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    Dr.Fusselpulli reacted to WimO in Tip for Map Creators - Avoiding Flavor Object Disasters   
    Q: What is a Flavor Object disaster?
    A: It is flavor objects appearing randomly at unassigned locations and/or one type of flavor object replacing another.
    Q: How does it happen?
    A: There are two causes both relating to the underlying code which we need not go into to avoid the problem.
    A1: When a master map has been created with flavor objects and that map is cut into smaller pieces for use as a scenario map, the flavor objects positioned on the discarded portion of the map may or will attempt to reposition themselves on the scenario portion of the map.
    Solution 1: Do not position flavor objects on a Master Map.
    A2: When a map has been created using modded flavor objects that increase the number of objects over the vanilla number (e.g. Mech Gato's tall tree stumps) and that map is loaded into an unmodded vanilla game, the game will be unable to find the additional object and will substitute a vanilla object. For example, Mech Gato's tall tree stump might be replaced by a tool shed or telphone pole. If the map is saved in this condition the situation will be permanent, irreversible.
    Solution 2a: Create all maps exclusively in vanilla with vanilla flavor objects, or
    Solution 2b: Include a WARNING with the map and/or scenario that specific mods must be installed to  use the map/scenario AND include those mods for d/l with the map/scenario.
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    Dr.Fusselpulli reacted to George MC in How To Enjoy Hassle Free Convoying in CM   
    For sure. There are many ways to skin a cat! The vid is aimed at those new to CM so I went for simple - as the method I tend to use is less prone to clusterfukcs  plus keeps the video short! 
  3. Upvote
    Dr.Fusselpulli got a reaction from Alternativeway in Combat Mission Cold War - British Army On the Rhine   
    The same system exists in CMCW already with the TOW jeep.
    But it's not correct, they can dismount an mount again without problem.
    The think is just, the TOW in the vehicle, and the TOW used dismounted by the crew are in fact different TOW launchers with their independent ammunition, which can't be interchanged.

    So, if all missiles of the TOW jeep are fired, they can dismount, and fire 5 more missiles with their dismounted launcher.
    But it's not very useful for the Swingfire, because the dismounted team can not shoot the TOW launcher of the vehicle, while dismounted.
  4. Upvote
    Dr.Fusselpulli got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Combat Mission Cold War - British Army On the Rhine   
    The same system exists in CMCW already with the TOW jeep.
    But it's not correct, they can dismount an mount again without problem.
    The think is just, the TOW in the vehicle, and the TOW used dismounted by the crew are in fact different TOW launchers with their independent ammunition, which can't be interchanged.

    So, if all missiles of the TOW jeep are fired, they can dismount, and fire 5 more missiles with their dismounted launcher.
    But it's not very useful for the Swingfire, because the dismounted team can not shoot the TOW launcher of the vehicle, while dismounted.
  5. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli got a reaction from Centurian52 in bug or intended behavior?   
    It's a workaround for an engine limitation. Vehicle weapons can't be rearmed within a mission or dismounted.
    But certain vehicles, here the Jeep, can dismount their weapons.
    For this reason, they have a second TOW launcher with it's own ammunition as their team weapon, while the model of the TOW disappears, when no crew is mounted.
    As this is a combat vehicle, only the original crew can mount it.
    As the TOW launcher carried by infantry, and the TOW launcher mounted on the vehicle are independent weapons, they can't share their ammunitions.
    It also works the other way around. If you dismount and shoot all 3 three missiles, they jeep will still have its original 5 missiles loaded.

    But this way, it is possible to simulate the team to dismount with the TOW launcher at least in a similar way, as it would be in real life.
  6. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli got a reaction from IMHO in bug or intended behavior?   
    It's a workaround for an engine limitation. Vehicle weapons can't be rearmed within a mission or dismounted.
    But certain vehicles, here the Jeep, can dismount their weapons.
    For this reason, they have a second TOW launcher with it's own ammunition as their team weapon, while the model of the TOW disappears, when no crew is mounted.
    As this is a combat vehicle, only the original crew can mount it.
    As the TOW launcher carried by infantry, and the TOW launcher mounted on the vehicle are independent weapons, they can't share their ammunitions.
    It also works the other way around. If you dismount and shoot all 3 three missiles, they jeep will still have its original 5 missiles loaded.

    But this way, it is possible to simulate the team to dismount with the TOW launcher at least in a similar way, as it would be in real life.
  7. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in bug or intended behavior?   
    It's a workaround for an engine limitation. Vehicle weapons can't be rearmed within a mission or dismounted.
    But certain vehicles, here the Jeep, can dismount their weapons.
    For this reason, they have a second TOW launcher with it's own ammunition as their team weapon, while the model of the TOW disappears, when no crew is mounted.
    As this is a combat vehicle, only the original crew can mount it.
    As the TOW launcher carried by infantry, and the TOW launcher mounted on the vehicle are independent weapons, they can't share their ammunitions.
    It also works the other way around. If you dismount and shoot all 3 three missiles, they jeep will still have its original 5 missiles loaded.

