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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Welcome back!!!! Hope you are aware of the good news. CMSF2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Interesting! I use a modified system of @Peregrine rules. By the withdraw button I believe he was referring to the Evade Command. I probably still don't fully understand his rally point concept. I look forward to hearing how this works out. I'm always looking for ways to improve the rules for games against the AI.
  3. Wow . The two dismounts were a ways off but still got taken out easily. Just wow.
  4. Good to hear. I bet you'r looking forward to the map editor overlay for CMSF2!
  5. Yep, this. I have this bookmarked and use a modified version of it when playing against the AI. Makes the game much more interesting IMO.
  6. Wow................. That is an amazing document that must have taken a huge amount of effort to produce.
  7. When playing against the AI (PBEMs are different) I do much the same thing. One of my house rules for playing against the AI is: A unit must have at least a tentative contact to Area Target. If it does not have the tentative contact it can’t react (because as far as it knows there is nothing there). This encourages me to use the C2 system and information sharing. I think it is pretty cool to send an infantry team over to a tank to horizontally share contact information and then allow the tank to start Targeting the contacts. When playing against the AI it makes the game much more interesting IMO.
  8. This!!! I think this would be very interesting because of what scenario designers and moders could create. If the last module released for CMFB was called something like meeting on the Elbe and included the US, Commonwealth, Soviet and German forces this would be so cool. BFC does not have to produce any hypothetical scenarios for this. They could stick to the historical end of the war scenarios, battle of Berlin etc. But with all those nationalities in the same game think what the moders / scenario designers could do. Patton attacks east, Fulda Gap 1947. Maybe Korea? Maybe Suez crisis? It would be up to the imagination of moders and scenario designers. And I think all the work would already be done as far as the nationalities TOE etc. It would be a matter of putting the US, Commonwealth, Germans and Soviets in the same game. I don't know if that is difficult to do but I hope it is easy enough that BFC would think about it.
  9. Thanks @IanL!!! All kinds of cool stuff here to read through and think about and bookmark .
  10. @Erik Springelkamp KG Von Schroif v4 is a very good campaign. The creator, @George MC, even made printable maps that come with it. Below is a link to the thread talking about it. Unfortunately Photobuckets destructive activity has ruined many of the screenshots but you can still read about it. Below I copied a small part of the campaign description from the Scenario Depot III where it can be downloaded (See bottom of this post. The below should give an idea of the high quality of this release. compiled all the campaign briefings into a PDF file titled Kampfgruppe von Schroif Campaign Briefing Handbook. Each brief is linked via the Campaign Flowchart so you can quickly access the briefing you want. If you don’t like reading then the Operation and Tactical Maps in each mission provide the key info required at a glance. There is also a table showing your unit, its commanders and their ‘soft’ values e.g. experience, morale etc. In addition there are Force Tracker graphics which allow you to track casualties and effectiveness of your unit as the campaign rolls on.In addition there is a pack of Tactical Maps included in the zip file. These are maps of all the main missions and are blank unannotated JPGs. They offer the player the ability to use them to plan their actions either on paper (print them out) or digitally on your PC/Laptop. It is available for download here: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-red-thunder/cm-red-thunder-campaigns/kampfgruppe-von-schroif-cmrt-campaign/
  11. @cbennett88 I especially like that second photo. The guy on the away team who was not a main character was going to get whacked.
  12. Well ........................... I think maybe you paint the Retreat action spot in front of your unit group. Like on the OpFor tile they are retreating from .................. Still working on it but this is showing some promise................
  13. I can't get the new (4.0 Engine) withdraw or Facing orders to work properly. Most of the time vehicles will stop at their destination order map zone and turn their back on the OpFor. Then when it is time to withdraw they spin the front hull towards the OpFor, as they are suppose to, and back away. They seem to want to face their next destination order which means turning their back to the OpFor when the next order is withdraw. Also the infantry never seem to face the OpFor as they withdraw. I have tried about everything I can think of. Facing and withdraw cancel each other out so that didn't work. Any adult supervision would be appreciated.
  14. Yes. It would be cool if when you clicked on a casualty the Acquire command appeared. BFC does try to make the game realistic. I'm guessing the dude that picked up the laser designator had signed for it when the team was drawing equipment for their deployment.
  15. Good point!!! So in the last three posts we were all reminded BFC is working on a CMFI module, a CMRT module and completely re-doing CMSF to bring it up to present engine 4 standards (CMSF2). What a busy place!!!!!!!! PS - Over at the FGM I don't think a day goes by where I don't see someone submitting a ladder result. And when the FGM announce openings for Combat Mission tournament etc. they fill up fast.
  16. Only certain troops have support calling authority. This is easier to see in the world war II titles where the authority is much more restricted. In CMBS almost all US troops have the authority. However, not as many Russian troops have the same authority. In the Russian FO team the only team member with authority was the actual FO. I don't understand why your Javelin was not firing. That might have been a bug worth getting to someone like @c3k if you come across it again.
  17. The Pause to get troops to kneel instead of going prone will work in WEGO. I did some experimenting with it and cut and pasted my post below from the other thread. Reference team members upright instead of prone. This will not work with Slow. With Hunt you can get every member of the team upright or just half the team. 1) Give the team a movement order (anything but Slow) they can't complete before the end of the turn. A 45 second Pause before the team begins its movement will help to keep the team from reaching a close action square. 2) Next turn cancel the movement and give the team a Pause. The team will stop moving with all team members upright instead of prone. The length of the Pause can be changed if you want the troops to spot for awhile and then go prone. Give them a 15 second Pause. They will stop, stay upright for about two spotting cycles and then go prone. Give them a permanent Pause and they will stay upright the entire turn and longer. 3) Hunt works a little different but gives you a choice of the entire team upright or just half the team. For half the team upright use the above method with Hunt. For the entire team to remain upright on Hunt do not cancel the movement but just give a permanent Pause.
  18. Thanks for confirming. Since there was a folder I thought maps should be in it and was afraid something had gone wrong.
  19. Ah, okay. Well if everybody has an empty master map folder for CMBS maybe that's the way its suppose to be for now. Maybe in a future expansion BFC will give us some maps to put in it. I just downloaded @Pete Wenman Crossing The Dnieper master map so my folder is no longer empty.
  20. Couldn't find them in the QB folder. I just checked my laptop computer which has CMBS v2.0 Engine 4 and it doesn't even have a Master map folder................. Not sure whats going on.
  21. Okay I'm probably doing something wrong but when I go into the CMBS scenario editor and open the Master Maps folder there are no maps. The folder is empty. I did the same thing for CMFB and found several maps. I'm not sure why I can't find any in CMBS. I have CMBS v2.1 Engine 4. Any ideas?
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