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CMBO CM:BN Equipment comparrison chart

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The Nashorn existed in the timeframe but I believe never fought in Northwest Europe in the timeframe (if ever).


I have seen a reference that says a T26E3 was knocked out by a Nashorn near Cologne on 6 March 1945.

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Two quick comments. The Sherman Jumbo would be outside the timeframe.

The Nashorn existed in the timeframe but I believe never fought in Northwest Europe in the timeframe (if ever).


Thanks for the work Mord. Good job.

The Nashorn was present in the Alsace region during and after Nordwind.  There were several companies of Nashorns that crossed the Rhine north of Strasbourg and there were several companies located in the Colmar pocket.  They may not be identified as specific separate Nashorn units though because they were in mixed units with Hetzers and Pz IV tanks.

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@Sublime; The B1 is in CMBN, CMFI has the plain Priest. JonS was saying the B1 replaced the regular Priest by 44.


@Heinrich; Thanks, man.


@akd; LOL. I need to start showing you these lists before I make them. Nice catch.


That puts the German AT/AA guns at; 14 in CMBO, 11 in CMBN.




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I've used a Priest, too, so heavily for DF in longish range bombardment I emptied its shell racks.




There is also supposed to be a final VP for CMBN, so that we can play things like the Scheldt Estuary campaign. For sure, there are to be Wasps, LVTs and landing craft. Am rather doubting we'll get the 27 varieties a firsthand account reports as being in the landing force! I've pushed hard for both the Terrapin (which debuted there) and for the more generally used DUKW which, contrary to what many seem to believe, was used in assault crossings. Of course, the coolness of the LCT®, which was used at Sicily on, can't be overestimated. Clip of the Walcheren Island attack. LCT® at 1:30.



Am hoping for LCVPs and LCMs, both standard types with wide utility in all sorts of places, and the classic British LCA, famously seen in the D-Day footage. Some sort of pontoon bridge would be a grand thing. I don't remember what the German goodies were to be, other than that they were toothsome.




John Kettler




This built-in WP is recalcitrant and resolutely refuses to put "R" in parentheses for the rocket craft.

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CMBN is missing 2 vehicles that were in CMBO (the Centaur and Wasp). There is also a plain Jeep missing but there are two Jeep variants so I am not counting it.





You didn't mention the Comet tank.

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There is also supposed to be a final VP for CMBN, so that we can play things like the Scheldt Estuary campaign. For sure, there are to be Wasps,


I have never heard anything about this. You have a link? As far as I knew the one VP was it for CMBN. I remember Steve saying something to the effect of there being "no amphibious vehicles in the WWII titles...yet" but nothing else.




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Pretty sure the Wasps became standard around October 1944 so were just pinched out of being part of the CMBN timeframe. There were probably some floating around for training purposes but a widespread roll out, probably not. Been reading the Canadian War series over the last year and the Canadian forces received their Wasps as they went into the fighting around Antwerp post Market Garden and when they arrived they were well received for the rough canal and dike fighting.


Edit: And a quick google search... maybe I'm a little mistaken above. Maybe only the Canadian variant of the Wasp which was different to the standard British make came into active service later. Meh definately one for the TOE grogs. :D

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Am absolutely certain Steve talked about this, and I have found an allusion to that statement in one of the piles of posts I've investigated. So far, though, I haven't found what Steve said. I'm certain the post was talking about a final pack for CMBN, and he specifically mentioned landing craft. Much digging, but no treasure as of now!




John Kettler

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As far as the Grey AFV uniform for the Germans that should be the StuG crews. They never considered themselves tankers, they always thought of themselves as artillery men answering the call of the infantry to "bring up the guns" in support. Sure they had a ad-hoc role as anti-tank but artillery in direct fire is a sort of AT gun in a sense.




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No, in Normandy the 17th SS (along with Lehr, 2nd, 116th, and 12th SS Pz Divs) had Jagdpanzer IV.


The JPz IV is in the game, and has models with different armour thicknesses.

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17th SS Panzer Grenadier Division's tank battalion was equipped with StuG IV.


The same reason I was running a couple of tests in the editor. :) Different sources do say different things however, from an understrength battalion but of exclusively StuGIV's, while some others say it was a mix battalion with StuGIII/IV's. Latter probably more like I'd imagine. Never seen JPzIV's mentioned, at least filling the role of a the Panzergrenadier's Panzer Battalion - or closest possible match with what armour was available. Be interested in in seeing yet another source JonS.


Also StuGIV didn't make it into CMRT either?

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I've been doing some significant-fairly deep digging, but so far, I haven't found what I remember Steve said. I have seen references to there being a final CMBN pack, such as MikeyD's #2.




Posted 11 August 2014 - 09:59 PM

Remember, there's a promised final(?) CMBN game pack. Something that isn't a full module but provides you with 'stuff' to round out the theater. Since there's never been a CMBN 'pack' before we'll just have to wait to see what it looks like.
I've read a bunch of threads, totaling something like 30 pages of eyeball exercise, but have yet to find the blasted thing. Maybe find a truly obscure set of cammies that Steve doesn't have and use them in lieu of a virgin to propitiate him, so that he will deliver unto us the original pronouncement or better yet, the latest revealed wisdom on the contents of the second and presumably last CMBN pack?
John Kettler 
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Actually, Mikey is referencing the Vehicle Pack that was released (before it was released). Notice he says; "Since there's never been a CMBN 'pack' before we'll just have to wait to see what it looks like."


But hopefully down the road we get surprised and they do a second one, that would be cool.



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