    But this way, it is possible to simulate the team to dismount with the TOW launcher at least in a similar way, as it would be in real life.
  8. Thanks
    Dr.Fusselpulli got a reaction from Vanir Ausf B in bug or intended behavior?   
    It's a workaround for an engine limitation. Vehicle weapons can't be rearmed within a mission or dismounted.
    But certain vehicles, here the Jeep, can dismount their weapons.
    For this reason, they have a second TOW launcher with it's own ammunition as their team weapon, while the model of the TOW disappears, when no crew is mounted.
    As this is a combat vehicle, only the original crew can mount it.
    As the TOW launcher carried by infantry, and the TOW launcher mounted on the vehicle are independent weapons, they can't share their ammunitions.
    It also works the other way around. If you dismount and shoot all 3 three missiles, they jeep will still have its original 5 missiles loaded.

    But this way, it is possible to simulate the team to dismount with the TOW launcher at least in a similar way, as it would be in real life.
  9. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli got a reaction from Halmbarte in bug or intended behavior?   
    It's a workaround for an engine limitation. Vehicle weapons can't be rearmed within a mission or dismounted.
    But certain vehicles, here the Jeep, can dismount their weapons.
    For this reason, they have a second TOW launcher with it's own ammunition as their team weapon, while the model of the TOW disappears, when no crew is mounted.
    As this is a combat vehicle, only the original crew can mount it.
    As the TOW launcher carried by infantry, and the TOW launcher mounted on the vehicle are independent weapons, they can't share their ammunitions.
    It also works the other way around. If you dismount and shoot all 3 three missiles, they jeep will still have its original 5 missiles loaded.

    But this way, it is possible to simulate the team to dismount with the TOW launcher at least in a similar way, as it would be in real life.
  10. Upvote
    Dr.Fusselpulli got a reaction from Artkin in bug or intended behavior?   
    It's a workaround for an engine limitation. Vehicle weapons can't be rearmed within a mission or dismounted.
    But certain vehicles, here the Jeep, can dismount their weapons.
    For this reason, they have a second TOW launcher with it's own ammunition as their team weapon, while the model of the TOW disappears, when no crew is mounted.
    As this is a combat vehicle, only the original crew can mount it.
    As the TOW launcher carried by infantry, and the TOW launcher mounted on the vehicle are independent weapons, they can't share their ammunitions.
    It also works the other way around. If you dismount and shoot all 3 three missiles, they jeep will still have its original 5 missiles loaded.

    But this way, it is possible to simulate the team to dismount with the TOW launcher at least in a similar way, as it would be in real life.
  11. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli got a reaction from THH149 in Door on Level 2 - How to get the infantry to use it?   
    I think I once managed to let infantry exit a building to such a door, as it was a door to a balcony that was in line with the terrain, and when the soldiers stepped out to get on the balcony, they continued to walk on the ground and had left the building. But it did not work the other way around, it was not possible to let them enter the building through this door.
  12. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli reacted to MikeyD in Inspiration for Das Hochwasser   
    Why did I do a weird little scenario like 'Das Hochwasser'? While researching likely battle locations I came upon the picture below. Operation Grenade, the US crossing the Roer river. Conditions looked so miserable that I wanted to try a scenario to match.
    You know those famous WWII Bulge battle photos of tanks covered in heavy snow? That snow happened after the battle in January. Photos were taken once combat photographers dared to return to the field. What came after the snow? Torrential rain that melted all the snow cover, flooded the countryside and made forward progress... uh... difficult. To add to the misery the Germans also sabotaged two Roer dams upstream. So, I concluded, this title needs an engagement on flooded ground. 😬

