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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. +1. Very nice @JulianJ. You were able to get Kieme's Civilian Vehicles to show up in CMSF2? I've been wanting that for awhile now. I'll check that out right now. THANKS!!
  2. I thought BFC not needing to create scenarios and just treating it as an equipment pack would be a good thing. Something to encourage them to do it. Less time, money etc. Port over the equipment from CMRT, test / fix any bugs created by the port, then sell it. They could make scenarios to go with it they thought there was some advantage in that. Just thought it would be easier, quicker to treat it as an equipment pack instead of a module.
  3. Well, as a test I dragged and dropped this one from my desktop. However I "think" I need to use an image hosting sight if I'm going to have very many screenshots on the forum?
  4. I ran it by the help desk. They didn't see any problem and suggested using a different browser (which didn't help). I'll keep working on it.
  5. Thanks. I had three attachments. Deleted all three.
  6. My hope is that the last release for CMFB will be an equipment pack introducing Soviet forces/equipment into CMFB. Call it meeting on the Elbe River or something. Then the US, Commonwealth and Soviets would all be in the same Combat Mission game. No BFC created scenarios would be needed. Just an equipment pack of already designed equipment ported over from CMRT. Scenario designers and mod creators could do all kinds of cold war, neo-colonialism stuff. Patton goes east 1945, Fulda Gap 1948, Korea, Suez Crisis, etc.
  7. I'm no longer able to post screenshots. I have used Imgur for the past few years without a problem. I am still able to post screenshots on other sites like Grogshead but not here. I have tried to post from different computers and different browsers. I contacted the help desk (they suggested trying a different browser). I don't think anything on my end has changed. Same computers, same Imgur, same Windows 10, same browser etc. The forum did change to this new format. It was after the forum change I discovered I could no longer post. I am still posting screenshots in other sites. Any ideas? @Schrullenhaft any adult supervision would be greatly appreciated.
  8. I'm no longer able to post screenshots. I have used Imgur for the past few years without a problem until now. I am still able to post screenshots on other sites like Grogshead but not here. I have tried to post from different computers and different browsers. I contacted the help desk (they suggested trying a different browser). Any ideas? I'll also post in the general tech support thread.
  9. Each CM game can be set to use a different camera control mode, Standard, RTS or FTS. It might be that in CMBN your camera control got switched from Standard to RTS or FTS. Just taking a guess. It is explained on pages 14 and 15 of the 4.0 Engine Manual (not to be confused with the game manual) under Camera Control Mode.
  10. +1 Glad you made it home safe, my friend.
  11. +1 PARTISANS!!! This is what I'm really looking forward to.
  12. This!! They are not taking out tanks with grenades (even though the game visually shows a grenade) instead it is grenade bundles or some type of close assault ad hoc AT weapon etc.
  13. Below is a link to a thread about C2 house rules. Its not just for tanks but I thought you might find it interesting and get some ideas. There is a link in the thread to a two page PDF document with the rules.
  14. @BletchleyGeek it plays very similar to the RL battle. I don't want to give any spoilers but it can be kind of like "herding cats" to keep your troops in the fight. Then there is the terrain. The combination of the troops you'll command, the terrain and the H&E conversion will provide a unique, challenging, experience. Good luck.
  15. Nope you can't Acquire ammo and/or equipment while in the Editor. There might be some tricks or a work around depending on what your trying to accomplish. Which game title are you working on? Are the troops running out of ammo while your testing (shooting it all up)? Or do you mean its just a hassle to give the player controlled side extra ammo / equipment in the setup phase of every scenario author test? Or maybe your wanting the AI controlled side to have extra ammo during the mission?
  16. A good place to find CM opponents (and several other games) is at The Few Good Men gaming club. The link is below. https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/whats-new/posts/1619797/
  17. Only off map mortars/artillery have the delay option and have it the entire mission. On map never has it including during pre-planned setup. Interesting. Congratulations on your win.
