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You mean War in the East? I don't think I ever got past October, 1941. They also did War in the West with rules to tie the two together. I once laid out all the maps on my livingroom floor and it took up nearly the whole space. GDW's game on the same same subject, Europa, was even bigger. I lost count of how many counters came with the complete set, but it must have been more than 10,000. I wonder if anyone ever played the whole thing through.


Yes we did. Russians won. Took a whole semester in college back around 1977 or 78. The highlight was 6 or 8 Russian armored corps stuck surrounded on frozen Lake Ladoga trying to relieve Leningrad. They eventually sank. Our German playing opponents were gleeful.

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I'm 67, though I've stopped playing because of my frustration with my inability to play well. <snipped> CMBN, at least to me, requires a lot of work to play and provides very little fun as a reward for all the effort.

I guess I'm now a lurker on the forum. I visit every week or so, and read through all the new threads in the hope of finding something that will reawaken my old excitement.

@CM1fan - maybe this will help.

I don't know that I play well at all. I'm only willing to go up against the AI at this point after 9 months playing CM:BfN with no experience ever playing an CM games before. However, I got better when I slowed down and took more time advancing into contact and learning to look before I leaped. The Armchair General advises to never be in a hurry to die. Sound advice. I play WEGO. When I took the advice to learn OCOKA (Observation, Cover and Concealment, Obstacles, Key Terrain, Avenues of Approach) as the keys to battlefield terrain and got to understand C2 somewhat, things started to click better. It also helped to stick with the smaller battles commanding the more straightforward troop types. I firmly believe that RECON and ARTY are worth the wait because they are a pixeltruppen's best friends!! It was work but a kind of work I was willing to do and laugh at myself for instances of remarkable stupidity. These forums really helped. My thanks to all ya'll who hang out here. Good luck and good gaming!

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Yes we did. Russians won. Took a whole semester in college back around 1977 or 78. The highlight was 6 or 8 Russian armored corps stuck surrounded on frozen Lake Ladoga trying to relieve Leningrad. They eventually sank. Our German playing opponents were gleeful.

Actually I was referring to the whole shebang: War in Europe. But always glad to hear of anyone playing any of those monster games through to a finish. I never even played Stalingrad through to a finish, but that was mainly due to not having a place to leave it set up for days at a time nor an opponent who would commit that kind of time to it. I did manage to play Afrika Korps through to the end a couple of times solitaire, but that involved staying up until morning. The small unit count helped a lot too.


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Been playing PC simulations or Wargames since 1984 and I've been addicted to CM with first demo, what a day !

I do remember playin the demo over and over....It was really THE wargame for me, I stopped playing ASL almost immediatly ;)

Since then I've bought every CM a couple times even thoses I rarely play just to support Battlefront :D


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I started playing Squad Leader when I was in second grade. Granted, I didn't really follow the rules correctly, but I sure had fun sorting all the counters.

On the computer gaming front, my formative experience was the original M1 Tank Platoon, starting about the same time. I have it on DosBox and still play it occasionally.

Yeah, I was a weird kid.

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  • 7 months later...


I'm 37 :D so im a young'un :D

First game i remember playing on a real PC is wolfenstein, sid meyer's pirates and some helicopter "sim" by the same folks that made delta force.

First game i modded was Rainbow Six :D

Sound mod of course :P

First combat mission game i played was the CMBO demo. Played that over and over and over until the game came out :D

Favourite front: Eastern Front.

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I'm now 40 (lol I had to edit that sentence, I first typed "I'm not 40", I wish!)

First PC game I played was snake on a machine my step father's engineer friend had made when I was about 8. Bought my first PC at 16, first games were Their Finest Hour, Battletech and M1 Tank Platoon.

I first saw an alpha/beta?? vid of Combat Mission a long time ago. I recall it was very blocky and simplistic, even more so than what was released. I think there might have been an AT gun covering a road, not really sure it was a long time ago. Anyway I remember I saw that and thought it interesting but didn't follow it closely until the demo came out. Played CMBO to death, the CD is still sitting right here in front of me under the monitor.


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I turned 23 recently. My first PC game was Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000. I got it along with a joystick when i was 11 and i directly jumped in without reading the manual. I pretty much learned how to fly a virtual Boeing 747 by try and error (and ten thousands of passangers died during the course of my learning) :D. I ve always loved flight sims and i still do, my all times favorites are LOMAC & IL2-Shturmovik.

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Actually I was referring to the whole shebang: War in Europe. But always glad to hear of anyone playing any of those monster games through to a finish. I never even played Stalingrad through to a finish, but that was mainly due to not having a place to leave it set up for days at a time nor an opponent who would commit that kind of time to it. I did manage to play Afrika Korps through to the end a couple of times solitaire, but that involved staying up until morning. The small unit count helped a lot too.


