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Battle Packs, Vehicle Packs?

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7 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:


* AI Orders now includes an option to “Withdraw”, which means it moves backwards and ends its move by facing the direction it came instead of the direction it traveled. This might not seem like a big deal, but it is :D





Yes !!! :D

Finally the AI armour will be able to do some nice shoot-and-scoot moves ..Huge improvement ! thank you...


7 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:


* AI can now be ordered to perform Area Fire in its AI Plan.  This allows the AI to place fire on particular spots on the assumption that the enemy might be there.  Woodlines, reverse ridges, buildings, etc.  This is a compromise between the current system (absolutely no AI area fire) and everybody's fantasy system (the AI is smart enough to know when and where to apply Area Fire all on its own).  Preliminary results indicate that this will be a rather nasty surprise for single player types :)


I'm hopeing for some sort of improvements to the AI artillery programing for V4.0. This might very well be one step in the right direction...

If you have let's say 4 medium mortars in an AI-Group...Will they use their main weapon to areafire on a specified area ? hopefully yes ! :P

It sure would be nice to be able to support  a, mid game,  AI counter attack with some HE (and....even better...also some smoke)...


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14 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

* AI can now be ordered to perform Area Fire in its AI Plan.


Preliminary results indicate that this will be a rather nasty surprise for single player types 

But you warned them. Now no one will be surprised :D

It would have been fun to just not mention this and see how long before someone posted about it. A well I only thought of that idea after you posted this. If I had thought of it earlier i would have pitched it. :)

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14 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

Ability to place Flavor Objects in the 3D environment more directly.  The clunky UI that exists currently made many map makers opt out of using many, if any, Flavor Objects.  The new feature works by letting the map maker "clone" a placed Flavor Object while in 3D mode, then place that cloned object anywhere.  This is especially helpful when placing lots of the same things, like telephone poles, gravestones, etc.  That in turn means more atmospheric environments for people to play in with a lot less time and energy.

Great set of upgrades. Could the Flavor Object new clone placement be adapted for buildings also? It would make it faster/easier to make towns and urban areas since you don't know what the buildings look like or how many levels they have in the 2d mode. Anything that makes scenario making easier and more fun is for the benefit of the community which is such a big part of the CM-experience.

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On 9/17/2016 at 8:31 AM, rocketman said:

Great set of upgrades. Could the Flavor Object new clone placement be adapted for buildings also? It would make it faster/easier to make towns and urban areas since you don't know what the buildings look like or how many levels they have in the 2d mode. Anything that makes scenario making easier and more fun is for the benefit of the community which is such a big part of the CM-experience.

Unfortunately no changes to the way buildings are handled.  That's still something sitting on my personal wishlist, but it will have to wait.


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On 17/9/2016 at 0:05 AM, Battlefront.com said:

* AI Orders now includes an option to “Withdraw”, which means it moves backwards and ends its move by facing the direction it came instead of the direction it traveled. This might not seem like a big deal, but it is :D

As a scenario designer, I have often asked for this very important feature, so it's great to see it coming down the pipes. However, one important thing: Please make it so that tanks and vehicles will REVERSE when given this withdraw order (not sure if this is what you meant, just wanted to make sure). Currently, giving a tank orders to move back will make it turn around in place first, exposing its backside to the enemy.

Also, it would be really good to make triggers able to trigger reinforcements! So you could tell the player he won't have tank support before he clears out an ambush position ahead. Or won't have artillery support before reaching Phase Line Blue.

Edited by Bulletpoint
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On 16/09/2016 at 6:05 PM, Battlefront.com said:

* Consolidate (Squad) Command.  This allows a Squad to internally reorganize from two or three Teams into one or two Teams, depending on conditions.  No more will Squads be forced to live with depleted Teams which could better function if consolidated.  Personnel is reassigned by the game (not player controlled), however it is voluntary and therefore Squads don't spontaneously Consolidate all on their own.


Is this going to be possible for just squads or for whole platoons as well? If all three sections of a platoon have suffered casualties will we be able to join them together to make one or two complete sections?

