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Ithikial_AU last won the day on January 9

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About Ithikial_AU

  • Birthday 05/06/1984

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  • Location:
    Perth, Western Australia


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    Playing Combat Mission since "Beyond Overlord." Lurking forums ever since.
  • Location
    Perth, Western Australia
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    Public Servant

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  1. Thanks mate. Sorry, not on my radar for the short to medium term.
  2. Thanks mate. Keep going. Playing chronologically? See the PDF manual for a scenario/campaign timeline.
  3. Been a while since I've read it but can say that ... https://www.amazon.com.au/Juno-Beach-Canadas-D-Day-Victory/dp/1771623845/ref=sr_1_9?crid=14ZPOBKT7W85P&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QRFgKK_k95q0BldlTjThN_Qzf2UzJ1Dz0kw206Bslx98mBpGJQEgyyeUoawkSr4uKoC6375l_aexUHWVIyGDMNgiBjZjvGq5VpouVQyabEBaZAfwsyKNv9CS5pFp3JIu4IBtd5Y9GthapdLT_05pMgpkKMCrzA47q0wXWHSr1DseVVef3yHOVbd1E1VYrSVfthdW2PAbAwxOqpYxWZ7zbWlKZD9vyTBI_MTRwYPyxE4.KwsZ2sYIGGYS39j0-xRaPDACO_tidpg0RyDlArXE-Ls&dib_tag=se&keywords=Canada+D-Day&qid=1721786246&s=books&sprefix=canada+d-da%2Cstripbooks%2C325&sr=1-9 Includes content relating to the Canadian Parachute Battalion on D-Day. I think maybe a chapter or two but don't quote me on that.
  4. Can you post details of the problems being reported for the benefit of the Beta Tester crew. Ta.
  5. There is meant to be 101st and 82nd Airborne Units in this scenario. Not a bug. Misdrops, and even then Dropzone C was one of the 'good ones'.
  6. I had the same views in the early days of CM2 thinking maybe all tanks are glass cannons. My views have changed over the many years from "CM is just cruel" to "they may actually have this right" because: - Modern (post 1945) titles it's usually a mute point as every AT weapon has a decent chance at killing any other armoured vehicle they are up against. Who shoots and hits first is probably the winner. Some minor exceptions there in very specific circumstances but even when my M1 Abrams comes under fire from a T-72 in CMSF, I take note. - WW2 titles have a bit of variance given the broader amount of weaponry and armour value combinations in play. - Reading some campaign specific history books from WW2, including one right now , it's actually quite common to read oral histories and mechanical repair commentary about how many armoured vehicles are out of the front line at any given time in WW2. You can never trust comments like "Company A of the 13th Tank Battalion took village ABC" to mean a full company of tanks took part. I think some of the older histories like the official histories released soon after the way generally skip this kind of info. My two cents plus sales tax.
  7. The only thing I can think of is the very large amount of fortifications that are on the map for the Germans. Same for the "Uncle Red" scenario that uses the same map. For the first minute, simple orders or just setting off the off map support for the first minutes always seemed to do the trick. Personally, I never ran into the issue when designing and playing it back myself. The map is not the largest nor more complicated terrain wise (most of it is water!), while the number of units is about a battalion a piece. This leaves the fortifications as the only variable. I have no idea why these would be such a resource hog in the first few seconds of processing/loading up the first combat given they just sit there. But I'm not a programmer. @BFCElvis - FYI.
  8. @sovietpolarbear - Good to hear. Yes that mission and the H2H Monster Battle are really pushing the limit of the game similar to the monster battle provided in the CMRT battlepack. Funny, given the Uncle Red mission is even scaled down from reality! It's just getting over that initial processing hump you should need to worry about. Unsure of the details but I think the huge amount of fortifications on that map play a role going from deployment to battle. I made that monster map with the fortifications first (read the dev diary) and then went back to the scenarios that appear on the map. Though it saved a lot of time not needing to place the fortifications twice, the downside is the whole map needs to be visible for the scenarios to work with the German fortifications as intended.
  9. That was always a maybe and it was decided not to include in the end.
  10. Cheers mate. Never say never but I think the girlfriend would kill me if I jumped into another one.
  11. I could be wrong but also having the games on Steam mixes things around a bit. Having the same game version on multiple platforms probably makes life easier for BF.
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