  18. Good information. I did some experimenting with AI planned barbwire roadblocks. Wheeled vehicles will not pass over/through barbwire. So a convoy of wheeled vehicles (supply trucks etc.) can be stopped if blocked by barbwire. Someday I'll make a redux version of the scenario Consulate Evacuation using this. I may also try it with mines now. Below are my notes. Barbwire can be randomly placed (in a roadblock location) with AI setup zones so the locations of roadblocks are different for replay value. The size of the barbwire roadblocks need to be the same size (all are three sections of barbwire long etc.). All AI setup zones for the barbwire are the same size as the roadblocks (three action spots long). The direction of the barbwire and the AI setup zone does not matter (north to south or east to west). Not sure if diagonal could be made to work. Multiple AI plans will randomize the location of roadblocks depending which plan loads. It is important that there are the same number of AI setup zone action spots as barbwire in an AI plan so all the setup zone action spots are taken. If not, some roadblocks will not have enough wire to block the road when the AI randomly moves the wire during scenario loading. Also a roadblock must be at least two AI setup action spots long to control the direction (north to south etc.) of the roadblock.
  19. This is true. I should have said, up above, my drills are based on WeGo play.
  20. I encourage you to ask all the questions you have. This is generally a friendly forum group. Questions make veteran players think about the topic when replying, encourages discussions about the topic and helps to keep the forum active. For every question you ask there are probably several lurkers who have a similar question. You assist other players by starting CM game play related topics. Below are what I have in my notes that I update as I learn new information. Below is my drill for a same turn infantry dismount and then the vehicle moves. 1. Order infantry to Dismount.1 2. Give infantry appropriate movement order2 away from the dismount location. 3. Give vehicle appropriate movement order. 4. After Dismount is completed vehicle & infantry will go their separate ways.For 1) Dismount cannot be cancelled and must be given before any movement order or the troops will remain on the vehicle. Troops can’t Dismount from Paused vehicle but may mount. 2) After dismounting infantry will begin movement order. Below is my drill for a same turn infantry mount and then the vehicle moves. 1. Pause vehicle appropriate time. (5sec. per A/S Inf. must travel in open terrain) 2. Give vehicle appropriate movement order.1 3. Fast Inf. into vehicle using one waypoint.2 (Inf. create the boarding waypoint) Notes: 1) Tanks with riders use Move speed regardless of movement order given. 2) Once boarding begins vehicle will wait. If the Pause expires before boarding begins the vehicle will leave without the infantry.
  21. First, I have to say, I am not a fan of the blue background color on quotes. I increased the font size and used bold to make it more readable. Second, I agree with your findings. I had similar results when I tested this in November 2017. In summary my findings were: Buddy Aid will keep a WIA from becoming a KIA. However both KIA and WIA are counted as casualties so the score does not change. The AAR screen will count KIA and WIA separately but they are both counted as casualties for scoring purposes. I still have my troops buddy aid and attempt to save the WIA. IMO it adds to the immersion of the game. I've had many missions, within a mission, where I had a pinned down fire team with WIA. Then I had to devise a plan for a new secondary mission to get to and save the WIA while still conducting the main mission. But yes, I wish saving a WIA from going KIA had a result on the final VP score. Maybe someday ...........
  22. Hmm, night fighting. There is also this by @akd: Posted 29 May 2017 CMBS, Spotting devices Unfortunately both image intensification (night vision) sights and thermals sights are listed as "IR optics." Units with thermals can see through regular smoke. They are treated differently, but both displayed under the damage panel as "IR optics." Easiest way to determine if the IR optics is night vision or thermal is to check LOS through artillery smoke (units with thermals will not have blocked LOS). And this by @sburke Posted October 17, 2015 CMBS Area fire in night time At night when you fire you can be seen from farther away. It's a nasty trick you can play on the AI. You sneak a few units close then open fire with distant units. When the AI returns fire at your distant units they now are exposed to your close units. You can see a firing enemy farther away than your actual visual spotting distance. Good luck!!
  23. I looked through my notes but there are so many variables it is difficult to find a general rule of thumb. I did find the below, posted by @Vanir Ausf B in May 2018. I paraphrased it. Its just yet another variable. Posted 14 May 2018, CMGD, Small thing I noticed - hiding vehicles don't turn off engine sounds The manual says the Hiding vehicle will "keep a low noise profile". It's important to note that giving a vehicle a Hide command cuts the range at which the vehicle can be heard in half rather than reducing it to zero. Also from @Josey Wales another variable. Troops with higher experience are able to spot enemy contacts sooner than less experienced troops. I'm not sure if the above is just for confirmed contacts or also applies to tentative (sound) contacts.
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