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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. This is probably a good work around until the 4.0 behavior is tweaked some. I think it should also be possible to do this "morale raise" work-around in campaigns also. A campaign designer like @George MC would have a better understanding if it would work and how to do it. I just tagged him so maybe he will stop by and give his opinion.
  2. Thank you both. Cease fire seems like a more informative / better way to end a PBEM game. Many times myself or a PBEM opponent have just hit surrender. But then all the points go to the winner when they might have been divided up somewhat in a cease fire. I will have to pay more attention to this.
  3. How do you cancel a cease fire? And can a cease fire be canceled in a PBEM?
  4. Someday when we get CMSF2. I am really looking forward to that day. The following is what I have started to do in CMSF and CMA: This also works inside a small (1 A/S footprint) building. Target or Target Light and Pause for 20 or 30 seconds then add waypoint in the same or adjacent action spot with a Face command. So they will shoot for the duration of the Pause, shift to the waypoint and stop shooting. This helps to control ammo consumption.
  5. Great information @panzersaurkrautwerfer. Thanks for the explanation. I'm thinking that the same basic tactics for the modern Humvee would also apply to WWII halftracks. Interesting stuff.
  6. NICE!!!! I like this . Just remember to unbutton the Humvees so they can use their primary thermal sensor and this should work very well.
  7. This. The crew can Acquire ammo and return to their vehicle but the vehicle will not use ammo that is carried by the crew or passengers. The vehicle will only use its' assigned ammo (the top colored ammo) and the extra ammo that is the correct type (the lower different colored ammo). The crew ammo is listed to the left under unit info panel / ammo.
  8. Because of modern night vision gear wouldn't the advantage go to the US and UK forces? That would be my first guess anyway.
  9. It might be leadership. I was mostly looking at range of information sharing. But now that you mentioned it @RockinHarry had a post in October 2015 that I will paraphrase bellow because I am to lazy to find it: Command range and C2 link appears to apply just between the leaders of the units in question. Being lightly wounded, a squad leader moved at a slower pace than his troops as the squad fell back. After 2-3 game turns, the 2 uninjured soldiers reached the Co HQ while the slower moving squad leader still was about 60m away. No C2 command link. As soon as the injured squad leader moved inside the 50m command radius of the Co HQ the C2 link to the squad (leader actually) was re-established. Information sharing does seem to depend on the soft factors of the leader of the team/crew in question. So your suspicion that the leadership rating of the leader affects the speed of information sharing makes sense. The only way to know for sure would be to test it. However the speed of both vertical and horizontal information sharing is so quick that it is not something I am to concerned with (other than idle curiosity). The main challenge, for horizontal information sharing, seems to be getting the two teams/crews within the correct distance to transfer the information.
  10. For RL doctrine someone like @panzersaurkrautwerfer, @Combatintman or @pnzrldr and a few others would be more up to date on current doctrine (what they are allowed to say about it). For the game play part I was waiting with interest to see what people would post on the topic. But it is a very big topic and it is hard to post a short generalization to fit all the different circumstances. I think that is why they are holding back. I generally do what you have tried: base of fire and dispersing them among the maneuver platoons or on many missions a combination of the two. On the defense I first set up heavy weapons on OpFor avenues of approach, then support them with medium weapons then use rifle platoons to build strong points around med/hvy weapons. Also the usual OP/LPs and force security. On the offense I position them to support the scheme of maneuver. I often have a base of fire which itself may maneuver to keep up with and support the maneuver platoons. Some may be assigned to go with a maneuver platoon. As @Firehead said the vehicles are vulnerable to AT weapons so this tends to make me use them cautiously.
  11. Congratulations!!! I suspect CMSF II will quickly become a favorite among CM players.
  12. Had C-Rations in basic. Still carry the P-38 on my key ring. After I got to the 82nd we had MREs. I thought there were only four MRE menus when I first reported to Division (Early 1984). If I remember right Chicken Ala King was my favorite.
  13. I think I found the solution for a sloped roof. Use the same SOP as above. On the following turn, after the Blast, cancel the engineers movement to the outside. Then attempt to Target through the blasted sloped wall. You should be able to now. The graphics don't show damage to the sloped wall but I was able to shoot through it anyways. Tried on two separate sloped roof buildings and it worked both times.
