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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. +1. That's hilarious. From my perspective you are very old. I remember when your avatar was Slim or something like that.
  2. +1. Cool. Nice action. I like the forensic hit decals.
  3. Yes. Very much. Both ways work but I like this way better. It seems more of a military fight than a fight between Batman and some rival. IMO this along with the map on page #2 is very useful. Good job.
  4. If he does he should really give the lottery a try..............
  5. YES!!!!!!! I STILL don't need glasses! I suspected that when @Bulletpoint said Tentative contacts were not the problem I might be missing something. But since I believed there was no tentative contact I thought he might finally be wrong about something this time. Maybe next time...... .
  6. My bad. I took this to mean there was no tentative contact sometimes also referred to as a sound contact. I also watched the video and could not see any tentative contact displayed. My wife may be right about me needing glasses.
  7. @Erwin you often talk about big maps similar to CM North Africa . I think you might find this map interesting.
  8. The opening post of the topic gives video example of Sikh infantry walking up to a tank and not noticing it. Umlaut later explains the infantry did not even have a tentative contact for the tank. The opening narrative from the first post is in italics below. Sometimes there seems to be something seriously wrong with spotting in this game. These two Sikhs walk right up to a firing german tank - without ever noticing it! When infantry have a tentative contact for armor at long range it is not a problem. I agree. I think the OP had a problem when his infantry did not notice armor at close range. My idea was to make the spot, via tentative contact, automatic at a predetermined close range. This would hopefully eliminate the sometimes unrealistic results that come from relying on the spotting cycle, die roll, facing etc (or whatever it is that the game is relying on). So at 33 and above meters the system works as it does now. At 32 meters and below the system gives an automatic tentative contact. Then this would hopefully facilitate the spotting system getting to a confirmed spot if confirmed is appropriate (actual LOS and not behind a tall wall or building etc).
  9. Scenario Alarmeinheiten. Two 20mm light Flak guns located near the 2nd Battalion CP in the village of Kvass engage attacking Soviet aircraft. And shoot one down!
  10. I'm not sure, but I don't think so. Tiefort Mountain is about 5000 ft elevation. The highest labeled elevation on the map is 2369. But @Bil Hardenbergerwould know for sure.
  11. I don't know how difficult it is or what other problems / complications the following idea might have. Idea: Make Armor an automatic tentative contact spot at 32 meters (4 Action Spots) no matter the conditions. Or something along these lines. Maybe light armor, and soft skin automatic at 16 meters? So if the AI doesn't spot it sooner it becomes automatic at some point and their is no more worry about the spotting cycles etc. Having said all that, the AI still needs a confirmed contact before it will shoot. So this automatic tentative contact will not make the AI fire the panzerfaust etc. but will hopefully speed up the acquisition of a confirmed spot.
  12. +1 Thanks Bil!!! Cool map!! Lead, Train, Win. Now, where are those dudes from the 11th ACR today?
  13. I think I read somewhere that one of Saddam Hussein's favorite movies was "The Godfather".
  14. +1. Wow, that is a lot of work. About how big are your Master Maps on average? Looking forward to this.
  15. You are able to assign units to keys 1 through 9. IMO it is only practical for single player and if you think you're going to have a long play session. This is because if you close the game you have to re-assign the units all over again. So every time you open a PBEM game or restart an ongoing game you have to reassign the keys. I think the 1-9 keys might work with voice commands. The VC would take you to the unit on the map like when you hit the assigned key. But again probably only practical for a single player game when you think you've got a few hours of CM time.
  16. +1 That's all I heard ......... Now we get to play the kids in the backseat game ........ is it done yet? is it done yet? How about now? Is it done now? ..........
  17. No. Each individual file must have the Tag. Below is a link to a topic that might be of use.
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