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I recall when CMBB came out some CMBO loyalists were enraged. Claimed they would refuse on principle to purchase the game because (and I distinctly recall someone saying this) there were no English speaking voices in the game! My, how things have changed in the intervening eighteen years! :P

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On 1/4/2020 at 10:17 AM, BFCElvis said:

Funny that you mention that. As things started to run longer than everyone (and I mean everyone) expected after the pre-orders for R2V opened some of these awesome scenarios makers started asking "can I add 1 more? I have a great idea and it's almost done." We didn't say no to any of them and they ended up being fantastically fun to play. For those playing them, they are "One Final Effort"...

One Final Effort - I had some fun designing up a purely fictional encounter and the flexibility that came with it. I decided to throw limitations on ammunition/supply, which is narratively feasible for the last weeks of the war but is also a challenge for players that we don't tend to see much of in CM scenarios. Good to see that little quirk caught a tester or two on the hop. If anyone is taking a shot at this one don't fret about being the defender. Has it's own unique challenges.

1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

But for more Grog types there's something else, I think.  Starting with Combat Mission Barbarossa to Berlin the Soviet stuff was finally given some dimension to it.  No longer was playing the Soviets a matter of having bigger stacks of inferior units to push across the board, then watching them melt away in combat.  Nope, there was the ability to really see that the Soviet forces had interesting tactical possibilities and that it was possible to beat a German foe (or totally squash an Axis Minor force) unit for unit.  Even better, the Soviet player had a chance of experiencing "hero" units that showed some personality.  Other games followed CMBB's example since then.

CMBB came out just during my first year of University and it just so happened that my first year's grades weren't exactly the best. Thanks Steve and co. :P  I'm part of the club that misses the Axis Minors.

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That is an exciting outlook.

On 1/1/2020 at 9:08 PM, Battlefront.com said:

CM Red Thunder Battle Pack.  A bunch of battles for the late Summer 1944 time period was started a while back and is now moving forward again.

In case the CMRT Battlepack becomes an option, is it planned to include campaigns?

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I'd expect it to have at least two campaigns.....One for each side. 

Judging by the number of very large 'master' type maps we've seen, there could be more (and there's so much potential to make them, if they haven't been made already).

I can't wait to get @benpark's awesome Berlin map into the editor.....Preferably in CM:BS!  :P

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18 hours ago, DougPhresh said:

You hardly ever see "Mein Oppa was just defending his Fatherland, and Following Orders, and Both Sides Were Bad." anymore and while there are still posts about "The Americans only won because of air superiority and artillery" and "Commonwealth Armour was useless, the Germans easy brushed them aside at Caen and Falaise (cue a dozen posts about Michael Wittmann)" and "The Russians only won because of human waves", I think any serious historian and even most people in wargamming or with an interest in the subject would say the better armies won, and credit them for their operational and tactical art.

Depends on what you call a 'serious historian'. If by that you mean historians like Beevor, Holland and Citino, who lack much operational and tactical knowledge then yes. If you mean historians like Nash, Reynolds, Hamilton, Glantz, Kershaw and Ian Daglish, then you're dead wrong.  Most of these authors have a military background and know what they are talking about. They know how well the Germans fought. Having said that the performance of the British, Americans, Canadians and Russians (and all the others) also deserves a lot of credit. They did win the war after all. It's stupid to belittle anyone who fought. That's an Hollywood invention. It's not a bloody contest who did best overall, it is the biggest massacre of modern history in which all sides gave everything they had. I've recently read a book about the Chosin reservoir 1950. First Marines Division in full retreat. The American veterans who were interviewed in it, didn't sound very different from the Germans. It's war, it's brutal. And afterwards everybody wants to be a hero, who fought against animals. 

World War 2 is not about the better armies winning, but the bigger economies, hence bigger armies, winning. Same as in World War 1.

Edited by Aragorn2002
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Really excited for 2020, the roadmap looks almost identical to my own internal wishlist. Good to hear UNCONs are coming to RT, and fingers crossed for CM:FB Scheldt campaign.

52 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

Depends on what you call a 'serious historian'. If by that you mean historians like Beevor, Holland and Citino, who lack much operational and tactical knowledge then yes. If you mean historians like Nash, Reynolds, Hamilton, Glantz, Kershaw and Ian Daglish, then you're dead wrong.  Most of these authors have a military background and know what they are talking about. They know how well the Germans fought.

I am surprised that you dismiss Citino so easily. All the lectures I've seen, have been hosted by the US military in US military institutions. I believe he worked at West Point, and other military colleges -- his specialty being Wehrmacht operations. I'd recommend checking out his lectures on youtube, because he talks about how/why Jerry lost WW2.

Edited by DerKommissar
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3 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

World War 2 is not about the better armies winning, but the bigger economies, hence bigger armies, winning. Same as in World War 1.

It's the same thing. If your economy produces more aircraft, more artillery and more tanks, than you have the better army.Your company commanders don't need tactical brilliance to take a position, they can call on artillery assets your enemy can only dream of, and those artillery batteries have enough ammunition they care fire harassment missions around the clock. The better army has good-enough tanks everywhere instead of perfect tanks somewhere (or broken down). The better army can make road moves in daylight instead of being bombed and strafed between sunrise and sunset.

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11 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

Depends on what you call a 'serious historian'. If by that you mean historians like Beevor, Holland and Citino, who lack much operational and tactical knowledge then yes.

Yeah I have to parrot @DerKommissar on this one. Citino is very highly regarded by the US Army among others, and his book titled “Blitzkrieg to Desert Storm” is in fact a fantastic overview of modern maneuver warfare. I would say Citino is quite well versed in the nuance of at least operational warfare in a WWII and post WWII world. 

While I’ve read his maneuver warfare book, I have not read any of his books that cover in depth German military operations, strategy and operational art during WWII, but I also know that these works are highly regarded by sources I trust. So again I have to disagree with your claim that he lacks the needed knowledge to discuss/analyze these topics. 

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There are StuGs and then there are StuGs:


All manner of things might be possible in the frantic defence of the fatherland.....But TBH, I wouldn't count on it!  ;)

Maybe a CM:RT Vehicle Pack?  I'd certainly pay for that, especially if it had mine-roller tanks.  B)

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1 hour ago, kohlenklau said:

Please give me a StuG III Ausf D so I can try and make a scenario based on this old image I have...



Hi Phil
I made this mod for the Stalingrad mod set. It is a StuG IIIG early where I removed the most of the barrel with alpha channels. It should be part of the Stalingrad mod set.

Dont know if you can use that?




Here´s the release video:


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On 1/5/2020 at 11:07 PM, MikeyD said:

I recall when CMBB came out some CMBO loyalists were enraged. Claimed they would refuse on principle to purchase the game because (and I distinctly recall someone saying this) there were no English speaking voices in the game! My, how things have changed in the intervening eighteen years! :P

I was one of the first purchasers of CMBB when it came out and followed the forums closely.  I sure don't remember any "enraged" posts about language.  There was some angst about the eastern front, but even that was pretty muted.

I suspect a some beta testers overblow the response to certain things.

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