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Single player , turn based or real time?

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I was wondering what people are playing now against AI. I am still playing turn based but sometimes when i see mortar spotting rounds coming down i am thinking get the hell out of there, but i can't because i am locked to one minute turns . What do you think are the pros and cons of either??

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WeGo always. I just can't pass up being able to review the action. We have a fair amount of complaints about things the TAC AI doesn't do well and some of them really are problematic, but 90% of the time the TAC AI is doing really well and you don't quite appreciate how well if you can't stop and smell the action.

In a recent game I was trying to assault a house with a German LMG team in it. Watching how they moved and reacted switching windows to take different parts of my force on fire was pretty cool.

Also I think WeGo forces you to slow down and think before you commit, you can't instantly react. I actually like that loss of control. It takes at least some little bit of the player as god aspect out of the game.

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I completely agree with sburke on this one. I only play WeGo myself and it is precisely for the reasons sburke stipulted. I can't tell you how many times I watched amazing things happen in the replay that I never would have caught in real time play. I also like the fact of losing control during that minute battle where your orders are shown consequences and there is nothing you can do to change it. Makes it more real for me.

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Both although what I play depends on the size/complexity of the scenario e.g. smaller scenarios/fewer units I'll tend to play RT (with occasional pause). Larger scenarios (variety of units ect) I'll play WEGO. I must admit I like em both.

WEGO is great though for checking out just how great looking the game is. I tend not to have time to do that when playing RT as I'm busy keeping an eye on the battle.

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I am still playing turn based but sometimes when i see mortar spotting rounds coming down i am thinking get the hell out of there, but i can't because i am locked to one minute turns . What do you think are the pros and cons of either??

I hope you will understand what I'm trying to say :)

What you have written here is in my opinion one of the biggest advantages of WEGO system. Evacuating for example whole platoon of infantry in response to spotting rounds within seconds would be probably impossible even today.

For me real time games has two big and opposing disadvantages. First, real time gives players too big control in certain situations and an ability to response immediately to new informations and react in very unrealistic manner(for example some infantryman sees Panther tank in ambush waiting for a moving Shermans and after this player immediately stops the tanks or start flanking maneuver etc withing few seconds but in fact those Shermans shouldn't even know about this fact and should not react.). Other big disadvantage is opposite thing. Player is limited by game's interface and can be only in one place in one time and because of that most of units are out of control when player is busy. This leads to very unrealistic situation when units that are not under player's direct control don't react and adopt to new situations as they should.

WEGO solves this problems in two ways. 60 seconds turns prevent player from taking instantaneous decisions and reacting to quick. Of course it's not perfect and has got it's own limitations but I find this much better than real time. Also WEGO solves problem with fast clicking and "out of control" units. In WEGO player has an "absolute"(maybe it's bad word) control of all his units, he is for example battalion commander, company commader, platoon commander and team leader in same time and this allow all units to react and adopt to new situation in proper way. Sometimes this gives a player too big control but still I think it's much better then real time.

I think real time sometimes could be good in very, very small size battles, but specially its good in games like Full Spectrum Warriors, or "automated" games that are trying to simulate the chain of command like Airborne Assault. Otherwise WEGO is much better

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Im an old CMBB fanatic, so i havent even tried RT yet! Wego is one thing that made CM so special years ago, at least to me. I like to take my sweet time when planning turns and also to watch every replay at least once, but usually several times so that you can view all sections of the battlefield and the action taking place there.

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I played CMSF real-time when it first came out, but I found myself constantly pausing and micromanaging in ways that felt unrealistically god-like. When CMBN appeared, I knew I would want to play a lot of PBEM, so I switched to WeGo and never went back.

The limitations of one-minute turns, while sometimes arbitrary, actually feel more realistic than the constant fiddling of real-time play. Plus there's the drama of watching the replay from multiple angles.

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Thanks for your thoughts,i tend to agree with most . One small thought tho, just to play devils advocate . One minute is a long time in the heat of battle! 30 second moves would be nice when it gets hectic! what do you think ... ??

Nope. 1 minute is long enough for things to get fairly pear-shaped. If you cut it, you'd have your pTruppen acting a lot nearer to "perfect", and as many have mentioned, the inability to intervene is a large chunk of the attraction of WeGo.

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If you think of how it was in WW2 times communication methods were nothing like they are now. It might have been that after giving orders the higher officer had no idea of what was happening *for hours*. So you couldn't change the "big picture" plan all the time. So IMO ability to give orders every 60 seconds is actually much faster than how it really was.

An example of those comms problems: in the beginning of the war some Soviet planes used a system where only the leader of group of planes had a radio that could receive and transmit audio. The other planes could only hear what their leader was telling. If the leader was killed the rest could only communicate using hand signals etc.

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Real time would be a lot more plausible if BF implements- someday- the 'chess clock' idea. The commander can intervene, but only for a limited number of minutes so he's compelled to budget his spots amidst the chaos. He can't be everywhere at once. And it would be the perfect format for MP.

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Same here. I may spend 15-30 minutes reviewing a turn, either because I am trying to figure something out or because I spotted something so cool that I watch it over and over again.


LOL! Yeah, that about sums it up.

Beelzeboss summed up why I like WEGO. I came originally from true I-Go-U-Go games like Steel Panthers, went to RTS like Men of War, found the latter thrilling to play because I was IN the action, but there is something truly eerie and unrealistic about taking control of a tiger, rampaging about to great effect, simply because I can give it due attention.

WEGO is far better a system.

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WEGO always.

My battallion-sized forces need a tad more looking after than RT can provide me the time for.

Plus, as stated above, there is nothing like being able to watch the action over and over from different angles. The amount of work put into this really shows when you are level 1 or 2 and watching the TACAI do its thing.

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Thanks for your thoughts,i tend to agree with most . One small thought tho, just to play devils advocate . One minute is a long time in the heat of battle! 30 second moves would be nice when it gets hectic! what do you think ... ??

30 seconds would be OK playing against the computer. But PBEM would be unacceptable at 30 sec.

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