  14. No but I think the only soft factor that might affect information sharing would be experience and this would effect the speed of the information sharing. The sharing distance does not seem to be effected by soft factors. The vehicles I used had veteran TCs. The infantry team was regular. The game is so detailed I think there are a number of factors that can interact to effect the speed information is shared. For example units in the same formation share information faster. The two tanks in my experiment were from different battalions. I stopped taking screenshots at this point however I did unbutton the M4 from 1st Battalion and it took about 90 seconds to share its tentative contact with the 3rd Battalion M4. Also units under fire or broken take longer to share information. Infantry units that are on Hide have their max horizontal sharing range reduced from 32 meters to 16 meters. A lot of interesting things going on.
  15. I did some experiments with hatches opened and closed on vehicles from different battalions (So no vertical information sharing) to observe how horizontal information sharing was affected. The experiment was done in CMFI v2.0 Engine 4. The following is a summary of the results followed by screenshots: Maximum horizontal information sharing range is 32 meters (4 Action Spots) A vehicle must be unbuttoned to horizontally share (report) information from about 9 to 32 meters. A vehicle can be buttoned & horizontally share (report) information if it is within 8 meters of the other vehicle. This one surprised me: If two vehicles are 9 to 32 meters apart with one buttoned & the other open the open vehicle will share (report) information to the buttoned vehicle. However the buttoned vehicle will not share (report) information to the open vehicle. Infantry may horizontally share (report) information to a buttoned vehicle when within 32 meters. The Screenshots are from CMFI v2.0 Engine 4. The M4 Sherman from 3rd Battalion has a tentative armor contact. The M4 Sherman from 1st Battalion has a tentative infantry contact The M4 from 1st Battalion was ordered to move within 32 meters (but not closer than 9 meters) of the M4 from 3rd Battalion so they will be within the maximum horizontal information sharing range. Both M4 Shermans are within the maximum horizontal information sharing range of 32 meters however both tanks are buttoned so the information about their different tentative contacts are not shared. The M4 from 3rd Battalion opens its hatches. It does not receive the tentative infantry contact information since the 1st Bn. M4 is still buttoned. The M4 from the 1st Bn. is still buttoned but received the tentative armor contact from the open hatch 3rd Bn. M4.
  16. Yes. But I guess I never tried it on a sloped roof. May have to go back and modify my TACSOP for sloped roofs.......... Blast is actually a movement command. Why it was developed that way I don't know. I also almost always cancel and send a rifle team through the breach.
  17. If an engineer team needs to Blast through an exterior wall (on any floor including the 4th) place the Blast order on the ground outside of the building. The side that needs blasting. Then give the engineer team a Pause order. The length of the Pause order depends on the experience level of the engineer team. For example a regular engineer team should be given a Pause order of 45 seconds (It takes them 15 seconds to Blast). Hit the big red button. The engineers will Pause for 45 seconds and then begin their Blast routine. After the Blast goes off the team will start to run to the location of the outside Blast waypoint but the turn will end. Next turn cancel their run to the outside.
  18. Thanks for the link to that old thread. I hadn't seen it before and there was a lot of interesting info in it.
  19. Very cool urban battle. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SPOILER///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  20. Out of Contact = Tubes need C2. One of the advantages of off map arty/mortars is that they are always in contact on their end. You only have to worry about keeping your authorized call requesting on-map officer/NCO alive. Maybe the mortars are not in the chain of command of the Bn. HQ? (maybe that entire 5th Company is not part of the Bn. A five company Bn?) If they are not in the same chain of command but that Bn HQ is within six action spots of the mortars the Bn HQ could spot for the mortars. But I don't think subordinates of that Bn. HQ, out in the field, would be able to request non-Battalion mortars through that Bn. HQ. I have not had a chance to play this one yet. I'm tempted to download it and give it a spin just to have a look at the C2 setup. However I'm currently in a deadly MOUT battle in "The Hornets Nest" created by @Sgt.Squarehead. I will definitely have to put Zitadelle on the list.
  21. Below is the thread. It is filled with tons of cool mods for CMBS. The one with civilian vehicles is on page 21. I just downloaded several more I missed the first time.
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