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CMRT - BETA AAR - German Side


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When buddy aid is complete I would prefer the casualties disappear from the UI, again to keep the area less cluttered with information that is no longer relevant.

It's still relevant. With the sheer number and variety of TO these days, along with potentially variable starting headcount, having the casualty remain listed is a great help in assessing which elements make up the ones with the most losses. The "personnel" bar in the HQ element's display is a good start, but showing that the "A" team with 3 men left has actually lost 4 of its initial 7 can only help, IMO.

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Not necessary, all you want to have when SMG squads approach your position is a MG and a few hundred meters space between them and yourself.

Best regards,


That might be true, if the squad in question wasn't sitting on a vehicle armed with a massive HE-chucker that would blow such a MG into tiny smithereens... You might plink a couple, but you're, in total, overmatched.

How many rounds does an ISU carry? Is the crater from catastrophic cook-off bigger than the one you get when a Priest or Sherman 105 goes "boom"? I know we've had german 150mm SPA for a while, but they only carry a handful of shells, IIRC.

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You're forgetting the "Urrah!" modifier on kill probabilities. Using this war cry was found to a) enhance Russian morale, B) undermine German morale and degrade firing accuracy via weapon jitter and c) prevent otherwise certain bullet strikes which, given trajectories and placement of intersecting targets, should've been done deals. Certainly, that's how these things looked to the Germans.

Rastamon and herr_oberst,

It was worthwhile, and I've read the account of former Eastern Front Panzerjaeger (Pak-38, Marder, etc.) Kurt Fischer in which he talks about the 88 firing drill, to deal with tank riders who might otherwise interfere with PzGr 39 effectiveness, was to first fire hollow charge to clear off the human overlay, followed by the usual antitank medicine. What's unclear to me is why regular HE wasn't used. Am guessing fuzing. The fuzing on both the PzGr39 and Spreng (HE) was hindered by the presence of said human overlay, whereas the hollow charge's fuzing was much more sensitive, assuring a detonation even with tankdesantniki present. Grisly and ugly discussion to be sure, but such is war. If you read some of the accounts on Valera Potapov's site Battlefiled.ru, it's quite clear that K-killing a tank would generally wipe out the tankodesantniki as well. Even a kill sans fireball would tend to inflict multiple casualties on the tankodesantniki.


John Kettler

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Yes, we now show casualties in the 2D UI's Soldier Panel. This information remains for the duration of the game.

Another thing I noticed upon a second look is that the number of casualties is kept in the corner of the suppression meter. Looking close one sees a red “3”. It looks like this count remains through the game to keep an on going total of the squad’s casualties, which players will like (There you have it womble!), while weapon icons are removed after buddy aid. This is what I get from the above screen shot. This woud eliminate the problem I see if the weapon icon with the word “casualty” remains during the game in the distinction between a casualty that has not had buddy aid, and one that has already had buddy aid.

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Ninja'd by Doomed.

You Senior Members should collectively hang your heads in shame to have a Junior Member (and "Doomed" no less) figure this one out first :D

Yes, we now show casualties in the 2D UI's Soldier Panel. This information remains for the duration of the game. The weapon representing the casualty is what the soldier had when he became a casualty, not what he has after weapons scrounging. At least that's the way I think it works. I haven't tested it to be sure!


He was actually the second as I stated a "NICE" in my post. I will give it to him though as he is from the UK.

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Another thing I noticed upon a second look is that the number of casualties is kept in the corner of the suppression meter. Looking close one sees a red “3”. It looks like this count remains through the game to keep an on going total of the squad’s casualties, which players will like (There you have it womble!), while weapon icons are removed after buddy aid. This is what I get from the above screen shot. This woud eliminate the problem I see if the weapon icon with the word “casualty” remains during the game in the distinction between a casualty that has not had buddy aid, and one that has already had buddy aid.

The 3 designates the squad number in the platoon. This is the scout that I was sending up the Eastern side....they have not been fired on..............yet.

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To me the Position of the 3 Squad / B Team looks like a nice place to a PaK40 and a heavy machine gun. You got a nice view through the open valley and could flank some forces running from the left forests to the ones in the middle.

Sadly you dont have PaKs. Be carefull of T34s and the russian bear-cavalry with their submachine guns. What a triller AAR! :cool:

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The 3 designates the squad number in the platoon. This is the scout that I was sending up the Eastern side....they have not been fired on..............yet.

Hmm.. I would have never thought that as it seems rather redundant given it already says the squad # on the top panel. So then how does one tell whether a casualty has been medic aided or not if the casualty text supposedly stays through the game?

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Hmm.. I would have never thought that as it seems rather redundant given it already says the squad # on the top panel. So then how does one tell whether a casualty has been medic aided or not if the casualty text supposedly stays through the game?

You've lost me, mate. Are we talking about the same screen shot?

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You've lost me, mate. Are we talking about the same screen shot?

I am refering to the red number “3” shown in the lower right corner of the suppression meter panel. In the screen shot on post #256 it shows three casualties for 4 squad/ B team in weapons panel, and also shows a red “3” in the suppression panel. The screen shot on post #288 shows 3rd squad/B team, and also shows this red “3” in the suppression panel, but does not show any casualties in the weapons panel. Hence I thought this red “3” was keeping track of total casualties, and that the casualties in the weapons panel had been buddy aided no longer being shown. You said this number “3” is noting squad number, but that can’t be according to the pic in post #256 as it shows 4th sqd, and shows a red “3” in the suppression panel. Just trying to figure what the number showing there means, and also how the casuaties showing in the weapons panel works in the game in relation to being able to tell what casualty has recieved medic aid or not.

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I am refering to the red number “3” shown in the lower right corner of the suppression meter panel. In the screen shot on post #256 it shows three casualties for 4 squad/ B team in weapons panel, and also shows a red “3” in the suppression panel. The screen shot on post #288 shows 3rd squad/B team, and also shows this red “3” in the suppression panel, but does not show any casualties in the weapons panel. Hence I thought this red “3” was keeping track of total casualties, and that the casualties in the weapons panel had been buddy aided no longer being shown. You said this number “3” is noting squad number, but that can’t be according to the pic in post #256 as it shows 4th sqd, and shows a red “3” in the suppression panel. Just trying to figure what the number showing there means, and also how the casuaties showing in the weapons panel works in the game in relation to being able to tell what casualty has recieved medic aid or not.

LOL that is umm not a 3. Steve will have to tell you what it is however. :D

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Heh... well, here I am to solve the mystery!

It is a graphic that is misaligned for this particular Beta. It's a new feature to highlight when a unit has previously been Broken. Let's put it this way... when you see the light lit up, don't count on the unit being all that reliable.


So it's a "B" for "Brittle"? Is that a state that troops now only "achieve" when they've been Broken? I was under the impression that getting to Shaken or Panic states was enough to make them Brittle. Was that a misapprehension, or have things changed, or is there a matter of degree involved? Any road up, an indicator of Brittle status has long been hoped for; I'd forgotten til recently how much... Amazing the different things playing with rubbish troops will throw up.

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