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Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - German Side

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The Fighting Erupts

Anakin This Is Where The Fun Begins : MemeTemplatesOfficial


The Situation


(Sorry quality appears to have got hit pretty hard this time for the map)

BFCElvis appears to to be concentrating on the southern edge of the map. Only having the one armour piece (a "Bedspring" T34-85) overwatching Obj Jaegermesiter is both welcome but also has me nervous. I've only spotted I'd say a company's worth of infantry and a handful of tanks but I've fgot eyes covering two thirds of the map. Did he use reinforcements or is there a tonne of infantry hiding in buildings just waiting for me? It's the unknown that's killing me. I've managed to lock down all the main streets on my side of the map with some form of AT coverage. Elvis is going to have to commit at some point and hit hard to bust his way through. Oh and then there is this...



What Our Boys Are Up To

KG @mjkerner (blue) is taking on the brunt of the fight at present as the Soviets push through withering German tank fire with sufficient numbers to still sting. Soviets up close are outlaying more small arms fire than the Fallschirmjager squads in close combat. There are casualties on both sides but if KG @Hapless (green) wasn't present it would likely be a cake walk for the Soviets. Hapless' Panther is also being a real nuisance, moving forward to lay a few rounds into a building to take out a squad in two shots before ducking back behind cover. Has also managed to take out a SU-100 laden with a full squad of troops. The PzIII is also causing real problems for the Soviet infantry and giving the Fallschirmjager a fighting chance. Casualty rate I'd estimate it is about 2:1 in my favour at this stage.

KG @Josey Wales (pink) is fast moving into position to move across the north side of the map. Relying on their speed I'm actually hoping they are spotted and distract Elvis. If I can split his attention and most importantly his armour, taking some pressure off the KG Hapless and KG Mjkerner in the south it's a win. If they manage to take out the "Bedspring" T34. It's a bonus. The other half of the KG remains back in my deployment zone as a reserve.

KG @DoubleD (yellow) has given up trying to take down the building as it's built with... solidified bedrock from the earth's core. It simply isn't dropping. The JzPzIV's will continue to cover the main road while the PzIV and Panther are split off to support KG Josey Wales. I'm confident Elvis is pushing all of his armour south so time to outnumber him from the north.

KG @benpark  (orange) has split up. One platoon of pioneers his holding the centre of the map. It's my weakest area of coverage but the high numbers of SSTG44 and MP40's in these late war Pioneer squads makes up for the small numbers of men. If Elvis tries to head down the middle of the map I may not be able to hold for long but I'll know about it. The main part of Benpark's force is waiting for the order to expose themselves to Soviet observation, cross a main road and begin their assault on Jaegermeister.

KG @Bootie (white) and his Volkssturm continue to hold around the JzPzIV's giving them close cover but can provide some more rifles to KG Benpark if needed. Well then there are the 'scouts' from the last update. They weren't shot at and are still alive but I'm not confident in their spotting abilities given they have no binoculars. I wonder if old man poor eye sight is modeled in the game? :P

Some screenshots...

Alley of death - my side...


Alley of Death - his side.


It's a mixed bag for the Fallschirmjager.


Um, for those who wanted to see this in action...


... sorry.


Notice the puff of smoke near the building on the right side of the picture? The Panther's 75mm AP round went straight through.

We're dealing with a big timezone difference but still managing to pump out around 2 - 3 turns per day. Stick with us. :)

Edited by Ithikial_AU
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8 hours ago, Ithikial_AU said:

Um, for those who wanted to see this in action...


... sorry.


Notice the puff of smoke near the building on the right side of the picture? The Panther's 75mm AP round went straight through.

We're dealing with a big timezone difference but still managing to pump out around 2 - 3 turns per day. Stick with us. :)

with the round going straight through I wonder all these guys were casualties. The middle guy surely had to abandon family planning, but the rest? :o

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6 hours ago, Chibot Mk IX said:

probably due to some nasty aftereffect


yep, armor flaking presumably. Just wondering the 75mm HE filler didn´t activate (dud?). I´m generally more interested in particular tank rider damage model for any those cases (AP hitting an AFV), but guess there must be some old threads somewhere.

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It's Getting Bloody

I'm sad to report the Lieutenant @Hapless is no longer with us. He took a stray burst of machine gun fire observing the situation from his PzIV cupola. More on that shortly but first here's the current situation...


KG DoubleD and KG @Josey Wales have had their roles reversed. There are now at least 2x T34's covering Elvis' objective so sending across a bunch of armoured cars became a touch dicey. The two panzers from KG DoubleD is moving across to the far right of the map while the armoured cars take up positions to cover the north south main road in the centre right of the map. Honestly, I was incredibly shocked to see this road was open to quickly went to lock it down. A lend lease Sherman popped smoke and tried to cross but was taken out by the JzPzIV's.



A second Sherman appeared and the armoured cars with their 75mm guns opened fire. The rounds went slightly over it's head! The Sherman then methodically popped all four armoured cars from KG Josey Wales. :( Josey himself is alright but and is moving forward with the second half of his KG.





