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WEGO vs RT-Is it age related?

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Totally agree. If you're doing RT then you want something that is actually user-friendly for RT like Close Combat. In fact didn't they bring out a 3D version of Close Combat that bombed? Seem to remember playing a demo and it was awful.

sounds like squad assault.. i gave up on when i realised you couldnt actually hit a tank at any range with an bazooka or panzershreck.. they were completely bugged

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those that have played RT games. Is it possible to set the game up and pick units ahead of time. Like a PBEM game that I set up and then send to my opponent to pick his units. When everything is setup and then we can connect and just get right to the game. Or do you have to setup and pick units as you are connected. Any help is appreciated.

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WEGO. I'm 50 and grew up playing board games - AH, SPI and many more. It's what I'm used to and yes, I do obsess over the instant replays. I would like to try RT, though, in a small single player game. But WEGO is essential to learning to the game, for answering questions such as, "why was that unit able to see my gun and kill it" and "why is my tank on fire" and "how did my squad just get mowed down?" You get the picture. I die a lot.

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I have a 40 years of board and miniature gaming behind me. I'm 58.

I started WEGO in CMSF, but quickly switched to R/T...I don't know exactly why, but I guess it had something to do with the relative (compared to WEGO) fluidity of the action. So I started CMBN doing RT, but I really, really like watching the action, so I switched to WEGO and do that almost exclusively now. Nothing like home-made war movies! But, I don't linger too much in giving orders, I suppose as a leftover of R/T and wanting to keep the action moving, but I do linger over the replays.

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  • 3 months later...

Kinda necro, but better than starting a new thread.

I can see the benefits from WEGO. You can plan, rewind, fix and also see everything at once carried out.

Though RT appeals to me much more, because same can be achieved just lacking the rewind option. Its a tradeoff for instant pause. So its plan, stop, fix. Just takes away the ability to correct your mistakes completely and rather react to the occuring situation.

For H2H WEGO is the only option. RT just gets annoying above company levels.

In singleplayer, if you want the full experience, you go RT and play it out WEGO style, with pausing an planning. You get one shot to win the mission.

In H2H its more like a board game, faceoff of the commanders, therefore WEGO, while RT would be only good if it was more players controling parts o your troops so it would be more like a team vs team. Only then RT doesnt bog you down.

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RT forces the player to play from an overview most of the time so you often miss out on the glorious detail of watching individual units.

I also think that RT isn't implemented that well in CMBN... IMO the player needs quite a lot more information fed back to them in an quick to digest format, plus better tools to work with large numbers of units in a short space of time.

I occasionally play RT (I'm 40) and wish I could enjoy it more. I like the fact it gives you the feel of a battle in a realistic time-frame but I just find it too difficult to play.

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Im 26 and I only play RT single player. Never actually tried WEGO but it looks like battles would take a lot longer and I could see myself getting frustrated when the s**t hits the fan and I am powerless to intervene.

Would be nice to watch the occasional replay mind...

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RT forces the player to play from an overview most of the time so you often miss out on the glorious detail of watching individual units.

I also think that RT isn't implemented that well in CMBN... IMO the player needs quite a lot more information fed back to them in an quick to digest format, plus better tools to work with large numbers of units in a short space of time.

I occasionally play RT (I'm 40) and wish I could enjoy it more. I like the fact it gives you the feel of a battle in a realistic time-frame but I just find it too difficult to play.

When playing RT next time, simply slow down a little. Allow your guys to rest and do nothing occasionally for a few minutes. If you play RT at the same pace as things evolve in real world time usually (which is a LOT slower than every RTS out there), then you will realize that RT is both realitistic and enjoyable to play.

It's easy to feel tempted to rush things in RT. Resist that and you will like RT as much as WeGo. :)

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I think I posted in this thread before, but my opinion has changed a bit. I like Wego for multiplayer as RT without pause is just chaos above 2-3 platoons. I agree that RT would greatly benefit from a UI improvement in regards to feedback. Other than briefly flashing icons, the player gets zero notification when something happens.

For SP I still usually go RT, but I've found with the larger battles it becomes very difficult to keep track of more than one "front" at a time, even with frequent pausing. A great example would be the third or fourth mission in the Engel campaign, where you defend against a combined arms attack (then counter-attack), ambush a convoy, and have skirmishes going on in a forest, all at the same time! You only have a medium sized force, but due to the terrain and objectives they are sprawled across the map. Besides that, the replays add something special to the game. Being able to watch those big moments again, not having total control for a full minute, it just becomes more memorable than the constant stream of events in RT.

