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  1. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to akd in 4 T-90AMs against 2 M1A2.. open terrain, 2900-3000 meters, frontal slugfest   
    These sorts of slugfest tests are completely worthless for drawing conclusions. Increasing the number of tanks involved will not improve the data.
  2. Downvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LemuelG in Master Installer Madness   
    10Gbs in one file. One un-interruptable file. For maybe less than a hundred Mb.
    Guess what? It was interrupted somewhere around 9Gb, and now the entire thing is gone, it seems my router just can't handle it.
    Nearly a third of my monthly bandwidth - down the Goddamn toilet. Thanks a lot BF. In the history of hare-brained, half-arsed, user-unfriendly schemes, this takes the ****ing cake.
    Remember when CMBN came out, and it was almost impossible for many of us to get the demo from the crappy host BF chose and we had to use bit torrent client to get it? Yeah, this is worse.
    Can somebody please put this lunacy in reverse gear, give me the update I paid for in a manageable size or download - or give me my money back.
    Am I fuming? You better believe it - unacceptable.
  3. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to panzersaurkrautwerfer in Armor Protection Data for T-90 series seems to be underestimated   
    They did worse than that once.  They took the first paragraph of an article from Janes that amounted to "Soviet hardware was more lethal than we'd though, and 105 MM and early 80's ATGMs would have struggled against T-72s" and then glued it onto erotic fanfiction level "Everything NATO has is unable to damage Russian tanks" (including a "US Army Spokesman" who admitted total impotence in the face of Russian armor).  
    It was pretty hilarious.
    This is true, except for facts relating to the M113 GAVIN Airborne War Winner Tactical A+ warfighter battlebox.  
  4. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Pelican Pal in CM:RT Maps in CM:BS   
    So I've got the master maps for:
    Radzymin 1,2,3
    Orsha 3,4,5
    Working in CM:BS.
    The repository is weird and I don't want to deal with it so I haven't uploaded them there so here is a link to a zip file with them in it
    -> https://app.box.com/s/tx5wsizqe6lbe0pent88verom7grtg0h
  5. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Pete Wenman in Alternative exe icons.   
    Up on the repository a selection of icons that can be used to replace the default .exe icon. As below plus a few others


    Get them here if interested
  6. Downvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LemuelG in No KV-1 tanks?   
    Remember CM:Barbarossa to Berlin and how it was just one title? I do. I'd trade all the pixels and polygons for some of that tactical crunchiness and vast scale we all loved; but wait - I don't have to, because I have CM:BB, and I'm not buying RT.
    I still haven't gotten over CM:BN without French tanks or realistic USAB TOE (not gonna have that argument again, I proved it last time, and nothing happened). And earth-pimples.
    I might buy CM:RT - Stalingrad/Summer-1942/whatever, if they code hand-to-hand combat. So few of the flaws of this engine have been rectified over multiple years and titles, why do you guys keep buying it?
    It's nice they got flamethrowers in there, I guess.
  7. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Tunisia Campaign [WIP] "The Big Red One At Dawn"   
    I figured I would start its own thread. Kevinkin is moving fast with maps and scenarios.
    I am supporting him as the "campaign factory" with advice (when and if he wants it!) and briefing images.
    Core force is E Co, 16th Infantry Regiment. 1st Infantry Division. Winter 42/43. North Africa. 
    3 days of various battles.

    more info to follow!
  8. Upvote
  9. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Vinnart in Vin's mods - Animated Text, Geometric Icons, Easy vis UI, Bases   
    Vin Easy Visibility UI
    I set this up with each part being in its own separate folder to make it easy to use all, or whatever parts you like, and to make it easy to combine parts with other UI mods to make your own custom UI. To combine parts with other UI mods just add a few "Zs" to the beginning of a folders name.
    COLOR BAR MODIFIERS: Changes +1 and -1 to one green or red easy to see bar. Changes +2 and -2 to two easy to see green or red bars.
    RIGHT FACING PORTRAITS: Better orientates the visual composition of the UI so the facing of the portraits leads your eye toward the information rather than away from it
    CALL SIGN SOLDIER NAMES: Changes hard to pronounce, or remember names to catchier call sign, nick names, and some historical names. Of course there are some Vin, Vinman, Vinnie Baga Donuts in there, but at the very least it gives you easy access to the file to put whatever names you like. HINT if you want to make changes to the name files make a copy, change, test first in case you erase a >.
    CLASSIC C2 FULL COLOR/DETAIL ICONS:  Changes to classics from CMSF.
    RIGHT FACING WEAPON SILHOUETTES: Flips them to better accommodate text.
    COMMAND GROUP SELECTOR: Changes to clearer, easy to see red border when selected.
    EASY VIS COMMAND BUTTONS: Changes to use corresponding colored border when selected to make it easier to see what is selected. Especially useful for seeing Open, Hiding, Deploy Weapon.