My oppo and I did War in the East twice. The first attempt we ran out of time, what with having to learn the rules and so forth. Cracked it on the second attempt (though we dropped the optional partisan production spirals as I recall). It took a full 2 week leave, playing about 12 hours a day, mind you.

The next leave we played Wellington's Victory, the SPI monster game of Waterloo. It took a full day to just do the initial set up. Playing as the Brits I gave him a jolly good spanking. There was a rule where retreating units would/could throw those behind into disorder, and possible rout, and I managed to use this to good effect when smashing his version of D'Erlon's attack. One of the high points of my gaming career, as witnessed by the fact that I can remember it so vividly damn near forty years later.

CMBO, for all its faults, killed my interest in cardboard games stone dead.

A sad muppet of 67 by the way.

My son, who played his first CMx1 TCP/IP* against me at the age of about 8 and is still an avid player of CMBN but not a follower of these forums, is now aged 20.

*TCP/IP WEGO the best thing that happened to wargaming in my lifetime and BF threw it away.

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My oppo and I did War in the East twice. The first attempt we ran out of time, what with having to learn the rules and so forth. Cracked it on the second attempt (though we dropped the optional partisan production spirals as I recall). It took a full 2 week leave, playing about 12 hours a day, mind you.

The next leave we played Wellington's Victory, the SPI monster game of Waterloo. It took a full day to just do the initial set up. Playing as the Brits I gave him a jolly good spanking. There was a rule where retreating units would/could throw those behind into disorder, and possible rout, and I managed to use this to good effect when smashing his version of D'Erlon's attack. One of the high points of my gaming career, as witnessed by the fact that I can remember it so vividly damn near forty years later.

Ah nostalgia! The laughter, the tears!

My biggest monster game experience was with GDW's 1940, as I believe it was called. I really wanted to play this game. I set up the maps and charts on one corner of the floor in my living room. I spent the first day setting up the German units, the second day the Allies. The third day I played the first semi-preturn thing and the fourth I may have completed the first turn. At that point, a friend came over with her two year old daughter. The kid made a bee line to where the game was set up and before I could stop her had marched right onto the maps and began kicking counters all over the place. It was too late to kill her, so I sorta felt like dying myself. After they left, I put everything back in the box and never opened it again. I really, really wanted to play that game, but it was just too damn much work.


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52 for a little while longer.

Like many others, started with Panzer Blitz, Panzer Leader, France 1940 (cripes, I think I owned about 15 of those Bookshelf games as a teen). Then found Squad Leader in college; Cross of Iron, Crescendo, then Anvil (those I still have). Big multi-national 'capture the flag' battles on 15 or 20 boards, town in the middle, random boards to fill it out, and 2500 points to buy units. Yes, good times. Early PC games, then heard about a "Squad Leader on the PC game"... and the famous Alpha AAR.

Since then, CM series have been my only purchases (other than a spell where I ran a home Everquest server for the kids to play on). Now they've moved on, and I've moved to a Mac, and rebought the CMBN, CW, FI, and GL games.

Rock on Battlefront, we're here for the long haul. On my second incarnation of the Herr Oberst login (with much better backup procedures in place nowadays).

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Since we're talking about Monster games, I thought this might interest some of you since it's topical. My Monster game was Highway to the Reich in which I attempted the full game twice but never got past a week of game time before having to pick it up. I remember the weak German Naval units up around Arnhem. There was also a weak Dutch SS battalion to the west of the 1st Airborne landing zone. There was a full German SS infantry battalion just east of the 1st AB landing zone that always caused trouble but was eventually overwhelmed. Since the Germans were required to send the SS recon battallion across the Rhine bridge down to Nijmegen before it could return, the Brits could always sneak a battalion to the bridge behind them. If they were lucky they could also capture the Railroad bridge before the Germans could blow it. The game did not permit the Germans to blow any of the Main Highway river bridges or there would not be a game. The US airborne units always had problems capturing canal bridges because of the strong German Flak units which they had to be lucky to destroy quickly. I don't know how historical that is. The 82nd always had to leave a lot of units in their landing zone to protect it from strong German attacks coming from the east or they would lose all supply. XXX corps had to fight heavy traffic jams to make progress on the narrow front. IIRC the initial German front was held by Fallschirmjaegers. I always tried to send this Brit Armoured Cav regiment around the German Flank. I don't remember the unit name. At the tail end of XXX corps there was the Free Dutch Princess Irene brigade. It would be fun to have them in a pack someday with those unique Dutch helmets.

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38 on 22 September .

Will be great if at least someone remembers...-)

Wargaming since I was 8 with napoleonic minatures at first,

then boardgames , obligatory ASL , then anything I could get hands on for PC

and from 2000 CM.

However skipped all the modern war renditions.

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