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    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to Glubokii Boy in Rebels on Odessa   
    Hello...I have finished the map...I will provide a link down below if anyone would like to download it and use it in their own scenarios or in H2H games...
    The map in the editor

    As mentioned at the start of this thread one of the main features of this map will be a number of 'blocks' that consist of multiple single tile
    buildings combined together to build up the towns main housing complexes...These combinations of buildings will form nice fighting possitions that will allow
    for full freedom of movement inside the buildings as all of them have fully funtioning internal door on every floor and in every direction. My goal here is to
    try and make these buildings somewhat harder to suppres from the outside as there are so many different locations in them...with the ability to repossition within them quickly..
    Some of these blocks seen from the editor...

    And in game...

    appart from these 'blocks' the map contains a large number of other rubbled buildings as well as a complete factory district with two decent sized factories
    that also will allow for some form of movement inside them.
    The map is by no means huge but it is very detailed and i contains a lot of 'stuff'...
    some more pictures...















    Given the high level of detail and the many rubbled buildings and flavoured objects etc...The map will be somewhat demanding on your computer i belive.
    If you do decide to download this map and give it a try...Please make a short comment in this thread and tell me if your FPS performance is acceptable of if it is to demanding for your ,machine.
    If the majority of people are seeing acceptable FPS i may very well decide to expand the map a fair bit...perhaps makining it usable for a static campaign or somewhat larger scenarios that would provide more room for manouver.
    Also...What do you think about these kinds of buildings ? Do they provide some nice oppertunities and tactical challanges or do you considder them to be more of an waisted effort and not something that i should include in future maps...
    A link to the map:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/55n385af4jloslg/Rebels in Odessa MAP.btt?dl=0

