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Baneman last won the day on May 11 2020

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  • Birthday December 20

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  1. Do you realise that out of an entire population, "a few of them" could easily be tens or hundreds of thousands of people ? You're effectively saying that accepting a level of mass murder is the way forward. And that also doesn't equate with "if they stop resisting, the bloodshed will stop". That's just mad thinking, if not propaganda. Cheers, I'm out.
  2. True, but it's inexplicable. Do you think surrendering because you're tired of the war will make life better ? Also, unfortunately for the old gent, his opinion needs to be held by both sides to work. If the Russians consider him their enemy, his opinion won't be worth a hill of beans.
  3. My guess is that it's confusing us because it is actually one of those known-to-be-meaningless punishment tasks the army likes to give miscreants like scrubbing the urinal with a toothbrush. Otherwise, bafflement
  4. But still, even if the Ukrainian attacks on Russian oil refineries was having an effect on gas prices, stopping them won't have any effect because the Russians can just as easily themselves halt production when the time is right if they want to effect rising gas prices during an election. The logic of these narratives doesn't hold up.
  5. These recent videos of Russian armoured assaults are insane ! I mean, I ( and almost everyone on this forum ) would be absolutely messing myself with worry if I even tried that in CM in a WW2 context. Are the Russian generals on drugs ? Maybe it's just because I tend to be very logical, but I cannot wrap my head around this kind of behaviour after 2 (two !) years of seeing this sort of thing get smashed.
  6. Well, I don't have a ban stick and you didn't answer my queries either. Barely even queries, more like requests for elaboration. I'd like to think I was polite about it. It's back on page 3361 if you care to have a go.
  7. So, sfhand - Steve asked some questions and you waved them away. Perhaps you would clarify - for example. for Steve's Point The Putin regime is a brutal dictatorship that has increasingly less tolerance for anything that questions its legitimacy And you decided the answer was 1.partially true partially false Now I'd love to hear what part of the Putin regime is tolerant or not a brutal dictatorship ? Because if the statement is partially false, then there must be some tolerance shown. I ( we here ) have not seen any, but perhaps you have access to info we do not ? Russia unilaterally launched a war against Ukraine, unprovoked and without any rational justification. Again, you go half half 4.partially true partially false in part depending on what one considers a provocation (not universal; see individuals per inverse Plato's Republic) and what one considers violations of treaties and ethnic cleansing Apparently you think that Russia DID have some provocation, could you state what you believe it is ? Otherwise you're just throwing in "partially false" to try and justify the war somehow. What treaties are you referring to ? And ethnic cleansing ? You imply these are involved somehow, but again, fail to tell us what/how they inform your opinion. So c'mon, this forum is a pretty vigorous place for peer review - give us some facts/info to back up your position - everyone else here has.
  8. Although they then have to admit/prove that it's Ukrainian and not a "smoking accident". Surely nets will simply drive the USV's to have a terminal underwater phase ? The classic is the Japanese Midway wargames where the Opposing force hid their carriers nearby ( IIRC it was even almost exactly where irl the American carriers were positioned ) and thrashed the attacking force. That was deemed impossible, the opfor guys were chastised and it was replayed for the Japanese "win". And then in reality ...
  9. Surely if you can get close enough to ram, you could fire some sort of short range net over it. But why not continue the WWI analogies that we've seen all over this conflict - get hordes of combat flight sim pilots to fly hunter drones. With some natty sensors to aid the Mk1 eyeball, that could be effective, since most of the target drones are looking at the ground, again, a la WWI observers who never saw who shot them down.
  10. Pretty sure he is. It is a remarkably concisely laid out and cogent method to self-analyse a position or belief. You do so with the most nebulous position you can possibly take, if you even define it at all. Exhibit A : "while we empower the warrior to win the war in several weeks". Easy to say, but none of your posts have addressed how this would be done in the slightest. Whereas The_Capt has unpicked stuff down to the platoon level and not pulled any punches on where we ( the "West" ) might be coming up short in our understanding or analyses. I guess I'm joining the muters, there's only so many times you can scroll past yet another post. I guess that will also make me "wrong". Oops - posted a page behind "current" and redundant immediately. Apologies.
  11. But remember, it wasn't Iraqi's using them. I suspect the Ukrainians will be a bit more careful on this, having somewhat greater motivation.
  12. Hard to tell, but my guess is "counter battery" and they got the letters swapped.
  13. Or they are using every drone they have and in a day or two they'll have nothing. We just don't know. Plus, maybe they've had that kind of footage all along, but now that it's Western kit, it's worth them posting it. Also, remember that all this is Russian footage and everything they post will have at least some element of trying to convince everyone that the offensive is failing.
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