Meanwhile, KG @Bootie sends up an AT team to try and pop the Sherman but comes under fire. Well... that was close.


Meanwhile in the south, KG @Hapless exchanges fire with another T34. The PzIII with it's short 75mm gets a number of hits and causes at least one crew casualty but they lack the penetration capacity to do any noticeable damage. As the T34 is backing up, a burst of MG fire takes out Hapless himself. It was honestly a great shot, a stream of bullets arcing over the PzIII to hit the unlucky tank commander in the vehicle behind. Second image below is Hapless' last moments.


Meanwhile KG @mjkerner sends up another squad of fallschirmjager to flank the Soviet SMG platoon and takes them fully by surprise. Mjkerner's troops are holding, exposing minimal numbers to the enemy from a forward platoon, while a flexible reserve platoon as moving to engage where it's safe(r) to do so.



As the last turn comes to an end, another juicy target shows up in front of the JzPzIV's. Mmmm... maybe Elvis doesn't know that KG DoubleD is on this right flank???






Edited by Ithikial_AU
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11 hours ago, Ithikial_AU said:

Meanwhile KG @mjkerner sends up another squad of fallschirmjager to flank the Soviet SMG platoon and takes them fully by surprise. Mjkerner's troops are holding, exposing minimal numbers to the enemy from a forward platoon, while a flexible reserve platoon as moving to engage where it's safe(r) to do so.




That's my boyzzz!

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1 hour ago, Heirloom_Tomato said:

@Ithikial_AU at this point in the battle, do you feel you have enough time left to accomplish your goals? Where are you strongest? Which area of the battle needs the most help? In your mind, are your winning, holding your own or starting to fall behind?

Racing to the second objective was my initial plan so technically I own two of the three locations. I've had the luxury of trying to harrass the Soviets for a number of minutes now but that has really worked. I've lost more vehicles than he has. :P I still have a solid defence around the Objective Beer and cutting of most of the approaches with fire. Not out of the woods just yet but can see some sunshine through the trees.

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3 hours ago, Ithikial_AU said:

Racing to the second objective was my initial plan so technically I own two of the three locations. I've had the luxury of trying to harrass the Soviets for a number of minutes now but that has really worked. I've lost more vehicles than he has. :P I still have a solid defence around the Objective Beer and cutting of most of the approaches with fire. Not out of the woods just yet but can see some sunshine through the trees.

Thanks! I am enjoying following along with the battle and seeing what happens next. 

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The Worst Vehicle Trades in Military History

We start this update saluting @DoubleD who saw and opportunity, took it, did all he could and paid the ultimate price for what appears to be absolutely no gain. :P

We start in the north where we left off with the PanzerIV and Panther from DoubleD's platoon advancing to swing around and strike at two T-34's gaurding Elvis' home objective - OBJ Jaegermeister. They have the cover of the building and a high wall to provide a hull down position. One of the T-34's move off to the east to try and intercept the spotted German panzers. DoubleD in the lead in his Panther takes off with a cover arc ready to ambush this moving T-34 while it's still trying to deploy.

It's a fatal mistake. Disaster. The T-34 had already started turning. DoubleD is quicker and does get the first shot off, a side penetration! It surprisingly doesn't take out the T-34.1252330202_CMRedThunder2020-06-0722-55-44-88.thumb.jpg.56efca33c52ae18d0d3c2e216e385b02.jpg

Moments later a return shot causes a catastrophic explosion killing the whole crew.


Despite the whole swing around from the north east plan in tatters, it turns out to be enough to stop Elvis from trying the same trick. It also proves (expensively) that there isn't any Soviet infantry around this part of the map. KG @Josey Wales is moving up to take over flank security, confident his opened top light vehicles won't be exposed to Soviet SMG's.

That is really all that is occurring on the northern half of the map since the last update. The Soviet aircraft did reappear and shoot up a supply truck back in my deployment zone (sorry, the Ostwind didn't get to respond so no pics of it in action), but hasn't been seen since.

The PzIII get's into a shooting match with a T-34, (one from the centre earlier?), and the short 75mm shows it's age. Multiple strikes as the T-34 struggles to get a shot on target.1316805680_CMRedThunder2020-06-0712-26-46-81.thumb.jpg.719ee582307aea06de861824e4a8e95b.jpg

However all it takes is one shot in return.


An SU-85 and another T-34 soon appear down this alley of death followed by a lot of infantry that cross the road covered by the Soviet tanks. @mjkerner's boyz are in for a tough time. The small force holding the forward buildings pulls out before being engaged by the swarm of Soviets not rushing into their vicinity. Merging with the other platoon a wall of steel awaits anyone who who goes for the direct approach to the OBJ Beer.


Contact does come, however in a surprising location. It's in the buildings diagonal to beer and not a great location to launch an assault on. There's only open ground between that position and the ruins of the brewery (or what the intelligence brief suggested was once a brewery). Elements of @benpark 's pioneers providing a screen along the centre of the map along with other Fallshcirmjager inflict heavy casualties on the Soviets.

Orange = good. Green = bad.



