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Amazing things you've seen

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While playing the "Deville" scenario as Germans, one of my pak38 crews got severely hammered by small arms fire. After a while only 1 crew member was left.

He then proceeded by picking up the pak by himself and hauling it back about 10m.

Unfortunately he replaced the gun in front of a wall, so he had no LOS at all, then got shot.

Weird thing is he never got shaken, just rattled. I noticed some other weird stuff going on with AT guns, like refusing to change facing when redeploying.

From the inglorious to the glorious: i felt gung-ho with a Tiger and decided to charge 6 Shermans that were holding a small town in a QB meeting encounter. As slow as his turret was, he still picked em off 1 by 1.

To my surprise, the AI then sent 2 shermans around my left flank in an attempt to knock the big cat out. The Tiger anticipated and killed em both.

Oh the sweet sight of rushing the infantry into the town afterwards....passing the Tiger and 6 burning Sherman wrecks....

Iron crosses for everyone! Huzzah!

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Steve - thanks for the reply. I'm betting on the first of your explanations.

The AI definitely didn't have any actual spotting ability to the location hit, and I don't recall setting any sort of pre battle intel. Not an errant round aimed elsewhere, either, I think, since it blasted away for several minutes and overkilled the HQ team there.

But it was a good defender's spot, definitely, and it is quite possible the AI programmer for the map would pick it as a good aim point.

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But it was a good defender's spot, definitely, and it is quite possible the AI programmer for the map would pick it as a good aim point.

I had a period during which I played almost exclusively AI-Armor-Only-Assaults-Infantry-Only QBs, and learned to give up on the "good spots" for exactly this reason!

Best regards,


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Played a quick mission on a heavily treed village map, defending as the Americans. Half way through the scenario there were a number of audio contacts in the forest. Since I was busy dealing with Stugs on the other side of town, there weren't really enough men at that end to deal with them. The artillery spotter called up a nearby 60mm mortar team and had them fire into the forest to pin the enemy contacts down. When the scenario ended I was checking the troops to see who did what and that mortar team was credited with 36 casualties. This is the highest number for a single unit I can remember ever seeing, including CM1x

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Well i was playing a QB small rough Map and had four Stugs attacking my line. I was the defender, well i was able to get around back of the Stugs with the Only Tank i had, an M5A1. Well this M5A1 tank was able to knock out three Stugs with some ease. (took a few rear shots with that pea shooter 37mm but he done it):eek:. However the last Stug just would not die. thus i ended up following that Stug around the Map for about 3 mins. just hitting him with rear shots that were penetrating or at least partially penetrating at 150M-225M. I had to back away a couple times and reengage cuz he tried turning on me to shoot. So after dodging him & reengaging a couple times my little M5A1 finally got that last Stug:D I believe my M5A1 in those 3 Mins. put approx. 10-15 37mm shots that hit & got penetration into the rear half of that Stug until he started to burn & his crew bailed.

Man oh Man that 3 Min. seemed to take forever. and what can i say that stug is one tough stubborn piece of armour. Good German engineering for ya

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I keep seeing an "Amazing" thing happen. Tank crews getting out of destroyed tanks and turning into Rambos.

I am not saying that a .45 isn't a better weapon than a Kar98 at close range (I would take the .45 any day) but I think the tankers need to be a little more panicked after bailing, at least for a few minutes.

In fact, I think most crews, after getting out of a destroyed/burning tank and finding the enemy right there would surrender immediatly.

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Well Holy Jesus! I have seen some crazy stuff... I need to figure out the Capture picture thing. Playing one of the Battles and Recon vs Recon. Playing as Germans and the battle was intense. Brewed up M8's and Jeeps.. two jeeps were on the road and were brewing and exploded in a secondary ball of inferno killing the mortar crew next to the jeep. Another group traversing a Bridge and I thought I had it blocked as a m8 scout car was brewed up already and blocking.. yeah right.. they shoved it aside and knocked out a Puma... we brewed up the rest and I was looking across the map when suddenly a secondary explosion rocked the bridge twice destroying a M8 in the process of bypassing the M8 that had a secondary explosion.

The direct fire from US mortars can be FREAKING Lethal!! took out a SPW, and tried to rock some infantry before they were in turn engaged by the SiG.

