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Bootie last won the day on December 17 2021

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About Bootie

  • Birthday 09/02/1977

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  1. Yeah hopefully they get it sorted soon-ish. Joys of having a forum with 20 years worth of content... LOL
  2. So latest update is... So I guess we wait. Shane
  3. No, its not temporary and it's a major issue. So, the Mod Warehouse and Scenario Depot are completely fine and this is just an issue with the FGM forum. I went to upgrade the forum software for security issues and was told I would need the latest Mysql - so I went to my hosts who said no problem we will upgrade it for free but it will mean migrating your db to a new db - once it is done all you will need to do is change the config.php file to point to the new db. Ok... So, I give it a couple of days and the site is still being copied over. I raised a ticket saying 'Hey should it take this long?' They said yeah it can take up to 2 weeks. I give them 2 weeks they say they will get their IT specialists in too look at it - couple of hours later they are like ok... all sorted. Migration complete. I went - redirected to the new db and it breaks my forum. Brilliant - raise another ticket. They said there is no issue. I go check my phpmyadmin site myself and see that only half the db tables have copied across. The migration didnt copy them all over. I then ask them to redo the migration as the files were still there. Well Ive since checked and the files (my backup) are no longer there and Ive went on a bit of a rant as technically the site is screwed unless they find that removed db. They have not replied to me in the last 22 hours despite my repeated enquiries. So as it stands at the minute... they are not replying to me... I think they know someone has fecked up. Im left with no forum. For a couple of hundred dollars I can get a specialist in to rebuild the site but there may be issues with it depending what tables have disappeared but the content would be back up. Or I just rebuild a new forum and we all re-register, it wont cost me $200 but the content wont be there. Bit of a conundrum. Let the guys know Im still trying to figure this out. Shane
  4. Been working on a big project with work the last few weeks but back now... will add these to the to do list. Will keep you guys posted.
  5. Hi Guys I have uploaded the campaigns into The Scenario Depot under a single zip file. On my return from family commitments on Monday I will upload the map pack for you all to enjoy. Good work Frank! https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-red-thunder/cm-red-thunder-campaigns/cmrt-summer-of-destruction-campaign/
  6. Just send them over and give me a poke when you need me.
  7. Ok guys have the Pershing, Morris and Comet uploaded to the Mod warehouse.... I will get the others uploaded tomorrow. Thanks for all your hard work Umlaut. Bootie
  8. Yeah it could be a deepfake... Bootie... I mean... I never reply this quick usually.
  9. Im alive. Will get onto this tonight. Bootie
  10. Hi Folks... An early christmas present from @kohlenklau has landed. A Korea 1950 mod for CMFI. Check it out here. https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/combat-mission-fortress-italy/cmfi-other/cmfi-korea-1950-mod/
  11. And on behalf of @kohlenklau [CMFI] British Voices - Artillery Commands https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/combat-mission-fortress-italy/cmfi-sound/cmfi-british-voices-artillery-commands/
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