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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Urban Bone

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Something for you to chew on while you wait for Market Garden to be released...

We have implemented a number of new and tweaked features to MG that are not necessarily urban specific, but may have more impact on urban fighting than it does on other aspects of the game. At least in some situations.

1. Crews of heavy weapons are now even more reluctant to use their sidearms than before. No more 500m potshots from mortar ammo bearers or the like!

2. The optimal SMG engagement range has been reduced across the board, but especially for the Thompson (which was incorrectly further out than it should have been). This means your SMG guys conserve their ammo better for when their weapons can really do some damage.

3. All types or rocket based AT weapons can be fired from within buildings given certain conditions and certain caveats. Those conditions and caveats are as you expect... the bigger the bang, the more confined the space, the more potential problems. Problems = suppression and/or injury.

4. Vehicles trying to engage targets at point blank range have their time to target increased. This helps the system better simulate the problems AFVs have in seeing/engaging targets that are almost literally on top of them. Like assaulting infantry, for example.

5. Similar to #4, vehicles that try to engage targets beyond their realistic elevation restrictions have further targeting delays. Yes, yes, yes... we know that this isn't the be-all-end-all solution to the forever (i.e. since 1999) problem of not explicitly simulating elevation restrictions. But at least there's now something whereas there wasn't anything other than whatever game variables happened to be in play (which usually solved the problem anyway). We had a very, very, very long discussion about this and it was decided that the new feature works pretty well and is certainly better than nothing. And nothing was the only other viable choice for us, so that's that :D

6. Vision blocks and periscopes have had their capacity for spotting knocked down a bit more, thus making it harder/slower to spot things than before.

As you can see, none of these things are urban specific but yet pretty likely to be noticeable in urban scenarios because many of these things are range related. Since urban battles tend to have closer engagement ranges, and more surprise spottings, it's probable you guys will notice these more there than in an open field battle.

And before anybody asks... these are "free" features that will be made available for patches to Normandy and Italy. Just wanted to get that out there before some idiot starts saying that Battlefront sucks because only people who buy Market Garden get these features. Not that saying this will stop an idiot from saying this. Just want to make it more embarrassing for him when he does :D


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Note that by "idiot" I don't mean someone who is honestly unaware that for the last 7 years we've patched things like this for free. "Slow" or perhaps "not very observant" is a better term for such a person. I have no problem with such people. It's the ones who are generally on a warpath and keep doing what they can to spread disinformation to better their cause (which apparently isn't to make themselves look informed/smart).


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3-6 seem like real steps forward to me and should definitely make players with armor at least pause before rushing into potentially deadly situations, especially villages, towns and cities. And while 1 hasn't broken the game for me, it's a pain that I'm glad you've addressed. 2 will obviously help and will put real teeth into SMG ambushes. Brrp! Brrp!

Thank you for including these features as a patch. That's most generous of you, since I have no doubt implementing this was a lot of work, therefore expensive!


John Kettler

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This is terrific news all around. :)

I have a few questions on #5 specifically.

5. Similar to #4, vehicles that try to engage targets beyond their realistic elevation restrictions have further targeting delays. Yes, yes, yes... we know that this isn't the be-all-end-all solution to the forever (i.e. since 1999) problem of not explicitly simulating elevation restrictions. But at least there's now something whereas there wasn't anything other than whatever game variables happened to be in play (which usually solved the problem anyway). We had a very, very, very long discussion about this and it was decided that the new feature works pretty well and is certainly better than nothing. And nothing was the only other viable choice for us, so that's that :D

A) Is this in effect at all ranges, i.e. this could affect a tank on top of a hill firing on another tank 1000 meters away as well as assaulting infantry right next to the tank?

B) This affects targets both higher and lower in elevation?

C) Are the elevation points at which these delays kick in different for each vehicle model based on it's real world elevation limits or is it the same for all vehicles?

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Superb..thanks BF. It's a shame there are a group of wargamers who do their best to slate CMx2 and BF..one forum in particular I never bother to go to because they are CMx1 fanboys and take any chance possible to slate CMx2 it's players and BF, on your head be it if you post naively about CMx2 in a positive light..sad.

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sound very good but ( there is all ways a but :) ) can the men also throwing grenades and demo charge out off the window in a house ?

They already can throw grenades at open topped vehicles. I do not think they will for closed topped vehicles. Don't for get throwing grenades at tanks is an abstraction for infantry placing grenade bundles into the vehicle tracks or directly on the surface of the vehicles. You cannot do that from upstairs.

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They already can throw grenades at open topped vehicles. I do not think they will for closed topped vehicles. Don't for get throwing grenades at tanks is an abstraction for infantry placing grenade bundles into the vehicle tracks or directly on the surface of the vehicles. You cannot do that from upstairs.

They do not throw demolition charges however.

Not from buildings.

You will have to exit the building for them to do that (and I have done my own testing on this)

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A) Is this in effect at all ranges, i.e. this could affect a tank on top of a hill firing on another tank 1000 meters away as well as assaulting infantry right next to the tank?

B) This affects targets both higher and lower in elevation?

Yes and yes.

C) Are the elevation points at which these delays kick in different for each vehicle model based on it's real world elevation limits or is it the same for all vehicles?

They are vehicle specific. Having data points for max/min elevation is braindead simple. The problem has always been, and continues to be, how to affect game behavior based on the data.

Note that I do NOT want to get into a discussion about that because it never goes anywhere. You guys should be pretty comfortable, by now, with us saying "we can't do it" because there's so very few times we've had to do that. Even fewer that have been consistently "we cant do it" for 14 years straight. If you think it's easy, or even just somewhat difficult, then you might as well believe in the Tooth Fairy or that the world's flat or that Adam Sandler has talent. Because believing something doesn't make it true.

They already can throw grenades at open topped vehicles. I do not think they will for closed topped vehicles. Don't for get throwing grenades at tanks is an abstraction for infantry placing grenade bundles into the vehicle tracks or directly on the surface of the vehicles. You cannot do that from upstairs.

Correct. And grenades can be tossed onto closed vehicles from ground floor because of this.


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