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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. A year or so ago I learned the hard way, in a PBEM, that a vehicle with an Armored Target Arc will not fire on an AT gun (if the vehicle crew has low motivation it may disregard your order and fire). Not sure what you were planning but just in case you were getting ready to repeat my mistake I thought I should mention it.
  2. The following is my basic Hull Down command drill. To be modified to fit the current situation. 1. Give vehicle Open Up order. 2. Place Hull Down waypoints on every action spot in the direction of the OpFor unit. (When you are within several action spots of being hull down to a target.) 3. Select first Hull Down waypoint that allows an Area Target on the OpFor action spot. 4. Place a Target Briefly order from this waypoint to the OpFor action spot. 5. Delete all subsequent waypoints.
  3. LOL. The CMSF scenario Consulate Evacuation. In the fictional city of Al Mout. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-shock-force-2/cm-shock-force/consulate-evacuation/
  4. What choices did you use to get such a big screenshot? I used BBCode (message boards & forums) with huge thumbnail which resulted in the big rectangle a few posts up.
  5. Test Well .................. I have a new system to learn. imgur. I shall return.
  6. Very, very cool. Speaking of photos, I was using Photobucket for my screenshots. Photobucket is now holding all screenshot 3rd party hosting hostage for a $400 a year ransom. Nothing grandfathered in. However I see many people still have screenshots on this thread. What are you using?
  7. Looks like Photobucket is holding my photos hostage for $400 a year. "Sigh"
  8. A few years back I learned to use the term "Tentative Contacts" for the question mark type contact. This is a more accurate term and reduces the amount of confusion. The "tentative contacts" can be many things including sound, barely seen movement and memories of past verified contacts (the older the memory the more transparent the tentative contact). Closer interactions are checked more often than the "default" 7 second spotting checks. So in theory the TC gets more spotting checks out of the copula the closer the infantry get. There are so many variables it is difficult to determine if the tank crew generally would spot infantry as quickly as they did. I think even the experience level of the crew and of the infantry would come into play ................
  9. The following screenshots are from the scenario Hornet's Nest set in Mosul Iraq. It was created by @Sgt.Squarehead and has the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (CTS) & US advisors attacking and clearing a section of Mosul of ISIS. I am still playing through it. So far it is a great urban battle with IEDs, refugees and other surprises. It is proving to be a very interesting MOUT fight. CTS units on the move in Mosul. OpFor Sniper team. Friendly refugees awaiting rescue.
  10. Now that is very cool. However it also makes me think of a CM Vietnam. I can hear the choppers now.
  11. Wow, this is very impressive. I just started going through it and it seems very well organized and detailed. This is going to be a great reference.
  12. So you must always use initiative for area fire regardless if the unit is in C2 or out of C2? I had the impression that a unit only had to use initiative to area fire if it was out of C2.
  13. At three action spots away the team may throw grenades if they have them. No Target order needed. In June of 2015 I was able to destroy a concrete bunker with grenades. I think somebody recently posted, maybe even in this thread, that grenades can't destroy concrete bunkers. So that ability may have been taken away at some point. Don't have time to test again. Busy in The Hornet's Nest.......... At two action spots away the team will throw demo charges. No Target order needed. In fact I have in my notes not to use Target. Don't remember why now..............
  14. As Fizou said, look under: Menu - Conditions and it will have Weather, temperature, Ground Conditions and Wind. The Wind will give direction and strength. Example: Light from North. (In CMSF & CMA the Conditions have the category: Civilian Density which effects unconventional operations. CMBS has Electronic Warfare) In your screenshot the compass/direction finder has you looking north at 12 noon. The wind is blowing east to west. Not sure of the wind strength from the screenshot but it will say under menu - conditions.
  15. That's interesting. I had the distance way to big. I like the reasoning (Tank phone) of needing to be in the same action spot to receive a change of task. I guess if a tank was unbuttoned the TC could communicate with infantry a few action spots away but that may be making things to complicated. Checking if the TC is buttoned or unbuttoned etc. It would be simpler to remember "Same Action Spot". Wouldn't the same concept work if the infantry platoon HQ was next to the tank platoon HQ? Or to take it a step further what if a runner (2 man scout team) was sent to the same spot as the platoon HQ tank (or any tank with a working radio so that tank could radio the other tanks with the info) and relay the change of task? I was just wondering if the platoon HQ tank was with the infantry company HQ if the HQ tank would be far enough forward to direct the tank platoon and/or participate in the support mission. Probably depends on the circumstances and it could be modified to fit the circumstances. Interesting stuff.
  16. It may provide an opportunity for more realistic game play. The supporting tanks would probably be working with an infantry platoon and would coordinate through the infantry platoon commander who should have C2 with the chain of command. So if the HQ tank or XO tank (or maybe any supporting tank?) is within X meters (50 meters?) of the infantry platoon HQ it is considered in C2 for Command Friction. (This of course will not change the game mechanics of vertical information sharing but the horizontal info sharing will still work) Also a liaison officer (any team/vehicle organic to the infantry unit with a radio?) might be assigned from the infantry to the supporting tanks. The company XO meets the tanks along the MSR and takes them to where they are needed in the company A/O staying X meters from the leader tank. If the liaison/platoon HQ & XO is KIA then the tanks will have to use initiative until the link is reestablished. Might make mission type orders/explanation in the comments section of the tanks tasking line more important. Just an idea and I'm not sure what a good distance would be. Probably no more than 50 meters but maybe as low as 32 meters?
  17. There are many great scenarios you can download for free at the below location. (In addition to the link @Sgt.Squarehead provided) Mods can also add to the game experience. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/shock-force/ Have fun. When you have questions ask.
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