    Any feedback will be apprisiated (good or bad), thanks...
    Hopefully the map will work fine for you and be cool to play on...If FPS are low try to toggle shadows off and see if that helps...
  2. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to Vergeltungswaffe in How the Soviets unloaded tanks from train cars   
    That looks like a detraining under fire exercise, to get off that quick.
    Also, those are T-55's not T-34's.
  3. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to MOS:96B2P in High casualty rates in CM games   
    This is why I like the idea of allowing the player to play for extra time at the cost of VPs.  The briefing must be clear that the player has a decision.  Hit cease fire at the recommended 2 hour mark or play past 2 hours the cost of 300 VPs (or whatever VP amount is appropriate).  This also keeps a scenario from abruptly ending on a player who is having fun and wants to see his plans finish playing out. 
    For replays of the same scenario It may be useful to identify what AI plan the player is fighting against.  For this purpose I sometimes use the following method in testing a scenario (when not on scenario author test mode) .  If the scenario has three AI plans: 
    Three small modular buildings with no windows or doors are placed on the players side of the map.  There are at least three action squares (24 meters) between each building.  The buildings are landmarked (the red on map lettering) with PLAN ONE,  PLAN TWO and PLAN THREE.  When the player hits the red button to start the game an OpFor AI unit spawns inside the building with the AI plan that loaded.  A OpFor tentative contact icon will appear in that building.  Or if the player doesn't want to know he doesn't place a unit next to the row of buildings during setup.  So, if the player chooses, he now knows  what AI plan he is up against and if he has already played it before.
    Granted, if he wants a different AI plan he now must exit the game and reload.  But for a player who's not comfortable opening the editor and turning plans on and off it might be something.  It's easy enough for the designer to set up.   
    Hmm, I think there is another thread about replaying scenarios.  I might repost part of this reply in that thread if I find it.              
  4. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to A Canadian Cat in High casualty rates in CM games   
    There are lots of explanations that contribute: poor play on our and the computer's part, a misunderstanding of how different casualty rates were at he tip of the spear vs the over all numbers, various (mostly incorrect) theories about fortifications and modeling etc.
    The biggest difference is that we don't act like real commanders. We press far too much and don't withdraw when we take casualties. In a real action units rarely stay and fight on and on. They pull back to fright another day or bring up extra fire power or wait for support etc.
    We are playing a game so we don't do that. If you play a game with someone like @Bil Hardenberger or another professional they will tell you when they would be done in real life and trust me it is way way before most people stop. Including myself.
  5. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to Bulletpoint in High casualty rates in CM games   
    While I agree with the above comments about tactics and players pushing too hard, here are a couple of very specific reasons why we see such high casualties.
    The HUNT command doesn't work as it should - troops don't go prone immediately when fired upon. There is currently no way of really advancing cautiously with infantry, even when you know enemy contact is imminent.
      Real life troops can go "hull down" behind ridges, but in CM, since it's a square-based system, it's either you stay where you are or you advance 8 metres into the field of fire. No middle ground. This makes slopes more difficult to deal with than in reality.
      Troops can't use corners of buildings for cover. Yes, there was a "peek around corners" feature added recently, but it doesn't work reliably, and even when it does, it just places one guy from the team in the street. He's not peeking, and he doesn't seem to be getting any cover bonus from the corner of the building.
      Broken troops can still be ordered to advance, and even though they are less effective than fresh troops, they can still engage. They never reach the point where they refuse to follow orders. In reality, there's a limit to how far you can push people.
      Many buildings offer less cover than they should. Especially the barns in Normandy are shown as being made of stone, but they offer cover values as if they were American barns made out of thin wooden planks. I've seen many opponents place MGs etc. in such barns, not realising they are death traps.
      When placing troops in shellholes, some guys will often simply refuse to take cover in the crater, and instead they will sit on the edge in full view. In CM1, this was abstracted, but in CM2, placement of individual pixeltroops really matters.
      Gunners in most open vehicles are placed way too high compared to where the sight of their weapon is.
      When sending a team to run or hunt along a low wall, individual troops will often decide to cross the wall and walk for a while on the other side before crossing back. This exposes them to fire and makes it more difficult to use the cover.
      Troops don't go to ground when they see artillery starting to land nearby. They only go prone if the enemy shells hit very close to their own location. In real life, if you saw a mortar shell hit 100m to your right, and another 80m to your left, you'd be smart enough to realise that you're in a barrage, and that you should get down. Even if no shell actually landed on top of you yet.
  6. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze got a reaction from Monty's Mighty Moustache in Issue with mods F&R   
    Tedious but what I did as well.
  7. Upvote
    Anonymous_Jonze got a reaction from agusto in Bug/glitch thread   
    Only the first couple of soldier skins (1-4) actually present in the game.
  8. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to kohlenklau in Is there a definitive video tutorial on how to create scenarios?   
    google on youtube  a guy named proambulator, he did videos on scenario creation. I hope it meets your needs. Not all in 1 video though...
  9. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to Mord in Exciting news about Battlefront and Slitherine   
    Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985
    It's mainly the Arab-Israeli War, but includes Britain, France, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Libya, Algeria, Syria and Lebanon. Eventually they are supposed to add an Iran Iraq dlc. It's a heavily updated version of the old Tiller Campaign Series. They are supposed to release Campaign Series Vietnam this year. You can find info on Slitherine/Matrix.
    The other screens are Field of Glory I.
  10. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to RockinHarry in Mission Briefings   
    Got to admit I dislike reading longish mission texts and "too much" info generally. I skip these most the time, whatever the writing style otherwise. Would prefer a full screen tac map (in briefing section) instead. Most the time would suffice to me personally to have relevant data all included here (simple sketch map and few points of interest).
  11. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to mjkerner in So when will the next project be officially announced?   
    Lol, gave you a like there, Aragorn.  
    Because of the double whammy of F&R and CW in one month, when BFC finishes its planned BS and FB modules, I’d be perfectly happy if they took a 2 year break and built CMx3. YMMV.
  12. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to Vanir Ausf B in So when will the next project be officially announced?   
    No such plan ever existed, and they have been explicit about that.
  13. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to AttorneyAtWar in Why are modern CM title soldiers all white men?   
    What about them Erwin?
    They're human beings and they deserve to be able to do what anyone else can in the US military.
    The only thing your good for is sitting in your chair and bitching about people taking jobs or something, luckily your backwards disgusting opinions are all very unpopular with most of the country. Keep your bigoted views to yourself or find some obscure dirty hole on the internet where you can whine.
  14. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to Mord in Mord's Mods: Battle For Normandy Edition   
    Yep. I was burnt on CM modding bad. I took a sabbatical to Slitherine and did a group terrain overhaul for FoG II: Medieval but that was it, up until I released that RT portrait update the other day.
    It's still on, just don't know exactly when I'll finish it, but I will finish it. I hit an impasse with the Wehrmacht and they are frustrating me to hell and back. 
  15. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to Mord in Mord's Mods: Battle For Normandy Edition   
    Cool. Glad you like them. I did 3200 portraits for SF2, and I have the old style BS one that still needs to be replaced. I have been slowly changing them over for the last three years. I started back in August of 2018. Next up will be CMBN, which will be version 5!
  16. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to MikeyD in Youtube battles are starting to drop   
    If y'all  have nothing to say about the Youtube battle videos why don't you just go away. Nobody here finds this entertaining.
  17. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to Mord in Mord's Red Thunder Portraits Version III RELEASED!!!!   
    Well, it's done. I am not happy with a lot of the portraits as they were the first ones I designed after I changed the style over. BUT I absolutely could not bring myself to redesign everyone of them at this time. I did however redo all the Russians. They are OK for the moment. At some point I may return to the mod and fix everything I dislike. So, here ya go, 2649 portraits!
    I'll provide a Mediafire link until Bootie gets them uploaded onto the site. After that I'll get Elvis to edit the link into this post.
    Have fun!
    What the frig is up with the forum? It won't post my pics anymore. EDITED: figured it out. Gotta do it differently now (PIA).