  13. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli reacted to MOS:96B2P in Why aren't there more mine clearing scenarios?   
    +1   In CMCW a simple mine plow for both sides would be a great addition IMO.  During the Cold War many of the rotations at the NTC involved obstacle breaching.  Obstacles and breaching was a significant element of how units trained and thought they would fight.   
  14. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli reacted to Centurian52 in The year to come - 2024 (Part 2)   
    Yes! And it's a good middle ground if BFC is waffling between starting CM3 off with a modern title or a WW2 title. And it'll allow the modules to keep coming for CMCW after CM3. While CM3 would be exciting, I would hate if it meant abandoning CMCW.
  15. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli reacted to ratdeath in The year to come - 2024 (Part 2)   
    CM3 should start with Cold War! It's the best title to start with in my humble and very selfish opintion, lots of units, long distance engagement, huge maps and lots of fun stuff to play with!
  16. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli got a reaction from ftukfgufyrdy in Combat Mission Cold War - British Army On the Rhine   
    @Bil Hardenberger the BAOR is highly requested, it's not per se wrong to do them first. Especially, if you have experts on the team to take care of them.
    I'll buy it, no question, I want to see the Brits too.
    It's just that it feels a bit like Combat Mission Fortress Italy without the Italians.
  17. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli reacted to David Jaros in Survey for future BattlePack projects   
    What about Cold war Mr.X ? It would be great to see more content there too maybe it is only me haha
  18. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli reacted to Artkin in Survey for future BattlePack projects   
    Kursk 1943!
  19. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli reacted to kohlenklau in Kohlenklau's 3rd Annual Christmas 2023 Scenario Challenge!   
    LET US DO THIS AGAIN! I give everybody quite a bit of time. Make a scenario for the community.
    The 3rd time is the charm is this year's motto!
    Alright, 105 days until X-mas. (Julian 358-263=105).
    Let us swamp the community with some scenarios. Use or modify an existing map if you need to (and give polite credit in your briefing or designers notes to prevent accusations of being a dreaded parasite!). Make your own simple map! Use the new CM AutoEditor? No Rembrandts are required! Dial it down to 208 x 208, if needed, the teeniest tiniest map you can make. ANY SIZE MAP IS GOOD! That's what she said! Playable from only one side is AOK. Just make sure to say that guidance in the main cover description. Use just a tiny force. Put the AI on defence and the AI plan is EASIER! Use just a small timeframe of 10 minutes!  I (and a butt ton of others) am here to lend a hand to answer questions or go now and read the famous JonS scenario guide pdf in your main install folder. All these different titles can use some new juices. I got a couple coming down.
    Or whatever size map and time you want!
    In 2021 we got between 16 and 20 new scenarios.
    In 2022 we got 14 new scenarios.
    I am not a CMCW, CMSF2, CMBS modern war bubba but please use this as a reason to make a scenario for those games. This is not just for WW2 games. 
    Best wishes and who wants to post a pledge to make a scenario?
  20. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli got a reaction from PEB14 in Funny question for German language native speakers   
    "Rückzug, zieht euch zurück"
    It's absolutely correct... but the guy calling in Artillery support sounds like he got captured in eastern Europe and pressed into service.
  21. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli reacted to A Canadian Cat in How do auto surrenders work?   
    Scenario designers don't have direct control over this but they do have some tricks they can use. The auto surrender uses the condition of all forces in the scenario. A designer can create a reenforcement group that arrives after the time runs out and those forces are part of the condition of the AI forces. That means they can arrange it so the surrender is never triggered due to casualties of the forces actually in battle.
  22. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli reacted to MOS:96B2P in Humble request   
    Yes, the ability to breach an obstacle belt would be very useful.  It is possible with a flail tank in CMBN and CMFI.  But no breaching equipment in the modern titles.  Mines and the breaching of mine belts also feature in current events out of Ukraine.   

    Just a simple mine plow tank or roller tank in Combat Mission Cold War would allow for more acurate recreations of many training missions at the NTC. 

  23. Like
  24. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli got a reaction from Sarjen in Combat Mission Cold War - British Army On the Rhine   
    I was expecting German forces, as the war is mainly fought in German lands and I think they are a must have, but I have to admit, I also want to see the Brits in the game, and getting the Canadians as well is a great bonus. Looking forward to it, many were requesting it.
  25. Like
    Dr.Fusselpulli reacted to Simicro in Thanks for having onboarded me!   
    As far as I can recall, I have never written a message like this one in a game's community.
    I also confess that before arriving here, I've read once or twice that the CM Community is only made of fan boys, etc.
    Now my factual experience is the following:
    I joined 2 weeks ago and posted 12 questions by creating new threads or writing into existing ones.
    I received answers from 17 mates, some of them participated in different threads.
    @Artkin @Vacillator @Heirloom_Tomato @StieliAlpha @ASL Veteran @Ivan Zaitzev @37mm @kevinkin @Paper Tiger @Codreanu @PEB14 @Warts 'n' all @landser 
    @chuckdyke @Bulletpoint @JM Stuff @SlowMotion ... sorry if I missed someone.
    95% of my questions have been answered, the 5% remaining were not so important.
    I've also received some help offer through private messaging from 2 guys who spontaneously call me 'mate' or 'friend' 👍
    Thanks guys! Much appreciated 😀

    And thanks to these authors because I have started using their MODs:
    @Ithikial_AU @kohlenklau @Juju @Vinnart
    Thanks also to @Bootie for his portal.
    PS: quick question: when I write @nickmame_of_a_user he gets notified in the forum interface?
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