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Stop Getting Shot At

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See title.

Anyone else got simple advice for new players?

Here's a short list of mine:

  1. Do not get shot at.
  2. Shooting makes you easier to see.
  3. Cover arcs are not magic.
  4. Maybe allow your troops to wait a minute before flogging them onto their objectives.
  5. Don't call in that airstrike. No seriously, don't. It'll hit your own guys.
  6. It doesn't matter how thick your armor is.
  7. You don't assault a position by running straight into it.
  8. Use more ammo, you don't get bonus points for frugality.
  9. Limit your leaders exposure.
  10. Split your squads. Three guys in one action spot are not as vulnerable as six.

Maybe we can make a community contributed list Murphy's Laws of Combat Mission.

At the very least, let's have a fun thread for once.

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37 minutes ago, General Jack Ripper said:

At the very least, let's have a fun thread for once.

That would be kind of nice 😁...

The forum is/ has been (for quite some time) very quiet...the majority of threads seems to be some kind of bug/tweaking threads...

I guess we are running out of things to discuss...most things seems to have been brought up at one time or more before...including this topic.

I like the initiativ though...😎

A few more tips:

- don"t forgett about smoke

- recon is a good thing...get- and try to maintain good Intel on the enemy

- try to maintain C2

- "shooting without moving is a waste of ammo...moving without shooting is a waste of lives"



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Use minimum necessary force to achieve the objective.  (Using too much often results in a target-rich environment for your enemy.)

Don't commit piecemeal.  Generally use 10-20% for the attack with 80%+ in support.

Also, do not reinforce failure.  (If your plan isn't working don't keep sending forces in to die, do something else.)

4 hours ago, General Jack Ripper said:

Use more ammo, you don't get bonus points for frugality.

Caveat: In good campaigns ammo and force conservation is important.  You may very well get points for using less ammo.


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Observe the lay of the land, before making plans

Set your own goals, don't blindly drive/run towards objecives

Make an actual plan how to achieve those goals

 Shoot up enemy positions before assaulting them. 

Attack when rounds are still falling, not when the enemy has had time to regain his posture.

Hide your troops when they come under HE fires and cant retreat.

Use covered arcs and hide for ambushes. You don't have to open fire on sight, pick the ideal range for your ambush.

Separate enemy tanks and infantry asap.

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A few additional. 

Indirect fire Hide in a building, direct fire Hide behind a building.

Pin with MGs.  Kill with HE

What teams/vehicles have overwatch for the moving teams/vehicles.

Disembark at least one terrain feature away from OpFor.

Supporting fire call time is X minutes.  Where am I likely to need supporting fires in X minutes. 

Pay attention to team/vehicle suppression meters. 

What is X Platoon's contingency if it gets hit by indirect fire.  

Maintain C2.

Maintain a reserve. 

Don’t be in a hurry to die.

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Don't ask your troops to do anything you wouldn't do in real life. Would YOU charge across an open field into the teeth of a machine gun? I doubt it.

3/4 of gameplay is the terrain.

Basing your strategy on the assumption that the enemy is going to be blind and slow to react is a losing strategy.

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What about 'don't play the game based on pre-conceived concepts of superiority'?

First go at Gog and Magog in CMRT my King Tiger crews certainly didn't thank me for doing so.  Even on the second attempt the loss of optics was something to behold (pun intended).

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  • 5 months later...
On 6/29/2020 at 1:08 AM, General Jack Ripper said:

See title.

Anyone else got simple advice for new players?

Here's a short list of mine:

  1. Do not get shot at.
  2. Shooting makes you easier to see.
  3. Cover arcs are not magic.
  4. Maybe allow your troops to wait a minute before flogging them onto their objectives.
  5. Don't call in that airstrike. No seriously, don't. It'll hit your own guys.
  6. It doesn't matter how thick your armor is.
  7. You don't assault a position by running straight into it.
  8. Use more ammo, you don't get bonus points for frugality.
  9. Limit your leaders exposure.
  10. Split your squads. Three guys in one action spot are not as vulnerable as six.

Maybe we can make a community contributed list Murphy's Laws of Combat Mission.

At the very least, let's have a fun thread for once.

Good idea, my golden rule is if you can hit something, something could also hit you. 'High Ground' you see lots and a lot of people could see you. make your units Situational Aware. The fact that Hawkeyes got LOS doesn't mean his friends have it too. Combat Shock and Combat Stress learn the difference. You will be shocked if somebody loses a limb if you lose your limb you have Combat Stress from which you won't recover. Don't ignore buddy aid a number will bleed out. 

