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About PEB14

  • Birthday 11/22/1973

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    Military history, especially WW2

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  1. I had the same experience in a CMRT PBEM when one of my SdKfz 234/3 Stummel pummeled a SU or JSU soviet monster (please don't laugh!) with 75 mm HE shells. So it's not a bug!
  2. I am one of the guys who reported such Mac crashes. In Mission 3, the game crashed when pushing the "red" button. The issue disappeared when I restarted my computer the day after. The issue with Mission 6 is depicted here: I had to restart the campaign to solve the issue. Apparently some save file gor corrupt at some point. By far the weirdiest bug I've met in what is IMHO a very stable game (at least on my Mac platform).
  3. Yeah! I was suprised myself last year and posted on this topic: Since this time, I've even managed to destroy and enemy King Tiger with heavy artillery.
  4. What I found of particulat interest in this mission is the progressive transition from an eraly period where the player is the hunted game and flees combat, and the latter part where the player becomes the hunter. Nicely done.
  5. Did you ever consider a GERMAN campaign designed around Operation Tonga? If the British side is inherently static, hence the German side is not! If I'm not mistaken, those fightings involved the 21 PzDiv and its cool "Frankenstein" AFVs...
  6. Well, I'm really not sure... I may be wrong, but I think that the tiles (dense forest, light forest) have an impact on movement but not on LOS. I think that only foliage (1 tree, 2 trees, 3 trees, orchard-like aligned trees, brushes, etc.) has impact on LOS (but not on movement: you can move on dense, 3-trees forest tiles but not on treeless, dense forest tiles... ).
  7. According to my personal databse he goes by the nickname "Tremissis".
  8. AFAIK there are no orchard tiles (I mean, you can't see orchard if you switch trres off): it's only a way to align the trees, not a tile per se.
  9. Wait for it to happen to yours... By the way, in several of the "Partisan Land" scenarios, the player has plenty of artillery support but very short LOS. The balance between friendly fire and enemy losses caused by German artillery is not always very positive...
  10. Beware! I'm playing the same campaign as you do and I'm also trying to hammer those partisans positions with offboard artillery. Unfortunately, yesterday a 81 mm mortar spotting round fell just on top of my FO team instead of the enemy. Now I ain't got no FO team anymore... F*** short LOS in those f*** dense, marshy forests!!!
  11. I'm presently playing Mission 2 "Drop to Destiny" after getting a Draw in the Pathfinder first mission. Great mission, reminding me "Boots on the Ground" from @WimO 's Mission Boston campaign. Very interesting AI programming, leading to epic ambush moments… Some sharp tongues will certainly point out that @Ithikial_AU's sole purpose with this scenario was to demonstrate that both C2 and planning are just pointless in Combat Mission…
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