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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Ahhh!!! Now the light bulb went off!!! I got it to work! . With different combinations of movement orders and Pauses this is kind of useful. This is some of what I learned: It will not work with Slow. With Hunt you can get every member of the team upright or just half the team. 1) Give the team a movement order (anything but Slow) they can't complete before the end of the turn. A 45 second Pause before the team begins its movement will help to keep the team from reaching a close action square. 2) Next turn cancel the movement and give the team a Pause. The team will stop moving with all team members upright instead of prone. The length of the Pause can be changed if you want the troops to spot for awhile and then go prone. Give them a 15 second Pause. They will stop, stay upright for about two spotting cycles and then go prone. Give them a permanent Pause and they will stay upright the entire turn and longer. 3) Hunt works a little different but gives you a choice of the entire team upright or just half the team. For half the team upright use the above method with Hunt. For the entire team to remain upright on Hunt do not cancel the movement but just give a permanent Pause. The learning never stops with this game.
  2. My room with a balcony drill (I refer to it as Reverse Wall Drill) in summary: Give the team entering the room a wedge Target Arc out the side of the room opposite the balcony. The team will move to the far wall and stay away from the balcony. The next turn I give the team a permanent Pause with a short 360o Target Arc. The 360 is for self defense in case an OpFor team enters the building etc. The permanent Pause keeps them away from and off the balcony. They can still spot out the balcony side from the back wall. This is especially useful for F/Os. I try to never allow a team to shoot out the balcony side of the building since they will then enter the balcony. IMO a balcony room may be good for observation but seldom for shooting from.
  3. @JoseyWales has a very informative thread over at The Few Good Men gaming club on soft factors including leadership. He is still testing various things but maybe he will noticed that I tagged him here and stop by. I believe the following is true based on his thread at the FGM: A Leadership modifier for a HQ unit does not filter down to subordinate units. The Leadership modifier only applies to the team/vehicle of the leader. For example a Lt has a -2 Leadership and is the leader of 1st Platoon HQ. His Leadership modifier does not affect the rifle squads under his command, only the 3 other troops in his HQ team.
  4. I've been experimenting with this but can't get consistent results. Are you guys doing this in CMBS Engine 4? I tried it in both CMRT and CMBS (both engine 4) but the results seem random. Maybe I don't understand this tactic fully. The A-team split (with the binoculars) seems to have one troop up and looking more often than the B team does in the same circumstance but still random (and ironically the leader with the binoculars is always prone). I have tried it several different ways with different length pauses, at different waypoints and different movement orders but no consistent results. If you still think it works and have the time step by step directions might help explain it.
  5. IMO it depends whats in the forest (if you even know). Personnel for infantry, soft-skin (It can also damage/destroy some light armor). For armor or troops inside buildings General.
  6. Back in the day!! Thanks for sharing. That made me laugh and brought back some memories. We had a MOUT city at Ft. Bragg that our Military Intelligence Battalion trained in. The excuse was that the infantry had by-passed it and we needed to secure it. It had abandoned cars, tunnels (sewers), and some buildings that were up to three or four stories high. All cinder block stuff. I thought it was pretty cool at the time. During an AAR after one exercise my company was standing in the street outside of one of the big buildings in MOUT city. An observer described to us how we had gained access to the roof of the big building from an adjoining building, then proceeded to clear it from the top down. He seemed impress that we threw flash bangs into every room and followed up with teams stacking and assaulting into each room (we had blanks & flash suppressors). Then at the end he pointed to a sign on the front of the building and asked one of our NCOs to read the F%&*ing sign. The sign said Hospital. Good times!
  7. @Ivan Zaitzev you may find the link below helpful. Basically if the entire squad is outside of a BMP or BTR the commanders seat inside of the vehicle is not occupied. There are different ideas on squad splits etc to get some troops back inside the vehicle in order to get the commanders seat and equipment into use.
  8. @Snakroll welcome to the forum. This forum is a good place to ask questions. You can also search different topics about tactics on this forum and find tons of information. Below is a link to several U-tube videos on tactics that were made by a retired Army Colonel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ6dDlqye9Q
  9. I like the "Seek and Destroy" way of thinking of an aircraft area target mission. That helps to explain an area mission. For aircraft I believe there are only three types of air missions: Heavy, Medium and Light. (general or personnel are for some artillery) Heavy, Medium and Light refers to the type of ordnance to be used. In general Light = bullets Heavy = large bombs In the WWII titles it also depends on what configuration aircraft was purchased in a QB or added by a scenario designer. Example: A Strafe configuration would always be light even if given a heavy mission since it only has light ordnance. CMBS has a more generic aircraft purchase configuration.
  10. I did some experiments with US rifle squads about a year ago and noticed that the scoped Springfield rifle in "B" fire team would always shoot first, at about 600 meters, drawing fire on the entire team. So especially on defense I give the team a Target Arc and drop the arc at an appropriate time to try and get the entire team to open up at the same time. I did not test the scoped G43 but I suspect it will shoot earlier than the normal G43. Which depending on the circumstance may not be what you want. I would just worry about the dude with a scope, organic to any team, taking pot shots at the OpFor and drawing fire before I was ready.
  11. Interesting article. Especially the part that reported GPS will be unreliable for the duration of the conflict if against a near-peer OpFor.
  12. Wow, that was a long PBEM. Did you use drones at all and if so how did they work in the thick haze?
  13. Good info. Even when you're throwing in the towel you manage to get some interesting information out on the forum boards.
  14. I often do something similar to what you're describing. You might find the below threads interesting. Interesting stuff.
  15. YES!!! I think another awesome scenario or campaign may be in the pipeline!!! Can you release any teasers? Maybe the map size? Would this be the campaign based around Kampfgruppe Muhlenkamp in Poland summer 1944? If so what is the largest map size? If you can tell..............
  16. Yes it is interesting. I have 3 or 4 of the FMs on my Kindle.
  17. The vehicle ammo and extra ammo can be found in the UI: Details Panel / Reports / Ammo. The ammo count listed on top in one color* is for the vehicle’s weapons systems. The ammo count listed on the bottom in a different color is the extra supply ammo that can be Acquired by troops. If the vehicle’s ammo runs out the vehicle will take ammo from the extra supply. The crew ammo is listed on the left under unit info panel / ammo. A vehicle will not take crew or passenger ammo. Crew and passengers can’t Acquire vehicle ammo. All can take or Acquire extra supply ammo. Example: A tank crew could Bailout, Acquire .50 cal. ammo and re-crew their tank. The tank would however not be able to use the .50 cal. ammo. Or a halftrack could run low on .30cal ammo for the machinegun, take .30cal ammo from the extra supply and use it. *The color of the ammo counts can be different depending on which Combat Mission title you are playing.
  18. This one I didn't know. Nice catch. I would imagine the same behavior applies to heavy weapon teams in CMBS? CMSF of course is not 4.0 yet. +1
  19. Finally finished this one with a tactical victory. What an epic MOUT Battle!!! Well done. It does take some time and patience to fight it correctly (just like RL). The sniper dude. AAR
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