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I was the defender, well i was able to get around back of the Stugs with the Only Tank i had, an M5A1. Well this M5A1 tank was able to knock out three Stugs with some ease.

Man oh Man that 3 Min. seemed to take forever. and what can i say that stug is one tough stubborn piece of armour. Good German engineering for ya

I had a similar situation with a greyhound. Took 3 shots into the rear of the StuG before it rolled out of sight. Finally got a Sherman to move up, it caught the StuG which had apparently suffered so much damage it could barely move. Still took me a few rounds from the Sherman 75mm. (it was close range but I think I was catching the top of the engine compartment.) Am still in that battle and have a Sherman platoon playing cat and mouse with a Panther platoon. So far it is 3-2. Not bad but I still have 2 Panthers prowling and only 2 Shermans. (both 75s). If they can hold out long enough I have 2 more platoons coming :D

I won't spill details as it is not a QB.

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Watching a ricochet from a German MG hit and kill a GI who was running past the wall the round hit at exactly the wrong time. Normally this one casualty wouldn't have made any odds in the grand scheme of things, as the offending MG team were cut down seconds later, and the mission ended that turn.

However, this poor pixeltroopen's death was enough to put me over the 'suffer less than 10% casualties' victory condition, and cost me my Total Victory.

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all ai control btw. my allied squad was moving across a road. i thought was clear, and an mg42 opened up with a hail of gun fire . i thought they were all domed. well the bazooka guy was having NONE of that. he fired off a round. it was so far away i thought it was surely going to miss, but it didn't. saved the whole squads ass.

another one was i sent my FO (whole team) from one location to another to call in artillery because i needed LOS. well when they got there the artillery tab was grayed out. i was like this is bs why'd it disappear. they have los why isn't it available. i THEN clicked on the FO unit and the Radio guy was dead LMAO. i lost him on the way. dunno where? so much was going on. I have one question could i have "ammo shared" the radio to another squad member if i knew where i lost him?

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My 'favorite' was a night battle where a 57mm ATG opened up on my Stummel from a short distance. At least I think it was aiming at the Stummel - but my Panther was also partly inbetween, so the shot hit the Panther's right bogie wheel immobilizing it, went right through the skirt armor and then penetrated the Stummel, causing it to brew up and also taking some nearby infantry with it. That was pretty 'WTF' sight!

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I have one question could i have "ammo shared" the radio to another squad member if i knew where i lost him?

Yes, sort of. If you park another unit with a radio near-by, they'll use that. It *may* be only vehicle radios (so parking a AC nearby works well)...

but I'm pretty sure I've seen it work with radio-capable infantry too.

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I was in the 3D view of the editor making a map last night. Noon on the map, but way too late for me. I ALT/TAB to check the forums, then go to bed. With the editor in 3D mode minimised.

I come home tonight after work, and realise CM is still running at the bottom. I click to maximise.

IT IS ALMOST DARK on the map! Full moon on the horizon.


A freakin' clock runs in the editor while you are in 3D view mode.

Color me astounded.

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I was in the 3D view of the editor making a map last night. Noon on the map, but way too late for me. I ALT/TAB to check the forums, then go to bed. With the editor in 3D mode minimised.

I come home tonight after work, and realise CM is still running at the bottom. I click to maximise.

IT IS ALMOST DARK on the map! Full moon on the horizon.


A freakin' clock runs in the editor while you are in 3D view mode.

Color me astounded.

That's excellent! Maybe I'll get to work on a 24 hour scenario! :D

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In an ongoing PBEM QB, my opponent rolled a Tiger onto the objective and quickly knocked out my lone Sherman and then began hammering my nearby platoons. In desperation, I detached the bazooka team to pull them back and see if I could get another angle on it. Sadly they became pinned and gave up their movement order in favor of cowering. When I next went to give them a movement order, I saw the guy with the bazooka was in the process of aiming, so I let them be. He is now two for two at 230m, forcing the Tiger to pop smoke.

The best part is, after those two hits, I then noticed his name: Freeman. God help the Germans if he gets his hands on a crowbar.

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That's amazing! How can we make this work for us in a mission?

Easily. Play the scenario Deville. It starts off in daylight, early dusk. By the end of the scenario it is practically night. Very cool change in environment over the space of an hour, and provides a good reason to end the scenario then.

It's also worth mentioning that the sun/moon illumination cycles match the real calender days as well.

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