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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Funny hearing you guys talking!!
  2. But that only works in the newer titles not CMSF. Don't know about CMA.
  3. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Tactical Victory. I wasn't sure about any type of victory with those T-72s in the A/O. End of scenario map. Nice change of pace scenario. This African mod has a lot of potential.
  4. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SitMap 0731hrs 1) The firing line of 1st Platoon (T-55). 2) Knocked out OpFor T-72. I wish CMSF had hit decals. I lost count of the amount of hits the T-72s took. Two of them survived the battle (immobilized with major system damage).
  5. I play CMSF fairly often and have not experienced any of the problems you described above. So it may just be the demo. When CMSF was first released it was the first game of the new engine and had some initial issues. Since then there have been patches and modules added. Possibly the demo didn't receive all the updates? I never played the demo just the actual game with all the modules and it is one of my favorite Combat Mission games. CMSF and CMA don't have the newest updates such as movable waypoints, Target Briefly, triggers etc.......... Probably within about a year CMSF2 will come out with most (maybe all) of the updates the other games have. However CMSF & CMA do have some things the other games don't have such as unconventional forces, IEDs, VBIEDs and civilian density. Also there are many user made scenarios and mods for CMSF that allow you to fight in many different areas besides Syria. I recently played a historical scenario, Operation Barras, set in Sierra Leone. There is Operation Neptune Spear set in Pakistan (The Osama raid). There are many scenarios set in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am currently playing a fictional scenario set in sub Sahara Africa. If you like tactical military simulations I think you will like any of the Combat Mission games. If you are into modern combat you might also want to try out the CMBS demo. The learning curve can be steep but there are always forum members willing to answer questions. Edit: I just noticed that was your first post. Welcome to the forum.
  6. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SitMap 0721hrs 1) Spot Report: OpFor Platoon, moving east, 200 meters west of the Mine Complex, Unit unknown, 0721hrs., T-72Ms. 2) HQ Tank of 2nd Platoon (T-55). 3) In response to the appearance of the OpFor T-72 platoon, 3rd Platoon (T-55) was ordered forward on the friendly left flank to hull down positions along a road embankment. The intent was to get flank shots at the OpFor T-72s advancing on the Mine Complex. As 3rd Platoon arrived at the road embankment they discovered OpFor infantry and at least one tank on the west side of the embankment.
  7. Yes. Unbuttoned, stationary and keyhole. The OpFor tank drove into the engagement area . I have also had some go the opposite direction. Including the 2nd Platoon HQ tank .
  8. Okay, I see what you're talking about. I was loading German Army and everything worked fine. Then I noticed you had Waffen SS. I tried again and had the same result as you. I can't explain it. @IanL might know something about this. Stand by....................
  9. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SitMap 0710hrs 1) 1st Platoon Mech. Infantry was ordered to secure the worker housing. They proceeded a short distance in BTR-60s and then dismounted. 2) 1st Platoon Mech. Infantry moving on foot to the worker housing. 3) 2nd Platoon T-55 at the Mine Complex fires on OpFor T-55. OpFor T-55 K-Kill.
  10. In the top part of the screen highlight the battalion (or Company or platoon whatever you want to change). Down below at the bottom of the screen, where the options are, it will say Platoon HQ halftrack, Medium mortar, PzG Plt (officer), etc................... If you click on PzG Plt (officer) the next selection box to the right will show the option for Mounted and Dismounted.
  11. I think there is an option to have them mounted or dismounted near the bottom of the screen.
  12. I think the comments section is very useful. Right now I use a Word document to record unit tasking. It is often three or four RL days (8 or 9 game turns) since I ordered a unit to do XYZ in order to accomplish something. The unit tasking helps to remind me and keep the various units focused on their sub mission and the intent/desired outcome. The comments section serve much the same purpose. It allows you to add / record the details of what is to be done, the intent & boundaries. I may not need my Word document anymore.
  13. Very cool!! I was thinking of your old Battle Log, the other day, while playing a scenario against the AI. I think this will be especially useful for missions against the AI and will make them much more realistic and interesting. Looking forward to the AAR. .
