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Oleksandr last won the day on December 29 2019

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  1. Good point. I was more interested in a sandbox type of thing without changing the main stories for each nation. But, I understand what you mean. Thank you for sharing your thought.
  2. These are busy times even with all this outbreak situation on the go. Yet, thank you for showing interest in my somewhat artwork. Always great feedback from you bro! Stay safe!
  3. I did nothing to weapons just yet. If I will have time I will mod them.
  4. I know that the concept of this game relates late 2000s. And I know it is about Western action against Syrian tyranic regime. But for the sake of the game it would good to add one more module. Adding Russia to this game would bring a new challenge - a new life to the game. It would give opportunity to simulate battles between NATO, US and Russia. It would be more up to date and I think that this would lead to more copies being sold. This game is already huge and at this point adding one module would not hurt (in my opinion). Just think about all those missions, and campaigns that will be created by the community. I don't think that the development team would need to work on anything - they could simply port some (not all) units from the CMBS. It would give us all a chance to simulate clashes of a different level. What do you thing @Bootie @Erwin @Battlefront.com? P.S. Do not get me wrong - I am NOT supporting russian involvement in Syria. All I'm saying is that it would add some spiciness for the OPFOR side and it would be a nice for the sake of battles. Again - I'm not supporting russian actions in Syria as well as I'm strongly against tyrannic regime of bashar assad (not going to waste a capital letters for his name). So I guess my question is - is this possible in theory to see another module for this game since it is one of the biggest games in CM history. Thank you. P.S. P.S. All the photos that I've provided here as visualization are provided for supporting the idea that I've described here. I'm not charmed or excited by any of those images. Those are visualizations and I'm NOT supporting actions of russia and its puppets in Syria. P.S. P.S. P.S. In case if Russia as an idea would not work - would the development team consider adding Iran (due to recent escalations) as an alternative? Why? To have more advanced and more challenging enemy to confront while fighting on blue side against red side. Thank you for your time, comments and thoughts gentlemen.
  5. The reason why I'm giving so much attention towards tablet textures is following: Digital tools in hands of an infantry becomes a trend. A good trend in my opinion. So far CM games implemented several elements of a multi-domain battle: radio electric warfare, drones, cooperation between forward observers and high precision strikes into its gameplay. This is how military computers/tablets being tested/used within the US Marine Corps: Small video on the new era of close air support: Short video on Multi-Domain Battle Concept: Thats why I gave attention to small details in radios, pda's etc. Enjoy your day everyone and stay safe!
  6. Mod being used: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/combat-mission-shock-force-2/cmsf2-infantry/cmsf2-usmc-infantry-by-oleksandr/
  7. CMSF2 : USMC Infantry by Oleksandr This mod will provide you with retextured United States Marine Corps. This mod will provide you with USMC wearing dusty MARPAT. This mod includes new PDA based on MARCORYSCOM tablet technology that is created to remove the "fog of war" on a Multi-Domain Battles. As you can see - new tablet has new textures different from those that being used by Army units (this mod will not conflict with any other mods of mine). Tablet includes a texture of a central part of Aleppo. No patches added on units - it is authentic measure - most of the times - marines do not wear patches today. I might be wrong about all units but most of the time I was looking at our Marines - they were patchless. Skinds and gear are planned to be modded in the future. Link to download: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/combat-mission-shock-force-2/cmsf2-infantry/cmsf2-usmc-infantry-by-oleksandr/ Enjoy!
  8. CMSF2 : East Germany BMP-1 Pack by Oleksandr This mod will provide you with a complete pack of BMP-1s of all kinds. 24 decals included. Link: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/combat-mission-shock-force-2/cmsf2-vehicle/cmsf2-east-germany-bmp-1-pack-by-oleksandr/ Enjoy!
  9. @Bootie Could you please upload my mod? I've sent it to you via Email few days ago. Thank you!
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