    Vin Easy Vis UI:
    Vin easy vis UI.zip
  10. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Zveroboy1 in Dark wooden fences   
    Something like this maybe?
    This is an early draft, I got to fix the door because at the moment it is for midgets only.
  11. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Kieme(ITA) in Kieme's modding corner   
    Modding vehicles takes a lot of time, because each must be tailored with care.
    BTR, if you release a mod of yours I might try to add weathering, unless you do some already. Because I personally like the effect on CM vehicles.
    First attempt on a T-64BV, very few layers, just some rain stains and light dusts. 
    What's your opinion? Should the vehicles display more weathering? less weathering? What kind of?

    Vanilla for comparison:

  12. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to waclaw in Beta - HQS 2.1 - Black Sea - Shock Force - Afghanistan   
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/cxtufr9i2tazqcn/HQS%202.1%20-%20Black%20Sea%20-%20Shock%20Force%20-%20Afghanistan.rar?dl=0     1. Put the "sound" in your Data/Z folder.  2. WATCH OUT! - If you have any sound modules you have to remove folders which mod changes, because sounds have changed names. Don't just copy and paste. If you do it both old and new sounds will remain!    - There are so many changes that too much to write about them (eg. I added the sound of flak for approaching aircraft )   just have fun;)     this version is almost ready, missing only the optional ambient sounds and noises for the Ukrainian infantry. Soon I will add approximately 50-100 sounds for Ukrainian infantry (radio chatter, etc.) - are mainly in Russian, as we know, many Ukrainians know only Russian language (mostly from the East) - Optional ambient sounds and vehicles   Please comment, it seems to me that everything is okay, but there's always something can be done badly
  13. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to akd in AKD sound mod (all inclusive)   
    As promised, here is a BETA version of my sound mod combining all previous work into one universal mod for CMx2 titles. There may also be a few small updates since my last release, but don't expect big changes if you have previously used my mod in CMSF or the WWII titles. There are specific modules for modern sounds so you can pull them out for the WWII titles, although any problematic overlaps should be minimal.
    (edit: PM me for dropbox link.)
    Hope it helps with enjoyment of Combat Mission: Black Sea! I am very proud to have participated in development of this title. Black Sea is one of BFC's best yet.
  14. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to A Canadian Cat in Nato tactical symbol icon replacements   
    They are ready. Since there is no repository yet I have attached the .zip files here - they are only 400K or so each.
    Here is the key:

    I have a mod for the US including Ukraine (both red and blue sides) and a separate mode for the Russians.  My eventual plan is to create a Russian tactical symbol set because my preference is to play with the symbols used by the given army.  I do not know how long it will take me to get there but it will be a while.
    US and Ukrainian icons
    Russian icons
  15. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Lt. Smash in Lt. Smash's Floating Icons for CM Black Sea   
    I'm pleased to release my floating icons for CM Black Sea. You may download the file here until the repository is available.  This mod replaces the default floating icons in Combat Mission: Black Sea (CMBS).  These new stylized icons are based on the U.S. Department of Defense Interface Standard (MIL-STD-2525C) and supplemented with NATO’s Military Symbols for Land Based Systems.  The icons have a slightly three-dimensional appearance so that they look like counters from traditional board-based war games.  And, when the icon blinks (i.e., the unit is selected or wounded), the unit’s national flag is displayed. Pretty cool!

