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Vacillator last won the day on May 10

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About Vacillator

  • Birthday August 3

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    Somerset, UK

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  1. I wouldn't think so, he's taking a long break from CM and playing VASL instead. I send him regular requests to return and he always replies (he's a really nice guy who I actually met in person and spent a few days with in the UK - we visited the Tank Museum ), but I've had no luck in getting him back so far.
  2. Hi, welcome and just a thought - the CM2 Opponent Finder thread is not the best place to get this noticed or answered. Perhaps @BFCElvis can move it somewhere more appropriate (I'm guessing either CM General Discussion or the Black Sea thread?).
  3. Maybe a good shout Bil, my boy is using a Surface Pro for school and it has been good so far. Scribbly pen also works well .
  4. Me too and at a lower frequency: Processor 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13700H, 2400 Mhz, 14 Core(s), 20 Logical Processor(s) I've never had an issue with CM or anything else, but that doesn't really answer the OP's question on overclocking.
  5. Yes it is, @Bootie can stop chewing his fingernails and pulling out his hair (hopefully).
  6. To the best of my knowledge, as long as you both have the same version it should not matter whether you have a mixture of Steam and BFC / Slitherine copies. The same is true for PC and Mac combinations. @BFCElvis is better placed to confirm this.
  7. This is great stuff @George MC. I'll be giving it a go with help from these videos. Oh, and nae sub-titles required .
  8. No worries, the forum search is not renowned for its functionality .
  9. I'd agree with all of that, the fantastic bit and the pain in the *** bit .
  10. Just for info, @kohlenklau produced a Korea mod https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/combat-mission-fortress-italy/cmfi-other/cmfi-korea-1950-mod/ but had to 'fake' a few things by reassigning vehicles etc. to new graphics. The download says it only has one scenario but I think there were additional ones later. I'd point you at his efforts but he is not with us at the moment - he's having a break playing VASL instead and so far I've not persuaded him to return. I'll keep trying though.
  11. Normally the response would be quicker than that, @BFCElvis has sorted out my problems within minutes previously (and from the golf course no less - well the 19th hole actually).
  12. I think they're in the infantry selection list as AT bunkers, not in the fortifications list? At least that's my recollection in CMBN.
  13. No worries, happy to help. I don't have a brz file with a similar name, but that might mean I didn't bother with it (you described it as optional ). If that's the case, I'm sure someone else will have it.
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