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I'm a borderline 'old codger' and frankly, I heave a disappointed sigh whenever I open a new scenario and find the scale is too large to play Realtime without difficulty. I've got an 'ideal' scenario size in my head and that size usually butts right up against Realtime playability. But my imagined 'ideal' scenario is played Realtime. :)

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And welcome to the Dark Side Ranger33...

Haha, I have been resisting, but I just constantly find myself thinking "This just isn't possible to do all at once!". It takes away from the fun when you have to choose between either constantly jumping back and forth between points of action or focusing on one spot and crossing your fingers about the rest. Like you said, its partly a side effect of the average scenario size gradually increasing.

For CMSF and CMA though, I could never give up RT. When you can lose a whole squad in the blink of an eye, it just makes more sense to be able to pause. Plus the force size is generally smaller.

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I'm 52 and have played wargames since I was 15. And I mean, I've played wargames almost every single day since I was 15. ;) When I got my hands on CMSF, I decided to give RT play a try and found it very hard to control. However, I stuck with it and it quickly became the only way to play for me. I can't do WEGO anymore as it takes so long to play anything. I don't want to spend days playing an hour-long scenario. I prefer to play a mission in one sitting, and I can do that in RT quite comfortably. And that's why I prefer RT.

BTW, playing the game RT is definitely NOT a clickfest, and I get a bit tee'd off when I read posts scorning RT as a 'clickfest' for RT 'twitchers'. You're wrong when you post that. It's not. I'm proof that it's not. ;)

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I play RT H2H at (about) company level. In terms of command & control, this is manageable. I can (just about) give the necessary orders to my units without losing my overall perspective of what is going on. A live opponent will always make for a more entertaining game than one played against the A.I. Also the fact that you are playing in real-time without pausing gives another dimension. When sh*t happens, you have to deal with it. Re-running the previous turn is simply not an option.

These days, I reserve WEGO for solitaire games against the AI and I also play it in the larger scenarios.

Multi-player RT? YES, YES, YES! (Pretty please with sugar on top Battlefront.) Anytime in the next couple of weeks would be fine.:D

SLR (age 53 and a half):)

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I think your guys problem is you are associating this with a Starcraft or Age of Empires style game when you think of Real-Time. It has some of the functions of these games but if you play like that, gonna be a long hard road for you.

I think its less twitch than it is click and make accurate placements to use cover in advancing, and that has nothing to do with age. :D

Maybe it also could be finding older than you players to whip on too. Maybe you guys are right. :D

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In order to play RT succesfuly, you have to pause every 2 seconds.

I dont play it from a top perspective at all.

Start of the game is auto paused. I issue small orders to get in some spreaded positions etc. I start the game, wait 10-20 seconds after spotter teams get into position, to spot for possible enemies. In case of enemy fire, i immediately hit escape to stop and assess the situation. If i can find enemy right away, good, if i cant, i zoom out and unpause, to see the tracers again and pinpoint the location of enemies. As soon as i get the approx location, i pause again, set up orders, like you would in WEGO, but only to a point when i will repeat the before mentioned procedure, look for targets. I will keep repositioning and pausing and making plans until i reach the desired state. I pause again, plan the attack and unpause, to watch it happen... upclose, far away, however i want. I dont miss on anything. Incase a new enemy unit pops up on the flanks of my attackers and surprises me, i stop immediately again, and it depends on the situation what i do, maybe call off the attack, or go for the neares cover with all units in the attacking force, while dealing with the newfound enemy with the closest unit.

I dont miss anything, like some of you who are saying, that only in WEGO you see everything in motion. Not true. In RT there is the pause option for a reason. RT forces you to paly reasonably, not just fix the turn youre about to do, until its perfect and then lean back and watch in satisfaction. In RT, i get the satisfaction at the end of the mission, when i see i lost little to no men.

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WEGO because I like larger maps and battles. Larger battles means better weapons mix and potentially more terrain and angles of approach.

Larger battles also mean on bad result does not necessarily doom you. And perhaps best of all a human brain on the other side means you are not so prey to bad AI design. AND you get to chat about the scenario and good effects.

The only time I play RTS is to test the system and the tactics.

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I'm not sure it's an age thing, and more what you're used to. Wego was one of the great things about the CM series.

The realism argument is a bit daft because of both the limitations and the sheer processing power of a PC - you have a huge decision-making advantage in wego over the AI, but in RT you will not beat the PC's information processing (and therefore reaction time) without disciplined use of the pause key, so it's swings and roundabouts.

I wrote some thoughts here on CMSF and RT/wego: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=103644

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