Can it please work for crew served weapons in the same platoon? I have had it happen over and over again where i have three AT guns in a platoon. One gun gets knocked out and has two crew men die. Another takes four casualties, but is still operational. Can the knocked out gun crew join the depleted crew to make one complete crew?

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27 minutes ago, pad152 said:

With all the talk about CM2 4.0, I take it we will see the Upgrade before we see the expansion packs for CMFI, CMRT, etc?


27 minutes ago, pad152 said:

By the way what ever happened to the new web site?

Been on hold because of things like 4.0.  It's getting slowly closer to being, but still a PITA to get it the last 5% of the way.

5 minutes ago, Heirloom_Tomato said:

Is this going to be possible for just squads or for whole platoons as well? If all three sections of a platoon have suffered casualties will we be able to join them together to make one or two complete sections?

No, the Consolidate Command is only internal Squad organization not anything beyond that.  That starts to get into some pretty serious reworking of how the game engine works and that's not something we've got on our plates for now.

5 minutes ago, Heirloom_Tomato said:

Can it please work for crew served weapons in the same platoon? I have had it happen over and over again where i have three AT guns in a platoon. One gun gets knocked out and has two crew men die. Another takes four casualties, but is still operational. Can the knocked out gun crew join the depleted crew to make one complete crew?

This is a good example of the slippery slope we get into.  What you've asked for is reasonable and and in some ways totally realistic.  The problem is that the game doesn't currently have a structure for knowing what should/shouldn't be allowed to combine and under what circumstances.  The Squad internal organization, on the other hand, is not so complicated because a Squad is a distinct unit while the other stuff are parts of Formations.

Maybe we can get to more Order of Battle stuff (which this falls into) with 5.0.  I certainly would like it to.


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30 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:


Been on hold because of things like 4.0.  It's getting slowly closer to being, but still a PITA to get it the last 5% of the way.

No, the Consolidate Command is only internal Squad organization not anything beyond that.  That starts to get into some pretty serious reworking of how the game engine works and that's not something we've got on our plates for now.

This is a good example of the slippery slope we get into.  What you've asked for is reasonable and and in some ways totally realistic.  The problem is that the game doesn't currently have a structure for knowing what should/shouldn't be allowed to combine and under what circumstances.  The Squad internal organization, on the other hand, is not so complicated because a Squad is a distinct unit while the other stuff are parts of Formations.

Maybe we can get to more Order of Battle stuff (which this falls into) with 5.0.  I certainly would like it to.


Thanks for considering the idea. I was hoping it would be something simple, like if you can share ammo, you can consolidate. But since it is on your wish list, I am happy!

Edited by Heirloom_Tomato
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5 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

As a scenario designer, I have often asked for this very important feature, so it's great to see it coming down the pipes. However, one important thing: Please make it so that tanks and vehicles will REVERSE when given this withdraw order (not sure if this is what you meant, just wanted to make sure). Currently, giving a tank orders to move back will make it turn around in place first, exposing its backside to the enemy.

I forgot to add that vehicles do travel in REVERSE.  Infantry and Weapons units, obviously have to advance with their backs to the enemy, then set up facing the enemy once they arrive at their AI Waypoint.  Phased (leap frog) withdrawals require multiple Withdraw Commands/Waypoints, probably with Delays and perhaps even Triggers.


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I disappear for 2 days and Bam! more information, very neat. the only thing on my list of things that i'd like to see in CM games that hasn't been checked off over the years is illumination shells for night fighting, but i have to admit i don't know how often these where used in the theaters portrayed in any of the CM titles.

Edited by Cobetco
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Is 4.0 based around win 10 and direct x 12?

Or older systems?

Once you hit 4.0 will it mean quicker or slower releases from your end with the changes it makes?

Will the upgrade speed up mission/map design etc for you and in essence for map makers and there work?

Will all vehicles become ridable?

Ie Guys hanging outside on top of BMPs for example in black sea?

Or is that a full recode?

Ammo/weapons sharing ?

If you go beside another unit the option should be there to give out ammo / secondary gear.  Share the love ;)

Game is quite restrictive not being able to share ammo

Especially in modern warfare where you go thru ammo quick

Is there going to be an update to the spotting engine in the game?

