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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Not sure if you noticed but when you're setting up a Quick Battle under Quick Battle - Service there is also South African, Indian and SS listed.
  2. Very cool screenshot. Sounds like an interesting scenario in the works.
  3. I've read several threads on the forum that advised against using the Assault command. The threads recommended splitting squads into fire teams and then micro managing their attack. It seems you found a way to use the Assault command that you are satisfied with (unless it was just part of the joking around with c3k but I think you were serious). As a result of those other threads I have never really used the Assault command except, IIRC a long time ago, with Italian formations that can't be split. Do you have any tricks or tips on using the command that you wouldn't mind sharing? Maybe I'll give this another look.
  4. The game is so dynamic a chart would not be practical. With experience playing and reading these forums you will be able to understand some general rules for what works, when it works and then adopt those rules for the specific tactical problem you're looking at. In March of 2017 I did a test where infantry on Hunt traveled faster than they did on Move when in open terrain but slower than Move in light woods. (One example of why a chart might not be practical.) Something I found interesting when I discovered it: A lightly wounded troop (yellow base) will often lag behind the rest of his fire team when moving causing the entire team to wait on the yellow based troops arrival at a waypoint before continuing to the next waypoint. In addition, below is something @c3k posted in June 2015 that I found helpful. I paraphrased it and saved it in my notes. Each waypoint creates a game-mandated Pause until all the troops are present, then the unit goes to the next waypoint. Fewer waypoints mean fewer delays. Fewer sub-units mean shorter delays. For the shortest possible delay use one team, one waypoint. This means the most heavily loaded troop may be some distance behind. (Every item is allocated to a specific troop and weight carries a penalty.) An un-split three-team squad waits for all 3 teams to arrive/congregate at each waypoint before moving again. I split my squads and use Quick as my default move order. Below is a chart @axxe created in March of 2017 that you might find interesting as a general point of reference. I'm to lazy to look for the link but there is an entire thread associated with the below chart.
  5. That's a good point. I was thinking of the fatigue effect. @user1000 said it was 200 feet distance to cover. Not sure if he meant 200 feet (61 meters) or he meant 200 meters. I am guessing 200 meters since meters is the in game measurement. But Fast might work or Quick with a 360o Target Arc.
  6. +1 Nice. I just got through Part 1. Will do Part 2 tomorrow. Was the XO KIA with the Company Commander, or was it just the CO that was KIA?
  7. In theory they would have an overwatch that would suppress the MG. But if something happened to the overwatch............. I would split into teams. (Maybe you only have one team? Don't know) If they can avoid casualties by crawling they can probably avoid casualties by staying prone Hide and waiting on an overwatch unit to come to their aid. If things are so FUBAR that this is not an option........................ I would have them use their own smoke grenades (if they have them). Then with or without smoke grenades I would have them Quick for 24 meters Pause 10 seconds and Hide - then Quick for 24 meters Pause 10 seconds and Hide - etc. until in cover. If I had multiple teams they would alternate their Quick moves. The Pauses should disrupt the OpFor aiming process. Of course you may wind up with a Casvac situation before this is over.
  8. I like the one terrain feature away concept. Of course it would need to be a relatively secure terrain feature. But this general rule of thumb seems like it would work for most troop carrying vehicles (half-tracks, Humvees, Strykers, Bradleys etc.)
  9. Thanks for sharing the screenshots. The more the better.
  10. Okay, so it is then. I think this behavior is okay because we have work arounds (send engineers or have an armor vehicle crush the barbwire). Of course players and scenario designers should be aware of this behavior. The UI will allow the troops with a breach kit to place the Blast command making the player think everything is okay. Then hit the red button and watch as the team with the breach kit crawls in circles etc but no BOOM! (At least not the boom the attack plan depended on) I sometimes wonder how difficult the learning curve for this game is for people who don't read the forum..................
  11. No problem my friend. Always interesting to hear your thoughts.
  12. Yes, not asking for any new behavior. Just hoping the smoke issue can work the way it always has since CMSF1 (at least as far as I remember). Thank you for considering the issue and taking the time to post about it.
  13. Into an OpFor smoke screen yes. Not only tanks but rifles and about everything else since the general purpose of an OpFor smoke screen is to obscure OpFor maneuver. The real question is should smoke be a magic force field post 4.0 or can we at least have the work around back like we had pre 4.0.
  14. No. Good idea though. I am aware of the bug you are talking about. In this case the Blast command shows as a Blast command but the troops just never execute. Engineers with demos will but not troops with breach kits.
