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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Actually, unbuttoned Crew members are still highly vulnerable...You will end-up with 50% Crew Casualties by games end.
  2. I agree, and if Bolshevik Squads can Split, then so should Wop Squads. Joe
  3. Actually, I don't see a problem as of yet...You might have even KO'ed a couple/few troops for all you know...Remember, even thou it was a Heavy Barrage it's still only 2x Mortars, and only for couple minutes. Joe
  4. Yes, a delay in both directions would be nice...I like the idea of 15 sec delays myself, or atleast a full spotting cycle after troops have entered the building stationary ( which is about 15 sec anyways )...It's not just chairs, tables, but also rooms with walls and such that troops have to move about to get their directional bearings.
  5. Actually, I'm more concerned about how easily it is for Inf to move into a building and instantly fire out. Troops entering a building need to get their bearings, get situated, etc, and need at least a full Spotting Cycle to fire-out...assuming they spot something during that or susequent cycles. Joe
  6. It's Ok, Canuck, you will get there in due time...I for one have only played CMBN w\them, but mainly in QB's. Joe
  7. Yes, just rename the 2nd Install v3.0 and it will have it's own Folder, and you will be able to run both games...Make sure to rename the shortcut Icon to v3.0 as well. Joe
  8. Yeah, but the simply Cross works the same, and looks better without being so intrusive.
  9. Yes...I even prefer it if Bomblets...err, I mean Grenades weren't used at all over what it is now, since I doubt any changes are to be made by next patch. I don't know, but can Small Arms be altered in such a way to reduce Grenades for a Team/Squad ?
  10. Not sure of the Throwing distances...However, everytime I'm in a close-range firefight ( within 25 meters ), it seems everyone and their mother are using Hand-Grenades ( more so then their small arms ) as if a rain of Mortars are coming down all within 10 secs. On top of that, it seems at least a 50/50 chance a Grenade will give an immobile to your Armored Vehicle. This gives far to many unrealistic Combat Results far to quickly. I prefer to see one person throwing a Hand Grenade per Fireteam per minute ( 2-3 Grenades a minute ). Joe
  11. Yes, as Faelwolf has pointed out...Real Combat is much more confusing, but that's not the point...The Video still gives you an understanding of what should be done under ideal circumstances, and ofcourse, giving a Moral Boost to help with the War Effort.
  12. Yeah, Franko, and it really works great using your 'True Combat'-House Rules...Not :-) Joe
  13. I think your right, JK, since the standard Marine Squad had around 2x Bars, and the Weapons Platoon having the M1919...At least you can still watch it for the content. I still have the Pacific Series all Wrapped-Up from last X-Mas, and need to sit down and finally watch it. Joe
  14. Many a Mods here, and I think one for Tracers for opposing forces... http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods And here for Scenarios and Opponents... http://www.the-scenario-depot.com/ http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/
  15. I don't know how you guys play CM with an IPhone or Ipad ?...I will just stick with my PC/Laptop :-)
  16. Unfortunatly, the Tracer Color will be same for both sides...Howerver, I think Vein's Tracer & Flash Mods look better then Stock. Joe
  17. Thanx for the share, JK, and indeed interesting feats of individual Heroism. Joe
  18. Good suggestion, Martyr, but I like how it is now with a small Red Cross just below the Weapon Icon and nothing obscuring it...Nice settle touch. What I really would've liked is if the Weapon Icon Casualty be in RED ( since Wounded is in Yellow ), but I guess the Weapons are Hard-Coded and cannot be changed ?
  19. I'm just waiting for my 3.0 to pay itself off with the next Patch :-(
  20. Thanks, Vinnart, for the Animated Text Mod...Really looks Good :-)
  21. I give you, and your Valiant Crew two Minutes to Surrender...
  22. Maybe it has something to do with the Terrain or elevation that the foxhole is in that's causing issues for some players.
  23. WHAT !...3.0 is getting more & more disconcerting by the moment :-(
  24. WHAT !...81mm Mortars can't fire from Foxholes in 3.0...This is getting more & more disconcerting :-(
  25. And here I thought all Troops in CM act like 'Commando's... Joe
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