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Vergeltungswaffe last won the day on September 11 2021

Vergeltungswaffe had the most liked content!


About Vergeltungswaffe

  • Birthday 09/21/1962

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  • Location:
    Texas. Nowhere else matters.
  • Interests
    Christianity, Books, Wargaming


  • Location
    Houston, Texas, USA
  • Interests
    Wargaming, Books, Basketball
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    Commercial Management

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  1. But with that sandbox, you can do anything from 45 to Korea.
  2. Right click on the image wherever it's hosted and click Copy image link. That is what goes in the box that comes up when you click the Other Media button on the forum. If you just copy the url for the picture from your browser, it won't include the file type (.png, etc) and I don't think the Other Media button likes picture links without a file type. My .02 anyway.
  3. I can copy your image link and post it, so it's not the forum.
  4. Absolutely. Was basically just saying that we often take teams and have them do things that would take an awful lot of initiative for a WWII infantryman.
  5. It's who is going to lead that team. In WWII, it was one thing to say, "You, take 2 men and set up an OP 50 yards to the east. Send a runner over if you see anything" and saying "You, take 2 men, conduct an extensive recon in that general direction, defend yourself, take any objective you can, and make a whole lot of decisions on your own", or something to that effect. Independent operation of a fire team isn't going to be able to do a lot of complicated things without a leader that is well versed in everything they need to do.
  6. Today's infantry receives more extensive training in working in smaller tactical elements. Having appropriate leadership for each element is extremely important and that has to be known and planned in advance for a split team to be able to do anything useful. Much tougher to do that effectively in WWII.
  7. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
  8. They are both great, but very different. SF2 definitely has more content, but it is more a case of victory being next to no casualties for blue. Lots of good red on red slugfests though. BS, on the other hand, is a case of: if you're in LOS you're as good as dead, so shoot and scoot.
  9. The great thing about "here we go again" is that the result is often wildly different. So, while it may feel like deja vu during the opening minutes, it will end up being it's own unique battle.
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