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Good news?? This as awful!

Haven´t any of you spared Aris a thought? The poor bastard is going to work himself to death before christmas. And who is going make those great mods then?

Seriously: Fantastic news. Especially about the upgrades and an eastern front game within a year. You keep surprising us, BFC.

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I went over my brother's to take care of our Ebay shipments. When I got there I told him today was the most glorious day in wargaming history and I was about to tell him why...and not to interrupt me. LMAO!


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You know, except for not being "dirty", what I've seen so far of CMFI vehicles...no modding needed!

My thoughts exactly, the camo schemes look great. However there will always be room for mods, that video suffered from a severe lack of Vein's tracers and other effects.

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For me the timing of the announcements is amazing. I was thinking of giving up CM due to the large amount of work/micromanagement from my perspective. I had spent a week or more evaluating another game and was close to pulling the trigger.

Now this happens. With such wonderful content down the road, I am going to try and hang in there for a while more.

Upgrades are a wonderful idea. I also appreciate the smaller things like icons for engineers, etc. Hopefully this will help me navigate the system a bit better.

And the EF! So my thread looking for recommendations for East Front books was not totally crazy.


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I'm sobbing like a fricking moron at a sappy movie.

LOL me to - sniff.

I am sure we will hear from the usual suspects how BFC just inflicted all this financial hardship on their customer base by releasing too much stuff... heh heh heh

Yeah the money is an issue but money is just money. I am already having trouble finding enough time to play CMBN as it is. If I have Itally, Eastern Front and a modern war to play with to I'll never sleep :D

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Will the Normandy module 2 include Elsace-Lorraine and the fighting in the Ardennes?

I'm mostly looking forward to Bagration 1944. Can't wait to return to the Eastern front, but all very welcome news. Would have loved to see CMSF 2 in a somewhat earlier time period (1990s) but this is also very interesting.

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Correct. The plan is for Normandy to end just after Market Garden. Then we're going to go back and add in some oddball stuff that people will most definitely find fun, but do not fit into any one particular theme.

The Bulge will be it's own Family. Starting with the border battles that led up to the Bulge and going right through to the end of the war. Eventually we'll have lots of obscure and, potentially, theoretically stuff in there. I mean, who doesn't want to see an E-100 or a Panther 2? :)


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yeap I bet Aris is shellshocked considering the attention and hard work he puts into his mods ....which.....after all.........improve these games 100 fold :)

A big thanks also should go for the hard work other modders do such as Tanks-a-lot who is doing a magnificent job on the houses and Juju on all the rest of the stuff.

I wonder if thanks to the addition of normal and bump mapping these mods would look nicer ? Or would all the mods have to be re-made ?

It seems that all soldier mods would have to be remade. Am I correct in this assumption ?

Would it be possible for BF to give us a few comments on this please ? Maybe a few pictures of how tanks, terrain and the other stuff look now and how they shall be looking after with the new engine ?

Thanks to all and thanks BF for this GREAT news

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I wonder if thanks to the addition of normal and bump mapping these mods would look nicer ? Or would all the mods have to be re-made ?

They will need to be remade for two reasons:

1. A stock texture doesn't automatically gain from mapping. The artist has to make the maps manually, which can be fairly simple to very difficult. Depends on how the artist went about making the original and the complexity of the model.

2. We modified the models themselves, so the mappings aren't going to work exactly as they once did.

How much work to remake these is impossible for us to estimate. But if a Modder has kept things like camouflage and dirt in separate layers, it should be fairly straight forward and not terribly time consuming on an individual Mod basis.

It seems that all soldier mods would have to be remade. Am I correct in this assumption ?

Sorta. The equipment is now broken out 1:1 instead of having a large BMP with all sorts of bits already on it. We also have increased the diversity of the Soldiers so that there are more base uniform textures. To take advantage of any of these things there is work needed. However, we did not change the Normandy models, which means the mappings will work exactly ad they did before. Italy uses different models in places because the uniforms are physically different.

Would it be possible for BF to give us a few comments on this please ? Maybe a few pictures of how tanks, terrain and the other stuff look now and how they shall be looking after with the new engine ?

We don't have any side by side comparisons because we've not moved these changes over to Normandy yet. Which means Italy's screenshots only show how the game actually looks now with Upgrade 2.0's new features.


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3. CM: Shock Force 2. Our return to modern warfare is long overdue! Given how close Shock Force 1 was at predicting a conventional conflict in Syria, we're a little nervous about choosing a topic this time around


Especially because we've chosen to simulate a full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine. This gives players a rich tactical environment to explore with the most advanced militaries the world has ever seen.

Hi Moon, any plans to offer an "upgrade" to the old CMSF engine with this release?

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Hi Moon, any plans to offer an "upgrade" to the old CMSF engine with this release?

No can do, unfortunately. Technically impossible. However, it is not lost upon us that we have a lot of really cool stuff already built that we can use to build a new game. We've got nothing on the schedule for that yet, but we do plan on doing something.


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Quick qualification to my previous Mod related answer. If the mappings line up, the game does try to give an improved look using some on-the-fly mappings. So it really depends on the individual model being Modded. At the very least it means a Mod might not need to have custom maps to look better. But I think most vehicles will need to at least have the basic textures moved around a bit, though that's just a guess.


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Correct. The plan is for Normandy to end just after Market Garden. Then we're going to go back and add in some oddball stuff that people will most definitely find fun, but do not fit into any one particular theme.


My cup runneth over with good news today. With all the projects going on and coming out in the foreseeable future, it crossed my mind that the CM:BN 'odds n sods' module might get lost in the shuffle, but it looks like its still going to happen. I wonder where it might fit in the time frame, with CM:BN having additional 'competition' for my gaming time from CM:FI and the eastern front stuff.

One of my biggest 'issues' with CM:BN was that with certain features missing, we were never going to be able to play that era and theater with the game fully developed. Never having fire in 1944 Normandy, for example, was going to make CM:BN seem obsolete if future game families added it. It sounds like the ability to upgrade to 2.0 or any other iterations might address that concern though.

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Such amazing news! What happened devs - you got a hold on a magic potion or something?

Poor modders though - they won't be able to keep up!

Devs, check them mods out and try to deliver their improvements and ideas into your vanilla game 'cos modders really won't be able to keep up.

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You mentioned that in 2013 there will be 3 base game releases. You had only mentioned 2 Bagration and SF2. So does anyone realize that this means there is yet another base game up your sleeve.

My god, you went from a leisurely pace to break-neck in days it seems.

Now, do I get another job or start collecting cans in my spare time.

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However, it is not lost upon us that we have a lot of really cool stuff already built that we can use to build a new game. We've got nothing on the schedule for that yet, but we do plan on doing something.


So, are you saying you wouldn't mind remaking CMSF...as in Syria setting?

As per the mod discussion. As it stands we can have multiple vehicle textures but their various BMPs get randomized. We are one step away from having the BMPs stay with each other; hull 6 with turret 6, hull 2 with turret 2 etc....has this been implemented. Is this part of the new modding function?


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