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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Yeah, Vanir, it's the Munition that doesn't penetrate the Drivers Head
  2. That's ok, a Friendly Infantry in the open ran directly in front of my M8 AC shooting Canister, but was not casualty ( maybe increased the squads suppression bar up one notch )...Instead that Canister Round KO'ed a German 50 yards behind in the woods. Joe
  3. Raptorx, I have CMBN @ 3.0 and all Modules ( minus the Vehicle Pack ) and use Dropbox but not Hamburger Helper (download Dropbox if you don't have it). PM me your email addy and will send you over a Game File. I like to play a few Platoon size Meetings before moving up to Reinforced Company size Engagements. Joe
  4. Yeah, and we have that same issue in the CMx2 WWII series... Joe
  5. This issue is annoying and happens often for me since I use smaller maps, and less so with bigger maps, as MOS mentioned...I just use the same or similar technique as 'Rake' uses. Oh, how I miss the simple map scrolling of CMx1 past. Joe
  6. Hello Hapless, Ok, I only have CMBN @3.11 with all Modules except Vehicle Pack...We can play a Small ( Platoon in size ), Meeting, and can help you setup your 1st PBEM game. I only use Dropbox, and if you have ( or can get ) it as well, then I will send an invite Folder ( Irish vs Hapless ) that will contain Game File & Text Document ( to communicate instead of PM or Email )...What is your email addy. Joe
  7. I've been in the process of play-testing using 'Green' or 'Conscript' troops only to help ways to keep the Casualties down and Suppression up...Below are some examples of using 'Green' Troops: - All Squads & PHQ's Green with no bonuses would be 'Green Troops' IRL Green with Motivation +1 would be 'Reg Troops' IRL Green with Motivation +1 Leadership +1 would be 'Vet Troops' IRL Green with Motivation +2 Leadership +1 would be 'Crack\Elite Troops' IRL Vet or better PHQ's will get an additional Leadership bonus. Even with all of the above I still find the Casualties high, but works well enough. I would use the above for Meetings & Attacker, but defending troops may be at a lower motivation ( unless the defender happens to be high quality troops like Para's ).
  8. And finally, someone who thinks the same as me... Joe
  9. I remember in CMx1 that the Germans had a slight advantage in Firepower at the Squad level...If I were to test-play a German Rifle Platoon vs. Russian ( same battlefield conditions ), the Russian losses would be anywhere from 50% up to 2 to 1 greater...How is this protrayed in CMx2 ? Joe
  10. Hello Chris, I will send you that file...What is your email addy. Joe
  11. And I hope Rubble does gives more cover...as it should. Joe
  12. Would you rather have seem them Walk to their Demise...By 44' the Russians have tried to perfect this Human-Wave advance ( which was for the most part hap-hazardly executed in 42' ) to keep in tune with their overall Grand Tactical/Strategy Time-Table. Joe
  13. Hello Veles, "Send more Brains"...Oh, and PM sent. Joe
  14. Wow ! 10...And here I thought 3 was alot. Joe
  15. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_contact&Itemid=3
  16. Try and get yourself the 3.0 Upgrade @ 3.11( think its' $10-20 ) and will play smaller up to Reinforced Company size Scenario's or QB's, my Student. Joe
  17. As ME stated; On-Map Arty would need to have it's Radio-Net setup, and beyond the scope of CM. This is why you need to purchase an FO for that...On-Board Arty type Units ( which are not used as On-Board Arty ) are on the Battlefield for other reasons, such as Direct-Fire Support, or in Rear-Area Support Scenarios ( attacking an Arty position ), etc. Joe
  18. We need that, and all these these :-) http://www.ghqmodels.com/store/military-models-wehrmacht-world-war-ii-micro-armour.html Joe
  19. Posted Today, 12:41 PM CMBN Opponent, I have Dropbox and we can do PBEM up to Reinforced Company Size Engagements using some 'House Rules' that I can send in the Dropbox Folder...If interested, then PM your email addy ? Joe
  20. Well, I have Dropbox and we can do CMBN up to Reinforced Company Size Engagements using some 'House Rules'...Ops, nevermind, this is a Modern Forum of some sort...Carry-On, LimofSub. This is what happens when I only look at the Recent Topics and not the Opponent-Finder Forum. Joe
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