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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Scenario Alarmeinheiten Advise Battalion, the south Battle Position is secure.
  2. You command an alarm unit and have been sent to assist 2nd Infantry Battalion which is under severe pressure and may collapse. The 2nd Battalion’s Command Post (CP) and logistical structure is in and around the village of Kvass (Soviet 200 VP touch objective). In the village is the Command Post, Supply section, aid station and 20mm Flak section. The battalion aid station contains approximately 11 walking wounded. These troops are experienced soldiers, but their current state is unfit with poor morale. In an emergency these troops can form an ad hoc unit under the aid station officer, Von Bones.
  3. I don't know either. If I had to guess I would say probably not. However back-blast from hand held AT weapons that are fired inside a building is modeled. So its possible.
  4. Are the deaths and infected reversed up above?
  5. +1. Seems you avoided the corona bug but caught the map making bug.........
  6. +1. Interesting stuff. Thanks for taking the time to create and share this.
  7. In game hand grenades, to include smoke grenades, can be thrown up to three Action Spots (24 meters). To toss one into a building the troop must be standing next to the building wall. I suspect saying that a real life frag grenade can throw shrapnel up to 200 meters is technically true and probably comes from the Range Safety Officer's shack . So, while true, I don't think you can rely on your grenade's explosion to be effective against OpFor troops 200 meters away. Having said all that the game probably does have a lower than real life effective blast radius for a grenade. IMO, for a game, it works well enough most of the time. If Battlefront wanted to increase the effective blast radius of hand grenades at some point down the road that would be cool too. Grenade duel.
  8. Infantry gun in action. Scenario Alarmeinheiten. Scratch one T-34.
  9. The mini-campaign's battle scenario was created to encourage the use of C2 rules developed by @Bil Hardenberger and @IanL. A link to the topic for Hard Cat rules is included at the bottom of this post. The rules are not necessary but they can make the scenario a little more interesting for players that use them. The Alarm unit and SS unit have liaison officers located at the 2nd Bn. Command Post. The officers in the battalion command post horizontally share spotting contacts with each other. Information is also vertically shared within the three formations. HQ teams assigned to the 2nd Battalion CP During testing I thought it was interesting to play in the following manner: If a BP is getting overrun by Soviet tanks the Alarm unit can't respond until it has tentative Soviet contacts around that BP. So basically units can't respond to OpFor units until they know there is something to respond to. The information traveled vertically from the BP to the Company CP then to the Battalion CP. Next the information traveled horizontally among the officers (HQ teams) at the Bn CP. The information then traveled vertically to the Alarm unit and SS Unit.
  10. Yes, four AI plans and four Avenues of Approach. So each AI plan will start the attack on a different AA. Then some of the other AAs are also attacked but in a different order, depending on the plan. The partisans will also cause problems behind German lines. Different problems in different areas depending on the plan. Some events are also triggered which adds more unpredictability to it.
  11. As the battle scenario begins the Alarmeinheiten HQ team monitors the radios in the command track. The sounds of combat can be heard from the east. Which Battle Position (BP) will get hit with the main attack and require assistance of the Alarmeinheiten? There are four Avenues of Approach (AA) into 2nd Battalion’s Area of Operations (AO). Each AA is defended by an under strength, infantry platoon holding a Battle Position (BP). Each BP is only capable of repulsing weak attacks. The BP’s primary task is to identify a main attack and sound the alarm. 1 - 1st Company CP. 2 - N/A. 3 - 3rd Company CP. 4 - 2nd Infantry Battalion CP. MISSION: Respond to alarms from the Battle Positions and prevent breakthroughs. Experience has shown that the Soviets will reinforce success by sending additional units to exploit a breakthrough. Partisans can be expected to support breakthroughs with additional attacks. Partisans inhabit many of the villages behind our lines and are a constant threat. A secondary mission is to clear villages and rid the AO of partisans. If an AI unit reaches a certain phase line on an Avenue of Approach (AA) additional AI units will be triggered to attack on that AA.
  12. Decision Scenario. This is not a campaign in a traditional sense. The 2nd and final scenario is one three hour battle fought on a 13.5 square kilometer map. The first scenario is a decision scenario where the player decides on the type of vehicles he wants to bring into the fight. The scenario is set in September 1944. The choice is between mostly common vehicles or a mix of common, uncommon, limited, rare & unique vehicles for September 1944. The player is taken to the decision scenario where he can view the vehicle types. Not necessarily the number of vehicles but generally one from each type. The player has a HQ unit on the map that he will use to make the decision. For the more common TOE the HQ team enters the west (left) building. For the mixed TOE the HQ team enters the east (right) building. Cease fire is then selected. The vehicles on the west side of the map are mostly common for the time. The vehicles on the east side of the map are a mix of vehicles just for the fun of playing with different vehicles. After the decision is made the HQ team is sent into the appropriate building and cease fire is hit. When the battle scenario begins the player will have his selected equipment on the map (some vehicles will show up as reinforcements).
  13. Campaign Screen. While this mini-campaign was being created an interesting forum topic was under discussion about The Panzergrenadier Commandments. I included a modified version of The Panzergrenadier Commandments in the operational map area of the campaign briefing. A player can refer back to these commandments and see if any of them might apply to the various situations he finds himself in. I attempted to modify the commandments to better fit the Combat Mission game environment. Any misinterpretations, mistakes, bad advice etc. contained in the modified version is my fault . They can, of course, be completely ignored. I thought it was interesting to attempt to follow them during testing. At the very bottom is a link to the original forum topic. The original forum topic on Panzergrenadiers.
  14. Thanks for asking. I'm in the process of making more changes to the map. It is a bit more urban / congested now (like its real life counterpart). I have not updated all the call-outs yet. They still all work but will work better, in the better environment, after I tweak them. Hill Street Station (D-15). Midtown Station (D-11).
  15. +1. I think it is something you need when you use horses instead of four wheelers.........
  16. I don't know what engine it was created in. I have played it with Engine 4 and it is a great scenario.
  17. This must be a very difficult and scary time for this man, his family and friends. I hope for all of them he is able to make a full and speedy recovery. It has become common to attack people, both verbally and physically, who hold a different opinion. As a result some think nothing of insulting a man suffering from a life threatening virus during a world wide pandemic. This is probably also an example of why politics are discouraged on this forum. People just can't be trusted to be kind (or at least not un-kind) to each other. Even during a pandemic that could take any of us, our family, or friends.
  18. The situation in India seems like it has the potential to get really bad. The virus is now in Dharavi. Those poor people. I would suspect it is impossible to do the "social distancing " thing in the below described conditions. As reported by CNN: The Dharavi slum, in the Indian financial capital of Mumbai. Home to around 1 million people, Dharavi slum has a population density of about 280,000 people per square kilometer. On Thursday, a 52-year-old sweeper in Dharavi tested positive for coronavirus.
  19. It is basically done. There are currently place holders for the partisans and an SS unit. I need Fire & Rubble to be released to add these two new unit types. Also might want to add a few of the new vehicles that come with Fire & Rubble. Then run quick tests again on the four AI plans to make sure nothing was broke by the unit swap, vehicle addition. The Alarmeinheiten waiting for orders to move out. And fight in this Area of Operations (AO).
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