    Download: Lt. Smash's Floating Icons_Black Sea.zip
  16. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Kieme(ITA) in Kieme's modding corner   
    Recall topic, here is a list of all the mods released until now, complete with download links.
    Please be careful to distinguish High Definition (HD) and Standard versions (where not specified, consider it a Standard version). 
    HD mods are made using textures 2 times larger, in resolution, than the original game files, providing a much detailed view effect at close distance at the expense of computer resource usage, therefore HD mods can slow down your computer and should be used only if you have good FPS (frames per second); in case you can try to use them and see if your machine doesn't slow down too much.
    Standard versions are there for those with less powerful computers, being of the very same resolution as the original textures they have no effect on FPS. There's no other difference between Standard and HD mods but for the resolution.
    Please note that there's no ground mod standard version as per now, because it will take quite some work to be done well and for now it's not a priority.
    There are no new mods on this list, so be sure to download what you need or missed. Please browse this forum thread if you look for more information and previews.
    List of released mods until now:
    Kieme CMBS ground mod (HD) pt. 1 https://app.box.com/s/ywtyid56b1t7dphm4fg7et7668q0egdg
    Kieme CMBS ground mod (HD) pt. 2 https://app.box.com/s/2arjajmarl8gd33j3j3bad939iks1n9l
    Kieme CMBS alternative crops https://app.box.com/s/7aia2idxkivf2hfm8r7w6dzrnsf11piz
    Kieme CMBS reworked foliage https://app.box.com/s/1s1yiq0fab62k5vrxf1jwjax2wix1o7x
    Kieme CMBS reworked horizons https://app.box.com/s/qcxm6o3sx6wztbtreszl3cd0qamdkrm8
    Kieme CMBS alternative overcast clouds https://app.box.com/s/uz4z8t8crw7vbaiijwju3wq9ttmjoqfi
    Kieme CMBS improved doodads https://app.box.com/s/6zw49zm80pzq860yd3q3p05qdl9ld8ws
    Kieme CMBS alternative walls (HD) https://app.box.com/s/syqg4s9yz98y4vw8it85ik1b08fb2nh4
    Kieme CMBS alternative walls (Standard) https://app.box.com/s/spaavfymtt7r10ipzbgyx6uimvvyrmdh
    Kieme CMBS modular buildings (HD) https://app.box.com/s/lriagz6nrjlo1m6y2eke1u99f5jowptc
    Kieme CMBS modular buildings (Standard) https://app.box.com/s/qi57mtpha80f3x1r2dr8ia52nze8iico
    Kieme CMBS modular buildings add-on 1 (HD) https://app.box.com/s/3whq3ye3oxl5k1ru6qsj7b68xyp0ffxx
    Kieme CMBS improved roads (HD) https://app.box.com/s/9b827rv64gjyugzt0yk9jx7f6gnhra04
    Kieme CMBS improved roads (Standard) https://app.box.com/s/nzfq3kb1g3pwh197l3rz23vvoumvhbvp
    Kieme CMBS modular roofs pt. 1 https://app.box.com/s/5yoz7chtwhu3c95nbrlaub62hs2h0fv9
    Kieme CMBS modular roofs pt. 2 https://app.box.com/s/2jb4hzgcv2u0tqk9kemmodn5b44qklnh
    Top downloaded file is: Kieme CMBS modular buildings (HD) - 201 downloads
    Least downloaded file is: Kieme CMBS modular buildings add-on 1 (HD) - 57 downloads
    Dowloads for a total of 100 GB circa until now.
    Plans for next mods:
    Personally, I am very fond of the base color for Ukrainian vehicles, and I wouldn't change it too much. Weathering should be added to all vehicles, not too intense though.
    Some vehicles might be Worth alternative camouflage (T-64 Bulat, T-84 Oplot).
    US vehicles have a very nice camouflage already, they should get some weathering as well.
    Russian vehicles, a mess. I really don't like most of the base colors, and might be waiting for BTR's mods before doing anything with them.
    No intentions to mod infantry or uniforms. I feel like weapons could be weathered a bit to make them less "toy" like. otherwise I really like the uniforms, might be nice to add some of Aris' faces from other CM games. 
    I might desaturate russian camouflage, but that's just a personal taste.
    Independent buildings!
    Some of them are ok, some are not for me. I'd like to mod those but it takes a lot of time. Tanks a Lot barns should fit CMBS as well (the large ones for sure). It's Worth to try a port.
    Could use a lot of love, tried modding them, but it takes a lot of time. Might do the road ones just for the sake of adding the same road type of the modded roads.
    Flavor objects!
    Yeah, not much to notice here, but the larger objects could use higher resolution textures.
    More modular buildings!
    add-on number 2 is already half ready, 4 more buildings which will bring the total to 16 options if creating a new scenario.
    Another version of the modular buildings, with "combat effects", should be added as a [Tagged] version.
    Highway Tiles could be modded, but in my opinion the only good highway is the one going NS and EW... I could try to port a [tagged] mod to use those Tiles for airport and military installation scenarios.
  17. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Marco Bergman in Alternate Silhouettes - open test   
    Finally working on this mod. Was delayed due to holding up the CMBS release date doing textures.
    It has turned out to be a full rebuild of the CMSF version, due to different sized tiles, and also due to my finding that I couldn't understand my own mod without the reference sheet. *FAIL*
    I have all the vehicle tiles done in bglow and plain-bglow, so I'll put them up for review - hopefully to find any necessary corrections before I generate all the other versions. (In the mean time I'm working on the gun silhouettes.)
    All values are estimates. My estimates may vary from yours ( or BFC's ).
    Armour estimates used where data is unavailable:
    Turret side = Turret front / 2.5
    Hull side = Glacis / 3
    Lower Hull front = Glacis / 2
    1st gen ERA = +250mm CE  +100mm KE
    2nd gen ERA = +400mm CE  +200mm KE
    3rd gen ERA = +600mm CE  +300mm KE
    Bar armour = +150mm CE
    Just remember - pointy bar graphs for pointy shells ( ie KE penetration)