@Hapless's PanzerIV crew, his body still sitting lifeless in his commanders seat, pops smoke and swings around to lay fire down onto this infantry threat.


Finally here is the situation report. Stars equal fire targets while the colour represents who is doing the firing. Unfortunately a whole squad of Fallschirmjager were wiped out by the Soviet tanks in death alley. They were facing the park adjacent OBJ Beer.


I'm not going to try to head towards OBJ Jaegermeister anymore. I'm really stuck with what to do with the bulk of KG Benpark. @Bootie's Volkssturm have being proving great scouts and are now moving up as close to the main intersection, (currently obscured by smoke), to hold that square of buildings and cover the road towards OBJ Beer. A militia charge across the road into the buildings on the right flank of Elvis' assaulting force in the south?

Any requests for pics let me know.

Edited by Ithikial_AU
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@Ithikial Regarding KG Benpark... that smoke on the intersection is blinding the enemy as well, surely? It might be worth punching some scouts across to get eyes on that park across the road. That way you've got a bit of a recce screen going and you can better judge Elvis' intentions over there.

Throwing more men across that road and threatening Jaegermeister from the north could be another option- applying some pressure there might relieve the other flank some- but I don't know how sustainable it would be once the smoke clears and it becomes more difficult to reinforce them. You'd also lose a lot of flexibility because it'd be much harder to switch KG Benpark to another axis.

And finally, for the truly crazy... bumrush down the road while you have the smoke. He's not going to expect you suddenly appearing in his face like that. If you can get a toehold that close to Jaegermeister you'll be forcing him to react. Obviously a roll of the dice, but fortune favours the bold, right?

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One, Two, Three Tank...


North and Centre

We start in the centre of the map. So many Soviet tanks went boom over the last few turns. @DoubleD came to fore and did their job as a number of Soviet armour elements tried to reposition and break up my control of the main roads. A Sherman, T-34 and a SU-85 all went boom in the space of two minutes.




It wasn't a complete walk in the park as KG @benpark lost most of a platoon in about 30 seconds. One of the pioneer platoons was lining up to enter buildings along the main street and pick off some known infantry taking pot shots at the Volkssturm. They went in and...



It was a red cross blood bath.

@Josey Wales personally charged forward, covered by DoubleD's PzIV to seek revenge for poor benpark's men. A blazing MG34 and 20mm cannon and close range started picking off Soviet soldiers popping up in every window. As the turns rolled around the Soviet anti-tank rifles started appearing but Josey became a machine.


KG @Bootie and about one and half platoons from KG benpark hold the position closest to OBJ Jaegermeister. It's a nasty little block of flats that will become a SMG paradise if Elvis ventures across the main road. The pioneers have blasted some walls allowing easy access between the buildings out of line of sight of the enemy. With Elvis' armour now concentrated in the south, (more on that next), I'm pretty confident I can hold this and get shots off at anything being sent south to reinforce his main effort.


(You're meant to look towards the enemy guys...)

And for something a little humorous. Some Soviet tank crewmen and the Bootie's Volkssturm decided to both put down their rifles and surrender to each other. I think they cottoned on that it was May 1945...





@mjkerner's Fallschirmjager are putting up a stiff fight but whenever one of the five Soviet tanks looking their way gets a spot they fall under a hail of bullets and HE fire. Saying that they can only see one face of the objective building complex so most of the troops are still there to put up a fight when Elvis decides to get in close. His tanks cant move without being barraged by tanks and recoiless rifles and I'm sure Elvis knows this. The clokc is ticking so I'm expecting a big final push at some point. (Oh and the late @Hapless's surviving crewmen continue to do him proud).



Finally the map. OBJ Jaegermeister is out of the question now but I still have the strength to old OBJ Beer.124777449_FRBetaDARDeploymentandPlan.thumb.png.de95e01ddd96e73b587bbd150b0776da.png

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On 5/30/2020 at 4:54 AM, Ithikial_AU said:

Meet to Volkssturm

While we wait for the action to kick off let's play a game. Who can guess all the small arms in this UI screenshot? I've cobbled together a few UI elements here so no, this doesn't all belong to the one squad. Middle column are just more K98's.




Hello together!

In this screenshots it looks like the members of the Volkssturm are wearing their armbands as cuffs.

I am very sure that the men of the Volkssturm were marked with a moveable armband that could be slipped
over every coat or jacket and it was worn on the upper arm for better visibility.  -> Like today's captains in a football/soccer team.
It was not a tightly sewn cuff/bracelet like e.g. with the SS uniforms.

Here are some photos, that support my statement:







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34 minutes ago, Shorker said:

Hello together!

In this screenshots it looks like the members of the Volkssturm are wearing their armbands as cuffs.

I am very sure that the men of the Volkssturm were marked with a moveable armband that could be slipped
over every coat or jacket and it was worn on the upper arm for better visibility.  -> Like today's captains in a football/soccer team.
It was not a tightly sewn cuff/bracelet like e.g. with the SS uniforms.

Here are some photos, that support my statement:








There are quite a few examples of the VS bands worn low on the sleeve as seen in game:



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