I ask this as I know top ranking ladder players and best friends who have quit due to the spotting engine over the years playing over many games systems - normandy to black sea

I can appreciate some of there arguements and have seen appaling spotting issues on game myself that make no sense

Some are bugs - others are?

I do appreciate in regards to spotting what the game is trying to achieve and kind of how it works however which is why i still play

But ive never seen Battlefront discuss the spotting engine in depth and would appreciate a proper explanation of how things are seen and work and any changes to this so i can understand the engine better

Id like to see Hypothetical game modules or module packs of say Chinese forces for example and you can use on any custom map vs US forces or whatever your opponent has bought

Forces are quite restricted and you could add in any nation

You could also sell scenario packs

Thanks for the updates






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2 hours ago, GAZ NZ said:

Is 4.0 based around win 10 and direct x 12?

Or older systems?

I don't think CMx2 will move away from OpenGL like ever. So "legacy" (irony) systems aren't going to be left out on the cold anytime soon. It would be good to dump support on 32-bit platforms at some point, though.

@Battlefront.com thanks for the updates Steve. Good to see the player-usable Follow command and the AI-only withdraw plan, and the changes in the scenario editor interface. Anything that helps saving time while making scenarios is quite a "force multiplier". Being able to switch underlays without restarting the game or loading GeoTiff tiles directly to populate the heights in our maps (now that the USGS is being so generous as to allow download the SRTM 1-arc second dataset to anybody, anywhere but North Korea probably) would be great too.

Edited by BletchleyGeek
Actually, images are under and not over the map 2D edition interface...
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1 minute ago, TJT said:

I just wonder who this Al guy you are talking about is.....


If you look close enough you'll see that there's a difference between AI and Al.

1 minute ago, TJT said:

Seriously though, these looks really promising to my layman eyes


Crikey, I got a whiff of smelly feet when I looked at the pic....


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Great news and an interesting mix of new features.

Given that the 4.0 upgrade will precede the various planned modules, is it reasonable to suppose that said modules will contain scenarios/campaigns that feature the AI enhancements?

Without new scenarios the new AI features will not become evident unless scenario authors revisit their older works and upgrade them and, sadly, user-made scenarios are comparatively rare - another scenario pack, maybe?

Also, will the AI enhancements work with QBs? I'm not sure but I believe that triggers don't work with QBs; if the new stuff doesn't as well then QBs will start to fall way behind scenarios in terms of what they can offer.

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On 17/9/2016 at 0:05 AM, Battlefront.com said:

* AI Orders now includes an option to “Withdraw”, which means it moves backwards and ends its move by facing the direction it came instead of the direction it traveled. This might not seem like a big deal, but it is :D

* AI Facing can now be specified.  Similar to “Withdraw”, this allows the scenario designer to be sure what direction AI Groups pay attention to instead of leaving it up to the TacAI to decide on a case by case basis.  This improves awareness, responsiveness, and defensive capabilities.

* AI can now be ordered to perform Area Fire in its AI Plan.  This allows the AI to place fire on particular spots on the assumption that the enemy might be there.  Woodlines, reverse ridges, buildings, etc.  This is a compromise between the current system (absolutely no AI area fire) and everybody's fantasy system (the AI is smart enough to know when and where to apply Area Fire all on its own).  Preliminary results indicate that this will be a rather nasty surprise for single player types :)

This sounds great BF, now scenario/campaign designers can realy "harass" those who only play against the AI...like me :P

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*  New vehicle follow capability.  Brilliant

* Consolidate (Squad) Command.  Never thought about this but i think that will be a nice addition.

*  New tracer and muzzle special effects.  Always nice to have some new eye candy

*  Ability to place Flavor Objects in the 3D environment more directly.  as above

* AI Orders now includes an option to “Withdraw”, Could be a good addition if used correctly.

* AI Facing can now be specified.  as above

* AI can now be ordered to perform Area Fire in its AI Plan.  Great addition, very frustrating to see the AI waste its arty ammo in empty space in turn 1. 

Steve,  I really do not want this to be a controvial question but how will the v4 engine be rolled out?  Will you need the v3 update already, will it need to be purchased for older titles but be part of the next game release?

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