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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. The speed of the information sharing would not be effected. Iron just does a better job at showing what a fire team knows during the playback / action phase. Elite and Iron both know the same information. The display of said information is slightly different during and only during the playback / action phase. Below is a link to a thread discussing Iron mode you might find interesting. Photobucket vandalized the screenshots in that topic. Then lower down this current post is something I copied/paste from the linked post. With the exception of the action/playback phase Iron plays just like Elite. You do not have to click through the chain of command, jumping from unit to unit to find the out of contact unit. When you have no unit selected (highlighted) all your units are displayed, whether they are in or out of C2, just like in the other skill levels. The difference between Elite and Iron is when you are in action/playback phase and you have a friendly unit selected. In this situation you can only see what the selected friendly unit is aware of to include other friendly units. This aids in the understanding of C2 and how C2, or the lack of it, plays a role in how this unit may react to different situations. When you unselect the unit all your units are again displayed along with what information you have on OpFor units. When you are in orders phase and you select a friendly unit all other friendly units remained displayed, just like in Elite.
  2. +1. I also use this in similar ways especially for high value targets. I'll often have a vehicle for each platoon (jeep, kubelwagon, etc.) on permanent Pause next to the HQ building. Then I'll plot out the attack axis to be taken by each platoon. I use the reverse command since the green line is easy to spot among the mostly yellow lines of a platoon's fire teams. Then the platoons follow the assigned axis of advance. I use a house rule that the axis can be changed after the scenario start but it costs five minutes (probably to fast for RL) to issue an updated axis of advance. Then just drag the waypoints to the new axis. I also have a HQ team assigned to call for fire on TRPs. The team is at the HQ on permanent Pause. A waypoint is placed on each TRP with a 50 meters circular target arc. This shows both the location and plotting area of the TRPs. Waypoints & their lines with permanent Pause can be used for many interesting things.
  3. I use Fraps and the screenshot is captured when I hit Alt + F10. Then when I want I use Imgur (free) to post the screenshot.
  4. Responding to an in progress call on first watch. Checking a burned out abandoned for a report of trespassing.
  5. +1. And some seriously cool screenshots of the seriously cool mod.
  6. I think in one of the updated the Thompson was changed to 160 meters. But I think (have not re-tested) the other SMGs are still hard coded at 200 meters.
  7. With the release of CMSF2 there probably will not be anymore CMSF1 made scenarios. All the designers & players have moved on to the new and improved CMSF2. Nothing wrong with that they're just using all the additional features and ability of CMSF2. I may do a Redux version of Consulate Evacuation for CMSF2 and make it part of a campaign.
  8. They can only be moved during the setup turn but can be moved anywhere. To include anywhere inside or outside your setup zone. @RepsolCBR knows that. He probably just didn't have his morning coffee yet.
  9. He's always around and also runs The Few Good Men (FGM) gaming site. Just tag him @Bootie. He will appear within 24 hours like Beetle-juice.
  10. This is interesting. Maybe a tunnel rat scenario for rural areas and sewer systems for urban areas.
  11. Since you have a TRP I would use a spotter that is not at the crossroads. I generally have an HQ team in the TOC that handles all TRP fire missions. IIRC 81mm mortar FFE with TRP is two to three minutes.
  12. This comes up sometimes. The below workaround may help. If your first BLAST command turns into a QUICK move on placement, select the waypoint and hit the BLAST command again. It should change and stay a BLAST command.
  13. Soldiers from the Alarmeinheiten pass a downed friendly aircraft. Thanks @Aquila-SmartWargames .
  14. I hear its the murder hornets you have to watch out for. The tracker jackers........
  15. I can't see anything wrong with [BATTLE NAME] Zuphen. However, are you sure [BATTLE NAME] Zuphen is line number 24? I counted in my Red Thunder script and the battle name for the second battle is number 28.
  16. You could reload and hope the bridge was clear next time but this is kind of an interesting tactical problem (I guess it could also be frustrating). Your units should still be able to cross. The problem is your vehicles will slow and might turn back & forth exposing side armor etc as they cross. This might be what you were referring to above when you said your units were slowed. Maybe you could get infantry across the bridge first and expand the bridgehead so your vehicles could more safely cross. And/or use smoke. I might also check for a ford nearby. Sometimes the necessity to cross a single bridge in a scenario can ruin the scenario if the one and only bridge (means to cross) is destroyed. So often scenario designers will place a shallow ford in the general area. I always check for fords anyways but I might double check in this circumstance.
  17. For stonks I often have off map medium mortars with low ammo arrive as reinforcements about every 15 minutes or so. They can't get to intense because the mortars are only medium and they run out of ammo. If AI units are to close to the targeted area they may not call in fire. The AIs version of danger close. I would leave the FO teams intact at a safe distance with Elite experience and +2 Leader. Below are from some scenario design notes I have reference mortars / artillery that may be of interest. The first paragraph is a paraphrase of something @RockinHarry posted in 2016. The more AI TRPs the better. The AI adheres to usual C2 restrictions, meaning that any spotter needs to be in chain of command AND is allowed to access a particular Arty or mortar asset. The AI is no different in this regard as a human player. Also the FO´s and artillery unit’s soft factors matter, meaning higher quality units respond, spot and shoot better. AI TRP´s should be placed with security stand-off ranges as the AI won´t risk targeting areas that are too close to friendly units. From my observations the AI uses point, area and line, but never smoke missions. I think the AI uses short duration destructive fires. This next one is a paraphrase of something @nik mond posted in 2018. This may be a trick you've not heard of. You can trigger AI on map mortars to start firing at an objective once the enemy occupies it. 1. Paint a terrain objective on top of the occupy objective the human player needs to take, but make this one an "AI trigger enemy" location. 2. In the AI plan have your mortars set up some place and then set the "next" move order on exactly the same tiles as the previous location except add a "Ctrl L click" (AI Area Fire) for the target location tiles which will be on the occupy objective. Important: make that "next" move order "wait for" invoked by that "AI trigger enemy" you made. Set time from 0:00 to end of battle. Now when the enemy moves to the objective location they get mortared. -if an AI FO calls a fire mission from the mortars it over-rides the target trigger until the duration of the mission is over (usually short) and then it resumes the trigger bombardment. -The mortars never pack up from one move to another if the movement locations are drawn on top of each other exactly on the same tiles. So when the "order 2" which is that "AI trigger enemy" is invoked they start firing right away. -you can ctrl L click (AI Area Fire) multiple target tiles and the mortars will sweep, fire at one tile, then the next etc. -line of sight not required. Good luck!!
  18. I can see the photos in both posts. Good thing it wasn't 5 centimetres to the right.
  19. The invisible vehicle would not go inside a building since its still a vehicle. In large urban areas you could put a bridge in a building and then the invisible vehicle could go inside the building on the bridge. But this setup would be to big for a village with small buildings and would ruin fog of war. And the ammo dump is still invisible so the player wouldn't know to shoot at the area and hit the invisible vehicle making it, hopefully, burst into flames. What I've done in the past is use flavor objects, crates, boxes, barrels etc to make a supply dump. The invisible vehicle could be placed on the flavor objects as long as the weren't in a building. However the flavor objects are always visible so they ruin the fog of war. I don't think invisible OpFor ammo dumps in scenarios is intended behavior. It would be very useful to make them work as intended.
  20. +1 True . I would get a lot further with scenario design / game play if I didn't keep stopping to take screenshots. There are just so many cool things that go on down at ground level with almost every fire team and every vehicle on every turn. Its very cool that in WEGO you can rewind the action and follow a different fire team / vehicle. But before you know it you've spent 20 RL minutes watching one minute of game play.
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