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CMBN Screenshot Thread

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Panzerführer Klaus wouldn´t need a binoc to see whats wrong on this grenade....never the less he got a taste of it´s splinters...

Great shot :D

Isn't the handle spring loaded on these sorts of grenades to fly off once the safety pin is pulled and the thrower lets it go, thereby starting the fuse? So the one seen here wouldn't actually explode?

Is that correct? (I suppose I could google it but it's fun to chat about these things)


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Great shot :D

Isn't the handle spring loaded on these sorts of grenades to fly off once the safety pin is pulled and the thrower lets it go, thereby starting the fuse? So the one seen here wouldn't actually explode?

Is that correct? (I suppose I could google it but it's fun to chat about these things)


Yep, while the spoon (handle) is down, the firing pin is held in place and fuze is not lit as far as I know (don't trust me with any grenades :D ). The pin is just there to keep the spoon down.

The game is fundamentally unplayable with this glaring error :(

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OK, that made me laugh out loud.

Was more fun to watch him though: I ordered the full squad to move through a hedge, across a street and they should rally on a bocage on the other side. So fine so good, they all ran over the street and got cover under the bocage....everyone but Hans. He ran through the hedge like his teammates did, crossed the street half way but then decided to turn back right to the hedgeopening from which the squad came from. He now stood there for some seconds, chintyping a few times, went some steps, chintyping again... But finally he ran back to his mates and took cover like he should have done earlier....

Would be interesting to know what he´ve lost there or found... :)

The game is fundamentally unplayable with this glaring error :(


First I´ve thought battlefront is doing anything to make the game more believable and realistic that they even implemented a small percentage of having a Private Pyle (not the psycho version) in a group who mess up from time to time...for example forgetting to pull the pin before throwing.

But now it just seems to be a real annoying bug. Ok ok i understand that there are no real reloading animations, like bolt working and so on but this is too much...

I hope that some guys from battlefront-management had to take their hats for that. :D

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The situation:

Huzzar scenario, US side. The cat-and-mouse battle at dawn between recon forces in the hedgerows near Avranches. Lt. Peter Rojetnic's M8 scout car heads for a gap on the W side of this field so he can patrol the narrow dirt track...



The M8 turns the corner and...


...collides with a German heavy armored car that's trying to enter the same gap! Rojetnic's gunner gets off the first shot:


But while the round penetrates and kills a crewmember, it fails to destroy the German vehicle. "Step on it!" shouts Rojetnic, ordering a retreat. But the front wheels of the M8 merely spin -- the vehicles are locked in a deadly, point-blank embrace. The German car's turret rotates slowly, and...



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The German guns shred the M8, killing the driver instantly. Rojetnic and his gunner bail out. It's an open field, nowhere to hide...


But how do you surrender to an armored car? The only choice is how to die. The gunner grabs his grease gun and sprints away...


Only to be cut down a few steps later...


Rojetnic decides he's going to die his way, not Hitler's way. He takes a stance, unholsters his .45, and takes steady aim at the startled face of the German gunner in the view slit..


The German freezes in disbelief, then lets off a wild shot...


But we all know how this has to turn out. Rojetnic gets off a few rounds before the MG burst cuts him down.

The troops who later find Lt. Rojetnic's body near the wreckage won't know what he did that day in Normandy. He'll get no medal, and no witnesses have lived to tell the tale.

But we who sit above the pixel carnage, omniscient and godlike, will know what these tiny beings have sacrificed for our entertainment. Thank you, Lt. Rojetnic. And thank you, Battlefront.

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But we all know how this has to turn out. Rojetnic gets off a few rounds before the MG burst cuts him down.

The troops who later find Lt. Rojetnic's body near the wreckage won't know what he did that day in Normandy. He'll get no medal, and no witnesses have lived to tell the tale.

But we who sit above the pixel carnage, omniscient and godlike, will know what these tiny beings have sacrificed for our entertainment. Thank you, Lt. Rojetnic. And thank you, Battlefront.

Beautiful, almost reminiscent of Tom Hanks firing off rounds from his 45 at that Tiger in SPR.

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Thanks -- sorry the pics were so dark but it was barely sunrise in the game.

I still don't like the way CMBN lets bailed-out vehicle crews (especially after taking casualties) act so aggressively. I hope they find a way to tone it down. But I did find it hugely entertaining, and one can imagine a plausible way that this particular and rare incident might have happened in real life.

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Yeah, Broadsword, really nice stuff...I second MJ's response...and third it, too.

The tank/vehicle crew as Rambo thing is gonna be fixed in a patch...I imagine it'll be the first patch...it's a known issue.


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Broadsword - you know that's my armored car that Rojetnic put a nice dent in. And we lost poor Klaus who's wife is working in the Motherland trying to raise their baby. Curse you Rojetnic. You got what was coming to you. Wait til my next turn. We're out for revenge against the invading Yanks.

(Is thisa a great game or what!?!)

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"Hey, I think that's a StugIII getting ready to...OH S***!"


Talk about lucky. Must've just grazed his helmet. "It's just a flesh wound!"


By the way: is it possible to hide the UI entirely? I can't find it anywhere. Or is everyone just chopping it out via editor?

(admittedly a pretty weak effort....just got fraps going, along with new image host....test post, tbh :o)

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