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  1. Hmm. I'm not having that problem. I'm not getting errors - in fact it sends fine. I just assumed it was also supposed to download returned files........ Also, I can't see anything in that screenshot. Too small. Might be just me. I would suggest if you're not using gmail, check all the settings floating around and ensure none of the gmail settings are set.
  2. So long as the interface for doing so is a little slicker than fire missions
  3. I only split if I think it's tactically relevant - generally leaving them together. I'm sure it puts me at a slight tactical disadvantage, but saves on administrative work! Also: I'm not saying the design is perfect - wouldn't it be better if the MGunner knew he was shooting at a split team and didn't spread his shots as a result? If you want to suppress a horde of incoming Ami split-teams: area target. I'm just pointing out ... I don't think this is a bug, so much as a design decision that doesn't work out well in the given case.
  4. Has anyone considered that this might be by design? e.g. a Squad covers three action squares. You target the squad - thus the MG locks on to the middle action square... but let's be honest, you'd want the gunner to spread his fire left and right a little to try and suppress or kill the whole squad. Basically "targeting" a unit is no different to area firing except that the action square you have targeted is moving. By design the gunner spreads to shots left and right to adjacent square to suppress not just what you're shooting at, but other infantry as well.
  5. I agree wholeheartedly. Has anyone worked out the gmail integration though? It sends fine, but doesn't receive? Is that it's limitation?
  6. How come the last couple pages of your images don't load? Is it just me?
  7. Wow. I wander back into the forums after a while away.... and what the hell? A TOUCH version? I've never seen a point to a tablet... but that has been slowly changing. Seen one or two apps that would actually be decent on a tablet over a phone. Combat Mission definitely qualifies. Now: I have an android phone, and suspect I always will.... but I'm actually looking at the JUST ANNOUNCED MS Surface. CM:N is already a Windows game - what's the chances CM:T will be Windows 8 compatible (and thus playable on the fancy Surface tablet? ) Something to keep in mind, BFC, don't you think?
  8. In case anyone is wondering: the manual provides instructions on how to set up relative keymapping.
  9. The "alternative" keys are actually the "sane" keys. Relative key mapping is some of the most ass-backwards way of controlling a game I have *ever* seen (in about 20 years of gaming.) And it's default?!? I have started a really long document on all the short-comings of CM:BN's UI issues, and how they could be fixed. The NUMBER ONE was this "the same keys-mean-different-things-depending-on-the-tab" craziness. That's when I discovered you could change to "alternate" keymapping style. I pretty much stopped on the document, because it was just a GIANT relief to be able to have sane keymapping I was willing to overlook the hundred other questionable decisions. Change to alternate keymapping. Do it NOW. It doesn't matter if you're used to the madness that is relative. You know how it took you a week to get used to relative, and even now you often make a mistake? With the alternative you'll adjust within the time of a *single battle* and never look back.
  10. My best moment (and it was in my first game after upgrading the demo to full I think) 1. I "soften" up a village with a heavy arty bombardment. 2. I send in the infantry to secure the 2-story buildings 3. Once cleared of AT threats, I move up my Panthers, working their way down the narrow little streets 4. A sherman counter attack begins from the far side of the village, so I creep a Panther between some of my 2-story buildings to see if it can get a shot off 5. The sherman fires first, and the shell deflects harmlessly off... into a heavily damaged building my infantry were occupying 6. The building collapses killing everyone inside
  11. I got a tactical victory first go - I had no idea a counter attack was imminent. I was expecting lots of resistance around the bridge. I proceeded carefully up the left side of the road with everything. I wanted to avoid having to pick through much forest, as I didn't have many men - but the forest overlooking the bridge obviously needed to be thoroughly cleared out. So, using overwatch and cover I moved up to the forest edge, then began to creep my infantry through it spread out, while my vehicles stayed back. My plan was to clear the forest, then secure the bridge with the HT guns and support weapons overwatching the infantry. So they were close to the forest, but behind it. When my infantry got to the far side of the forest, I suddenly got many contacts of Ami's running across the open towards the forest I had just crept through (from a smaller forest which I assumed was their starting point.) I lay down fire ASAP trying to catch them in the open. I drove several vehicles around the forest at high speed to provide cross-fire on the exposed enemy. I hustled up my MGs and set them up 1 action square into the forest to pour more firepower on them while they were pinned in the open. I avoided crossing the road, and focused everything on those infantry - I didn't want to get into any entanglements that weren't necessary. That's about when the shermans showed up, and dispatched several of my HTs and ACs. I wasn't expecting that, but the losses were worth the damage they inflicted. I searched around for something to dispatch the shermans, but there was nothing. As you point out - only 30m fausts. So unless the shermans happen to drive within 30m of a forest edge, I had no hope. I resolved to simply avoid the shermans. However, it didn't matter in the end because after a round or two of backing away from the shermans, a platoon of panthers showed up. I used these reinforcements to engage the shermans directly, and with some new infantry that came with them, also secure the area around the bridge, and suppress American assets in the forests to the right of the road. My panthers destroyed 1 AT gun and 5 shermans for the loss of one Panther, damaged gun controls on another, and one was de-tracked. All-in-all my biggest problem was it was quite time consuming clearing out the forests around the bridge so I could be assured of a successful occupy. I rushed some vehicles and a small number of infantry to secure the final occupy objective - I had no time clear it of enemies, but I think it was defended by only a MG jeep, so it was quickly dispatched and I succeeded at that objective too. My biggest losses, IMO, were the infantry that cleared out the forest. Even though I worked hard to try and pin the Ami's in the open, a couple squads got into the forest causing night-time forest fighting to occur, which was just a slaughter. Yes I lost a handful of HTs and ACs, but you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. (I assume this is why its called Bloody Gulch) The infantry were a terrible loss though. I just wish I'd been able to pin down those squads before they got into the trees.
  12. Crap, sorry. Wrong thing on the clipboard I guess! http://youtu.be/qLRl9MFaN6E I can't edit my post now, either Boo forum policies.
  13. The tactical problem I faced was that the Sherman had retreated through a gate and so to approach it I had to drive in such a way as to expose myself to the gate before rotating to face - thus exposing my side-armour to a waiting Sherman gun. I have from experience noted that although a Sherman has almost no chance to penetrate a Panther frontally, it can be quite successful from the side - even on the turret. I moved the Panther in focus along a dry creek bed to keep it concealed. Even if it was visible, it would only be exposing the top of its turrent to the enemy - both the strongest part of the tank, and a smaller target to hit. I was able to drive down it to line up with the gate, then rotate to present the front armour and use a "slow" command to creep up the embankment to get the shot. Even if the Sherman had have got the first shot - entirely possible since it was stationary and waiting for me - it would have had a very hard time (if not impossible) to penetrate my Panther. It was a bonus that he exposed himself to the second Panther and received 3 shots to his 1.
  14. Very nice ! The sounds I thought were a pretty cool addition Although - do mortars whistle like that?
  15. I looked at my losses, and noted them. But I didn't record them and I knew I'd live to regret it. I believe, from memory, I had approximately 300KIA - something like 295? I do know for sure it was very close to what Germany had to. So we had similar losses over this campaign (despite me getting awarded a "total victory.") My armour losses weren't too bad. A smidge high, but acceptable. I can't recall the number though If I remember I'll fire up my last save and add here.
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