  15. There are several forum threads where we discussed smoke and how you were not able to shoot threw an established smoke screen. As a result some players compared smoke to a force field. However there was a work around. When you first observed smoke rounds falling you could order your troops / tanks to area fire through where the smoke was forming (usually correctly guessing the OpFor was going to move units in this area). As long as you got and maintained the area fire before the smoke screen became solid you could shoot through it. Once you stopped shooting (you let your Target Briefly expire) you could no longer re-establish your ability to shoot through the smoke and had to wait for it to dissipate. This was a good work around and is what was used. However after 4.0 it seems you can no longer fire through smoke at all. It really is like a force field now. I have even had a case where some of my own vehicles were kicking up a lot of dust and the cloud of dust drifted in front of a shooting vehicle causing the vehicle to stop shooting. The vehicle was on area target and should have fired until told to stop, ran out of ammo or had something really bad happen to it. Another frustrating thing about this is that the status block (lower left screen, green text) will incorrectly advise that the vehicle is aiming, firing, aiming, firing etc when it is not. I tested this in CMBS and one of the WWII titles (IIRC it was CMFB) about a month ago. The smoke / force field wasn't a huge deal as long as we had a work around for it. However 4.0 seems to have removed the work around. In theory if the conditions are right you could follow a smoke screen all the way into the OpFor main line of resistance. I hope maybe this behavior can be tweaked with the other 4.0 stuff that BFC is tweaking.
  16. I knew that only demo charges could be used against OpFor vehicles and not breach kits. However I just tried to get troops (not engineers) with a breach kit to breach a barbwire fortification and they would not. Not sure if this (breach kit vs barbwire) was always the case in CMBS and I just forgot or there was a change at some point. But I thought I would mention it for the common good/knowledge.
  17. I'm not sure the vehicle crew will stay dismounted. I'm working on a scenario in CMBS and when I attempted to test it in scenario author test mode the crews would automatically reappear back in the vehicles. Unless I'm missing something (I hope I am) I can't get the crews to stay separated from the vehicles.
  18. This sounds interesting and is something I think I will try when I have time. If I understand this you could import your core force into any scenario (of course rename it) and play the mission. As long as the force you were importing was roughly the same size/capability as the force you were replacing this might work and be fun. Especially if you wanted to swap US forces for commonwealth (CMBN, CMFI), or Army for Marines (CMSF)and see the different TOE handle the same mission.............
  19. I think the way this could be done is with a mod. There is a mod for red vehicles in CMSF1 that replace the uniformed soldier with a uncon / ragtag type look. I don't know of an equivalent mod for Blue forces but is probably possible. I think @Mord made the red mod. CMSF1 Mord's civil war mod, Mord's mixed combatants. Edit: Also @Jock Tamson did a mod with mixed combatints that added on to Mord's IIRC.
  20. You're welcome. Maybe someday we'll figure out the mechanics of the ECM part of it.
  21. Good information for dealing with IEDs. The ECM effect on IEDs is also very interesting but I'm not sure how effective the ECM is. Yes, this is one of the parts of the manual that provide only part of the story. This is how I think they work: Only radio IEDs need LOS between the IED and the triggerman for the trigger to physically work. However, wire, radio, and cell all need to spot when OpFor are in the kill zone. The triggerman will not detonate the device unless he can spot OpFor in the kill zone. So in practice all three need line of sight to the device / kill zone. For small and medium IEDs the triggerman must observe the OpFor in the same action spot as the device. For large and huge IEDs the triggerman must observe the OpFor in the same or adjacent action spot as the device. In theory I guess a cell triggerman could spot OpFor in the kill zone, duck down behind an obstacle, breaking LOS and then detonate. Where the radio triggerman would need to keep LOS until the device detonated (no ducking for him). But for TACSOPs - break the LOS between the device and the triggerman and/or break the triggerman.
  22. Yes. The mod was created by @Vein. It works in all CM titles. It is called Vein's base markers. Vein had a Dropbox with several different mods that players could download, including the base markers. Maybe he will stop by and let us know if he still has the Dropbox link. The pro-Russian Separatist mod is by @pquumm.
  23. I bet you have some interesting stories from Northern Ireland. Op BARRAS is a cool scenario. Very interesting to be able to play a scenario set in Sierra Leone. Speaking of scenarios the rumors at South Cerney are that we are going to Kandahar Province. Something about re-securing the ring?
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