  18. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to LukeFF in Panther G vs. IS-2   
    That is 100% false. Please don't share misinformation about the game, because it just ends up confusing people.
  19. Like
  20. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to Mr.X in WIP: Campaign Pack "Against all Odds"   
    To sum up all the work, I am doing, I have decided to open one thread for my whole project. 
    I will create a campaign pack, including 3 campaigns. Name will be "Against all Odds" in reminescence at an old superb CMBO-Campaign.
    "Tiger Trail"  Belorussia summer 1944
    "Final Hope"  South of Berlin spring 1945
    "Broken Fortress" East Prussia winter 1945
    At the moment, there is enough F&R stuff for players soon after the release. So, estimated arrival time of this pack will be in 12-18 months. 
  21. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to theforger in Rollbahn D Part I, new Campaign   
    Part 1 of the Campaign available for download. 
    Covers the first 48 hours of KG Peiper and nearby units. Should be ready to download thanks to BornGinger's Wordpress advice 😀.
    It should be a relatively straightforward campaign compared to parts 2 and 3. I'm waiting for my copy of a recently discovered and on order book covering Knittel.  
    by Timo Worst, before making some final changes to Part 2 (12x scenarios, all built). 
    Part 3, 17x scenarios are also all built but again waiting on Part 2 before posting.
    Thanks to Rastamon for advice and Kohlenklau for mods included in Baugnez/Malmedy scenario.
  22. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to Ithikial_AU in Update for Juju's CMRT UI mod   
    Small rough preview... needs more work. Everything texture does have first past though.

  23. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze got a reaction from Redwolf in Air Support says it's "En Route" at the start of the battle?   
    Thank you MikeyD! Well that must explain it! That's interesting to me that the Germans would use forward observers to control air movements on the western front but not the eastern. Does this have historical context? 
  24. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to Dr.Fusselpulli in Good German voices   
    I want to say something most users probably will not notice, but it is an amazing Detail, the voices for the German forces are quite good and believable.
    There are a lot of movies or sometimes games with terrible not native voiceactors, but the Soldiers in Combat Mission are sounding very natural.
    Good job @Battlefront.com 👍
  25. Like
    Anonymous_Jonze reacted to MikeyD in Air Support says it's "En Route" at the start of the battle?   
    This stumped me for a few seconds then I remembered, we're eastern front WWII here. You've got no ground control over your air assets. If you purchased them or if they're included in the scenario then they're autonomous. The'll arrive in their own time, attack whatever they want (when the opponent or you).
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