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  1. Have you tried reserve formations w/poor equipment in '79? H
  2. That's good news. The T55s & T62s retrofitted with laser RFs are scary when you have M60s with optical RFs that are doing steamship ranging (over, under, straddle, fire for effect...) H
  3. I thought Chieftain didn't get laser RF until the later versions and the early ones used a ranging MG. Which version are we likely to get in CW? H
  4. My impression is that the Chieftain's armor is better sloped and thicker, but it's still not likely to be proof against the Sov guns using solid shot from 115mm on up and will be vulnerable to HEAT from Sov tanks from 100mm on up. From what I see in game, not having the mini-me turret will save some hits but tanks from both sides can get hits with no problems, particularly when they have laser RFs. I really want to see what Chieftain brings to the table in game, but I don't want to get my hopes up too much that it will be the slayer of T64s. H
  5. Another armor penetration simulation. This time it's 120mm L15A5 vs T72 Ural @700m H
  6. You are completely correct. The TC was open but buttoned up after the .45 bullets hit. Our hero was machine gunned seconds after that screen shot. H
  7. This dismounted tanker, who is engaging a platoon of T64s with his .45 service automatic. I salute you, sir. H
  8. He has been witnessed. He rides thru the streets of Valhalla, shiny & chrome... H
  9. The driver decided not to bail out for some reason? He's ok, right? It was just a AT5, after all. H
  10. It would be interesting to see what kind of support weapons the platoon & company have access to. Those key weapons can have a big impact on how a side plays. H
  11. I believe my point remains, hits from a lot of AT weapons will hit the composite armor on the front of the T64 and better tanks and fail to pen. It’s a similar situation to WWII, where multiple Allied tanks can take Panthers and Tigers from the rear & sides but need to be lucky for a front pen. The problem is the Sov brings a whole heaping helping of composite armored tanks, not the dribble drabble the Germans struggled to field in WWII. H
  12. As it turns out you can kill T64s w/Dragon! All it takes is a hit in the right place. In this case, the rear deck. The ammo didn't go up immediately, it took a few seconds to fully cook off. H
  13. So, playing vs the AI and have some spotting rounds coming in. So I decided that my guys in the area should bravely run away. That leads to this little montage and the unluckiest guy I've seen in a while. Needless to say, his team isn't going to need to go back to medic him. H
  14. I'll turf out tank and other AFV crews & have them scout forward on foot if I have time. They are a lot less conspicuous than an actual AFV. H
  15. I had forgot about the tactical air force fighters. Going from memory, by the time of D Day the Luftwaffe was a spent force, and fighters returning from strategic bomber support would attack targets of opportunity on their way back to England. H
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