  18. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Zveroboy1 in Dark wooden fences   
    They replace the white picket fences. They're nice but I wanted something a bit grimmer. It is nothing special but it might be useful until Kieme or Juju release something better. Same resolution as the default picket fence.


    (Don't mind the trees, they're not from me, it is a port from CMBN, I am just working on a wintery map.)
    I also got these dingy run down and rusty corrugated walls that replace stone walls. Not sure whether it is worth it to upload them, I am not entirely satisfied with them. The repeat is maybe a bit too obvious and they look weird from the side or from a top down view.

  19. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to sandman2575 in Vin's mods - Animated Text, Geometric Icons, Easy vis UI, Bases   
    One of the first things I did when I installed CMBS was to port over your Arrow Bases from CMRT.  Can't play without 'em! 
  20. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Vinnart in Vin's mods - Animated Text, Geometric Icons, Easy vis UI, Bases   
    Vin Arrow Bases Mod
    This mod works with all cmx2 games. The default is the thick bright arrow, which I think is the best, but there are lots of other alternate base shapes such as a pentagon to use if you like.
    Check these out. I think you will find them more functional, and attractive over the stock bases.

    Vin Arrow Bases Mod.
    Vin's arrow base mod.zip
    Still doing some tweaks and testing with the Easy Vis UI.  Plans later tonight, so will probably have it up tomorrow.
  21. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Sublime in BS As a gift, an aside, a thank you   
    As many know ive had a lousy year. My.favorite war.theater of all time.is.ost front.and without.my.friend.mjkerner i wouldnt have been able to play red.thunder which he gifted me. Sburke gifted me the VP, MG, 3.0 BN. And now.mkjerner gifted me BS. Guys it really means a lot.to have people who,ve.never even met.me.in.person spend their hard earned money so i can escape what ive turned.into a semi bleak existence.
    Thank u so much
  22. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Tanks a Lot in Tanks a Lot's CMRT building preview   
    Almost done with another 1-story building, here's a preview:




    Thanks to Juju for the idea of the Russian nesting dolls in that last pic.
  23. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to GhostRider3/3 in How to take out IS-2?   
    Well I just made my own test of sorts.  Meeting engagement starting at 2200 meters.  JS-1, JS-2, and a bunch of T-34/85 vs 3 Tiger II, and 14 Tiger 1.  Basically had 15 JS1 and about 6 JS2, and then for kicks about 12 T-34/85.
    Played this 5 times, results were German victory every time.
    #1.  All Russian tanks knocked out, 3 Tigers I KO, 1 KT weapon damaged.
    #2.  All Russian tanks knocked out.  4 Tigers I KO, 1 KT KO, 2 Tiger1 with weapon damaged
    #3,  All Russian Tanks destroyed, 3 Tiger I KO, 3 Tiger I weapon damaged, and 1 immobilized, 1 KT Immobilized
    #4.  All Russian Tanks destroyed.  2 Tiger I KO, 3 Tiger I weapon damaged, and 1 KT immobilized
    #5.  All Russian Tanks destroyed, 3 Tiger I KO and 1 Tiger I immobilized and another with weapon damage.
    NOTE:  All German crews were Veteran, with 3 Elite King Tiger crews, motivation High.
    NOTE:  All Soviet crews were Regular with JS crews being Veteran and JS2 crew also veteran with High morale, and one fanatic.  half of the T*34/85 crew were veteran with High morale as well.
    Analysis:  The Tiger 1 proves lethal at ranges of 1500-1700m to JS1 and T-34/85 frontal armor.  Hull and Turret penetrations.  The Tiger II (KT) was lethal at ranges up to 1800m or possibly to 1900m especially to T-34/85 and JS1.  However even at ranges up to 1700m or so the KT was knocking out JS2 tanks. (I have to admit it was difficult to see what was up until I replayed each round or combat and tallied the hits from tank to tank, with the hit decals its easy to see the ballistics of what is actually happening, so my hats off to that).
    Soviet JS1 and JS2 do not have the rapid firing capability as the Tigers, so they are somewhat handicapped with the rate of fire they can throw against the enemy.  They themselves would have a hard time to gain fire superiority unless they outnumber their opponent at least 3 to 1.  The T*34/85 put up a decent volume of fire, but cannot penetrate the Tigers at distances over 1200m, by the time they closed in to around 1000m their numbers had been reduced.  The volume of fire they did pour on to a number of tigers rendered their weapon systems or main gun to malfunction, there were a couple low hits by JS tanks that had rendered a couple to be immobilized.  The Tigers that were knocked out were done by JS2-Js1 at a range of around 1300-1500m.
    of the 15 Knocked out Tigers, 9 were destroyed but not set on fire by JS1 tanks.  The other 6 were set ablaze by JS2 tanks, most of which had taken side hull shots as they closed range to about the 1300-1200m range.  The T-34/85 helped to suppress a few of the Tigers, which probably resulted in their demise.  Such is war.
    17 vs 35  my guess is, if there were another 5 to 10 Russian heavies, the figures would be much different.  In the end the Soviets could afford mass losses while the Tigers were hard to replace and fix in a reasonable time to put back on the front line.  Even the loss of 4 Tigers would hurt.
  24. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Mord in Mord's Vehicle Radio Chatter Mod   
    Pretty much what it says. When you add this to your game you'll get static laden radio chatter coming from all your vehicles (while sitting and moving).
    SEE the readme for all the info.
    There's regular and Mac versions. Links are after the pic. And if by chance there's a lot of down loads and my bandwidth runs out on Mediafire do what you guys can to help get the files to people that missed out.

    PC Version
    Mac Version
    NOTE: For guys that might read this in the future the Black Sea Repository section should be up so, just check for it there.
  25. Downvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Skinfaxi in Backstory events sliding toward Nonfiction   
    One can set his clock after it:
    As soon as a good initiative brings progress, the USA is becoming extremely active to sabotage it. This time Kerry immediately jumped into a plane, flew to Kiev and is now even offering a bancrupt country direct weapon deliveries, while this good initiative is gaining momentum. What a ruthless politics of destabilization in such a phase!
    I still remember well what had happened hours before the Ukrainian persident was ousted: an agreement with all involved parties, all opposition parties signed - the ink was not dry, the members from the meeting had not yet returned and the agent provocateurs already had started shooting.
    For almost 18 months I observe this evil scheme now and I hope, that this time the European vassals have enough courage to reject the devastating US politics for Europe. A little hope may be that they no longer accept the US being part of their initiatives.
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