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First rules

1 -Wait until the children are at school or in bed
2 - Wait for your wife to watch television or pour a sleeping pill in her glass.
If she resists and tells you about her colleague who put on her green necklace with the blue dress, yes, the one she wore when on her birthday and you should remember it given the way you looked at her (don't answer the trap)   it's lacks taste especially since she wore it with the red shoes the same as she saw that she had copied  and besides the green necklace will go well with the her dress of the same color (message to grab) and then also blah blah blah…. There, don't hesitate to make a backup and double the dose of sleeping pill.
3 - Drink water and avoid beer or that little Alsace white wine that I'm sipping while writing these lines
5 - Turn off the television in order to concentrate as well as possible
6- Finally, for old people like me, don't hesitate to cover yourself with a little wool

only after applying the rules above!!!!

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Happy New Year @Falaise, I like your rules my friend.

I have however already broken 1, I have not applied the sleeping pill in 2, I've broken 3 of course, not sure where 4 went, 5 is a point of contention as 'The Greatest Showman' is currently booming out in the living room.  I am okay with 6 however as I still have thermals on from my earlier dog-walking.

Despite all of this however, I'm just taking a short break from Final Blitzkrieg, which is a lot of fun (the game, not the break).

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17 hours ago, Vacilllator said:

 not sure where 4 went,

The absence of 4 is the perfect illustration of the misdeeds of 3
of course nobody sticks to the application to the letter of all its rules, they are like the resolutions of January 1st trampled under foot in the 1st rounds of the battle.
despite it, some become dogmas
thus the rule described by General Jack Ripper in his video which consists in sending scouts with a short target arc is the rule to which I stick the most.

happy new year to you too comrade

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Better to get somewhere fast, tired, and safe than slow, rested, and dead.

Javelins can delete men just as well as material.

You can throw grenades over walls by force-targeting the opposite side.

That gut-feeling/intuition is usually correct and reluctance to adapt in time can be a killer.

Making snipers Crack or Elite is usually a very good investment.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/2/2021 at 7:17 AM, Falaise said:

thus the rule described by General Jack Ripper in his video which consists in sending scouts with a short target arc is the rule to which I stick the most.


Here's another one I've been ruminating on for quite some time now:

If you're going to drive your vehicle Slow, ask yourself why you're not driving Fast instead. If you can't think of a reason, why not do it?

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19 minutes ago, General Jack Ripper said:


Here's another one I've been ruminating on for quite some time now:

If you're going to drive your vehicle Slow, ask yourself why you're not driving Fast instead. If you can't think of a reason, why not do it?

In modern warfare an Abrams, Challenger or Leopard shoot more accurately fast moving than a bore sighted AT gun during WW2. Speed is one of the defenses against ATGM's. What worked in Battle for Normandy doesn't work so well in SF2. Every Stryker carries a weapon more effective than an eighty-eight. I agree with you 100% about speed. 

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15 hours ago, General Jack Ripper said:


Here's another one I've been ruminating on for quite some time now:

If you're going to drive your vehicle Slow, ask yourself why you're not driving Fast instead. If you can't think of a reason, why not do it?

According to BF, vehicles have AI that adjusts speed depending on the terrain or circumstances.  That seems to imply that there is no advantage in changing to SLOW when crossing a fence or wall (reducing damage to tracks/wheels), or when crossing terrain that has a higher % of bogging/immobilization.  However, in the game, it's hard to determine if that is always true.  Not sure if tests were done.

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6 minutes ago, Erwin said:

According to BF, vehicles have AI that adjusts speed depending on the terrain or circumstances.  That seems to imply that there is no advantage in changing to SLOW when crossing a fence or wall (reducing damage to tracks/wheels), or when crossing terrain that has a higher % of bogging/immobilization.  However, in the game, it's hard to determine if that is always true.  Not sure if tests were done.

Its one of the things the AI does for certain things like fences, low walls etc.  I give my vehicles Fast from cover to covered position.  The AI automagically changes to Slow for crushing through a fence etc. and goes back to Fast.  I guess it would be correct to say there is no point in using a Slow waypoint to go through a fence because the AI is going to temporarily change to Slow anyways.  And generally if you crush through more than one fence a vehicle will take track/wheel damage and Fast will no longer be as fast as it was.    

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What about crossing wet/muddy ground?  Again I used to order SLOW.  But, I wonder again if that is necessary or if the AI automatically adjusts to the best/safest speed.  On the other hand perhaps one can order a faster speed if one is willing to take the higher risk of immobilization(?).  But, if that is the case, then why can't one order a tank to crash thru a fence or wall at a higher speed and take a higher risk?

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3 minutes ago, Erwin said:

What about crossing wet/muddy ground?  

@womble once said, "Movement speed has no demonstrated effect on bogging/immobilization rates."  There are many threads on this topic.  I agree with womble. 

Vehicles will slow down of their own accord for some kinds of terrain the berm remaining from bocage demo, crossing any obstacle they can crush, and rough terrain like light woods.  I don't think the AI driver changes speed for mud.  However mud might bog / immobilize the vehicle no matter the speed.    

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