

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A Canadian Cat last won the day on July 6 2021

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  1. You would have to watch the show from a surveillance drone as it might be a bit dangerous on the ground. Oh wait that wouldn't work either
  2. Wow that was one badly written article. Just one example of the poor writing. I suppose it could be a poor translation too. I should consider that. Looks like they hit a launcher - which would be excellent. I strongly suspect they did *not* bring a HIMARS system behind enemy lines to conduct that strike. I think they meant that the HIMARS hit something behind Russian lines.
  3. I'm still running an i7 but 3.2GHz is not terrible for CM. I'm not really well versed in over clocking - can it be done on a per executable basis? Ninja'd by @Redwolf
  4. Oh man. I don't think anyone has said you are shilling for the tank builders. They just think you are just not listening. What is really happening is more "I have to have the last word", "no I do" over and over and over again. Last time I'm pointing that out since unless this gets you and Steve to stop it then this comment is not helping. Well Steve pointed out one obvious way drones made a column of damaged vehicles into destroyed ones. I'll point out that more importantly: how do you imagine the artillery was guided into target? While we don't always know the specifics of each instance we have countless examples of assaults being broken up by artillery because there are drones there to spot. BTW that would be an example of combined arms between drones, artillery and mines.
  5. Yep, the number of FPV drones has ramped up lately. I wonder if they might be able to get production ahead of usage for long enough to actually try this on offence.
  6. This is a user to user forum. Sometimes BFC support people chime in but you will get much faster service here: Battlefront Help desk
  7. Nice summary and connecting the dots that the author lays out but cannot connect themselves. It is an interesting moment when you can see a report like this that simultaneously understands the short comings for why the offensive failed. At the same time also see what caused those short comings be effectively unsolvable (at last by more of same) and yet not connect those together in a meaningful away. It strikes me that the dome needs to be mostly drone based. After all drones are at the root of what is grinding this all to a halt. So, here are a proposed set of steps: 1. Precision artillery using your own eyes in the sky targeting artillery and air defenses further back from the attack point 2. Allow for some local air support to counter the enemy air 3. AFU needs anti drone drones to hurt the enemy's eyes in the sky and fight their FPV drones which then allow some activity on your own side of the start line 4. FPV drone attack on strong points, enemy drone operators, ATGM sites, local ammo and other supplies 5. Small infantry infiltration activity to push the line forward with some IFV support or perhaps just taxiing in the beginning 6. Repeat 3-5 while 1 and 2 have never stopped 7. Clear some mines 8. Repeat 3-7 while 1 and 2 have never stopped until 9. You have a whole in the mine field, no enemy recon drones, no enemy FPV drones able to operate, no enemy ATGMs in front and no ability for air to come to assist 10. Maybe you can use some mech force to push forward or maybe you just move the lines and setup to do it again except next time #7 is less The missing piece is an excellent anti drone drone and masses of precision (artillery, drone, missiles) I don't feel like that is anything new - I am just repeating what we have been talking about really.
  8. Please don't take offense - none is intended but at the same time I recognize you both might not like to hear what I'm about to say. I'm just offering an observation that you can do with what you wish. Always nice to talk to a fellow history graduate! Just form observing both of you (one of you for years : - ) you both seem like the type that feels a need to get in the last word. That can be a very hard thing to deal with when you disagree. As I am sure you can reflect you both had opportunities where you could have said, to your self, "there is nothing new in that comment so I don't need to respond" but frequently you both did the opposite. When no one has had time to reflect or digest more information and may make adjustments to their positions and also has a strong desire to have the last word you can get some serious around and around we go arguments going on.
  9. Better salute fast - that's not going to end well. I take it the tank commanders are unbuttoned.
  10. Agreed. The operators may already be doing what I would suggest: broadcast from antennas that are on nice long cords so anyone successfully following the signals will just blow up some gear. Heck they could even have multiple antennas and if one gets hit pull out the next one. Or better yet when you bug out just leave it and setup in another location with antenna #2. Later send someone back for antenna #1, if its still there great use it for the next new location. You can even have it pre setup in the new location. The operators are only down for their travel time.
  11. That is entirely possible, likely even. The letter from Orban reads like simple Russian propaganda though. If Putin knows the true situation or not the letter Orban writes is the same - Russia winning Ukraine loosing stop backing the looser. Oban is may or not be an idiot but he is just being useful to Putin. No need to ready more than that into it.
  12. LOL nice example. Yeah I almost added a bit about perfect not being required for this. I should have. Clearly taking out someone that absolutely should not be there at zero dark 30 in a war zone is perfectly fine - adding a rare bird sighting to a database used by researchers probably isn't. It's just not the same - may bad. AI is a bit of a buggabo for me. Yes, it is useful. I'm not suggesting we not use it. My issue is people just don't understand it's strengths and weaknesses and where it really should not be deployed. Hell experts don't get it half the time either. I mean my god we all experienced low level bureaucrats saying "the computer says I cannot do that, so I can't fix that for you" and that was before people believed AI had everything figured out and knows more then we humans do. We are in for a long road of frustration in more places than we currently expect. I just found out about this: https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7v5xb/a-human-amateur-beat-a-top-go-playing-ai-using-a-simple-trick We are sort of off topic but the fundamental issue here is some researchers discovered (with the help of another AI for extra irony) that the Alpha Go program don't actually understand the fundamentals of what playing go means. This fundamental short coming can be used by amateur level players to defeat Alpha Go 14 times out of 15 tries. Oops. or Yay. Why does this matter? Good question. We were lead to believe that Alpha Go learned to play Go and it had learned in a deep way such that it understood. It did learn how to play (clearly) but it did not understand what it was doing. That's a big deal. It means that even creating an AI with a narrow task still does not have understanding. Not enough people actually understand that. To tie that back to this war or war in general it just reinforces we have to be careful about how we deploy this stuff. Swarm of AI drones released into a kill box that a human commander determined was appropriate - got for it. Eye in the sky drone with AI looking for bad guy "ABC" using gait tracking and facial recognition with shoot to kill permission roaming the globe - bloody hell do not let that happen.
  13. Yeah that tech is already moving right along It is amazing and super useful. It's not perfect though. In fact, it ties into e-bird which is for reporting bird sightings. However when you do mark a bird sighting down from Merlin sound ID it asks you to verify that you actually saw the bird and confirmed the sighting. I have had a few times where Merlin has told me a super rare wren that I have never personally seen was the source of the sound. I have not been able to actually find the damn thing. I think there is a even chance that it is just not there at all and the AI is crossing a couple of things up. Don't get me wrong the Merlin Sound ID is awesome and I am using to help me get better at recognizing bird song. It's just not perfect.
  14. Well it is true I have not hit them with 203mm. I'll make note to tweak my test. Do you have a link to your previous post? That way I can tie both together.
  15. That's a lagging indicator as the financial people like to say. Reality will change long before our reporting on what's threatening changes. "When we see threats in terms of their unmanned systems capacity and not numbers of tanks/AFVs we will know the world has finally agreed that things have turned." But I think you knew that already.
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