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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. How does Info Sharing Effect Spotting-Gun Accuracy ? Would it take longer to spot a unit if both sides suddenly appeared on Turn 1 ( no info sharing so Game Mechanics treat it as normal spotting ). This versus it being alittle faster/easier to spot if a side ( or both sides ) has an idea where the enemy is when they do come into LOS ( game has progressed for sevaral turns and many enemy icons with different levels of transparency ). Is it the local HQ's that determine this Info Sharing and how fast it gets passed down, or is it eventually passed down by the overall Commander ( you ). Joe
  2. It's not the range in this case that concerns me, but other factors...I guess will be seeing more of these one shot hit wonders throughout the game. I personally only use Green Troops along with letting the AI pick targets ( not human ) in CM, and AT Combat in my opinion is still alittle to accurate...But anyways, what can you do. Bil, as a suggestion, I think you and Banmann (email him) should try letting the AI pick targets (instead of human)...you can still, of course, use 'Area-Fire' & 'Arcs'. This, might give CM a little more realistic feel to it...Just a suggestion from a Forum Member.
  3. But of course, one shot hits in WWII CM...You were able to move-up, spot the HT in inclement weather (which in RL would probably take most of the turn), Fire & Hit in one shot, then withdrew, all in same turn...I'm simply impressed. Joe
  4. Macisle, have you played RO (Red Orchestra-Steam) ?...That name looks familiar there (of course, it could be someone different with same name), but it's been awhile since I played it. Joe
  5. Ops, I meant the Faust 150 coming out later, and it might be able to be incorporated in a CM:FB Module.
  6. If CM:FB is from Oct 44'-Jan 45', then there might still be a fair amount of Panther A Models in Oct-Nov. Joe
  7. Please..Just stay with Pzf 30-60. Don't add the PzF 100 until the CMFB Module as they really didn't start appearing until the end of first quarter of 45' ( next module should be around Feb-May ). Joe
  8. Actually, from the two Screen shots it appears that the Tiger should have more of a problem spotting the M18, then the other way around. Joe
  9. By CM:BN, the two major AT Guns were the Infantry Battalions 57mm AT Gun ( mainstay in all Inf Battalions from then till end of war ), and the Infantry Divisions Towed 76mm AT Guns ( fewer in numbers ). Italy ( or Southern France ) should be the last time to see 37mm AT Guns.
  10. Well, 9 Seconds is a Blink of an Eye in RL WWII...In CM, thou, I'm surprised your M1...err, mean M18 didn't shoot after 1 sec of spotting the Tiger. Joe
  11. I have only played 'John Tiller's Campaign Series' which is Tactical in nature ( as mentioned in my first post )...Matrix might have a Demo...It replaces 'Talon Soft's' East & West Fronts from the late 90's. Or, you can find these Talon Soft games on Fleabay for probably around $10 and worked on 2K & XP back in the day (not sure about 7 or above)...
  12. Ok, Subslime, At the moment, I only play PBEM, 'Meetings', up to Reinforced Inf Company (mix) size Scenario's, I purchase all Units for both sides, and use 'House Rules'...I only use Dropbox and can send you an invite Folder that say's 'Irish vs Sublime', and it will contain a Text Document (to communicate, and House Rules ) along with the Scenario (put Scenario in Folder so you can look at all aspects of it...Map, Units, Parameters). Let me know if interested. Joe
  13. Better yet, try 'John Tiller's Campaign Series (it's basically a Computer version of Panzer Leader/Blitz) and includes EastFront, WestFront, & PacificFront all in one game...Each Turn equals 6 minutes (IGOUGO, unfortunately...but it's what your looking for), each Hex equals 250 meters, and each Unit equals a Platoon. Joe
  14. I know I'm staying with 7 as long as I can...
  15. No news that I'm aware of...The next best thing is to substitute Concrete Bunkers (Scenario Editor) with Wooden, and problem temporarily solved. Then someone can come up with a Mod that makes Wooden Bunkers look like Concrete if you will. Joe
  16. Yeah, I know what you meant...I'm simply referring to the that fact Armor engagements in WWII CMx2 happen way to fast compared to RL ( seems as fast as Modern ). I always use Green (change Scenario Units in the Editor) with either Low to High Motivation (depending on how I perceive quality of troops) and still find the engagements happen to quickly...But anyways.
  17. Ahh, you have found BF's Modern Day Warfare ( CMSF, etc ) poking it's ugly head in WWII...The One Shot One Kill Syndrome. Joe
  18. I have also seen this 1:30 minute Pause in CMBN ( can't remember if FI or RT ) several times in the past, but never figured out why it happened...At least, I now know why from reading the above posts. Thanks again, guys. Joe
  19. I'm sorry, Nick, but your Services are no longer needed...
  20. I'm thinking of playing one of each Game ( CMBN, CMFI, CMRT ) at Platoon Level all the same time. Basically, once I send you over all three Game Files, you will send me back three new Game Files at about the same time...Once we finish all three Games, then will do the same again, but up it to Company size. What is your email addy that you will be using for Dropbox, and will send over an invite and a Folder that will say 'Irish vs your email name'...That Folder will contain three Game Files ( one for each game ) along with a Text Document so that we can communicate on a daily/weekly basis ( instead of Battlefront PM's ). Yeah, I'm with you on that and will keep my collection of Micro-Armor and might even build-up some 15mm, but not to play FOW (as it's to regimental in game mechanics). If I do decide to get back into Table-Top Gaming, then will probably get a Painting Service to get my Units done as I don't paint anymore (or buy a painted collection). Collected many Gaming Rules over the years, but haven't sat down to actual figure out which ones where the best to use for which scale ('Tractics' was my first Rules). I use to go to a few Gaming Conventions back in the day mainly for WWII & ACW, but it's been years since I been to one...Might finally do so sometimes next year (Historicon, Cold Wars, etc) on the Mid-Atlantic region (VA, MD, OH, PA).
  21. Hello Sprint, I also use to play Table-Top Miniature Games ( 15mm & Micro-Armor ), but back in the 80's-90's...Still have a small Collection & Gaming Table. I would be interested in a PBEM Opponents for CMBN, CMFI & CMRT...I prefer Platoon up to Reinforced Company size engagements. I also use Dropbox, and if you have it ( Dropbox.com ) I can send you over Game Files that way. Joe
  22. Yes...However, Otto and most other Battlefield Combatants don't relies the slow downgrade effects of their Armor Quality due to Manufacturing issues as the war progresses...As far as he is concerned the German Armor Quality is good ( and he's right to a degree ) compared to Allied Armor.
  23. Yes, and for the most part I'm probably in agreement with you ( my own post above reflects this as well ).
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