  14. @Kaunitz I thought you might find the below interesting. Steve from BFC had the following information in a forum post in February 2014. There are 5 ground heights in the game in terms of LOS, LOF, and Spotting: Prone, Kneeling, Standing/Small Vehicle, Tall Vehicle, Very Tall Vehicle. These are the only values that are used. LOS is from the eyes of your unit to a fixed position 1m off the ground. Also, from reading various posts on the forum the default spotting check is 7 seconds. With very close interactions checked more often than 7 seconds. Hope that helps.
  15. You might be right. I just did a quick experiment in CMFB where I had a US HMG area Target out to 900 meters. I then had a German infantry squad enter the path of the bullets around 700 meters. The infantry took heavy suppression and at one point were pinned. So grazing fire works in the game better than I thought. I may have to start using grazing fire more often.
  16. Yes, a lot of the bullets overshoot the area targeted action spot and continue to travel on.
  17. This is interesting and could be a topic thread all it's own. I think the choice is between plunging fire (usually from an upper floor of a building) and grazing fire (at ground level) where, in theory. the bullets travel much farther. The game mechanics are bit different from RL. The effects of suppression along the line of grazing fire in the game are very low. I think @ASL Veteran did some tests on this a year or two ago where he ran some Italian infantry through HMG fire with only a slight tick on their suppression meter. However the area behind where the bullets impact does cause noticeable suppression up to approximately 10 Action Spots depending on terrain. (It is better to shoot in front of OpFor infantry instead of behind them.) I don't use it all that often but I think grazing fire can work in the game if you area Target just short of the area you want the grazing fire to interdict.
  18. I'm just curious, what was the motivation level of the two MG teams? Also a 180o Target Arc is kind of big. Was that other window, that they moved to, within that 180 arc? The below is just my guess at what might be going on. The higher the motivation level the more strictly the troops will follow orders even when not in their own best interest. As in the tank commander example who has high motivation and was ordered to Open Up. He refuses to close the hatch when taking heavy incoming rifle fire. So the reverse is also true. The lower the motivation level of the team the more likely they may do their own thing. I almost always give a HMG team, inside a building, a wedge shaped Target Arc to make them look out the correct side of the building. I think wedge shaped Target Arc plus High, or better, motivation would do the job. I generally give tank commanders regular motivation and HMG teams high motivation.
  19. You're very accurate for a weatherman..................
  20. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SitMap 0656hrs 1) F/O Section arriving at the mine complex buildings. 2) Spy sent out to recon the worker housing. 3) OpFor T-55s and infantry observed west of the mine complex.
  21. /////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The King Copper Mines is a fictional scenario set in Africa and created by @MikeyD. Two fictional third world counties fight over copper mines using Warsaw Pact equipment in a meeting engagement. The scenario is 50 minutes long. The conditions are Overcast, Hot, Wet, Wind heavy from the south, Civilian Density: Light. Friendlies have one company of T-55 tanks, two platoons of BTR infantry, one F/O, two spies and two batteries of 122mm artillery. The OpFor has approximately 10 T-55 tanks and 200 infantry. I used MikeyD's African Mods while playing the scenario. The mission starts at 0645hrs. 2nd Platoon (BTR) will secure the mine complex which has buildings up to eight stories high. The F/O will take position in the upper floors and report on OpFor activity. 2nd Tank Platoon (T-55s) will support 2nd Platoon BTR. The remaining three platoons will, on order, move west from the assembly area to engage OpFor as the situation develops.
  22. CMBS would be even better at simulating real world missions if it had unconventional forces, IEDs and VBIEDs. Maybe someday.
  23. I was very pleased to learn spies could be used to represent civilians. I used them as civilian staff in the scenario Consulate Evacuation. I think it makes for an interesting scenario when you have actual non-combatants on the map that you are responsible for. I'm really looking forward to CMSF 2 where there will be exit zones, supply dumps and AI triggers. Just think of all the cool COIN scenarios you could create with that.
  24. I use it much like a direct firing US 60mm mortar. Target Light but with no Deploy time. I am however more careful since it is also the Platoon HQ which will take any return fire.
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