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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. This is why I only use Green Troops ( against AI or Opponents ), and use certain Bonuses ( Leadership & Motivation ) to represent Reg or Vet Troops. And I'm with you in that Regs and above ( especially if having bonuses ) stand too long on the battlefield.
  2. Well, I think both CMx1 and CMx2 are still True, Right, and Accurate in their own right as separate games...It's not about further research ( as that's been done years ago ), but rather how that research is used to give the different approaches to wargaming. It just seems that both games should coincide with one another a little more closer...But, I digress.
  3. I also agree with all your points ( except 1. which has already been commented on )...It's not about the PPSH alone, but still think SMGs in general are alittle more potent in CMx2 then they should be. I do, however, think Rifle based weapons seem to work fairly well. Basically, Small Arms in CMx2 uses Bullet Trajectory, Moral, Suppression, etc all being intertwined together to give a hit/casualty result...Is it to much or to little compared to reality is the big question.
  4. This answer is the closest to being right, unfortunately. It's interesting that in CMx1 a typical German Squad can handle a typical Russian Squad in same circumstances..It's almost the opposite now in CMx2. Joe
  5. When you upgraded to v3.0 Did you update to v3.10 before 3.11...If not, then this may be why you notice strange things. Joe
  6. Up to Reinforced Company Size Engagements in CMBN, CMFI, and CMRT for me...Ops, I Just realized this is one of those Modern Forums. Joe
  7. If you post this in the Tech Support Forum, then you might get a better answer, thou I'm pretty sure this is the issue.
  8. Not sure about the tricking of Win 7, but you could purchase a cheap copy of Win XP and install it as a secondary operating system, and re-boot to play CMx1...Or, just get an old rig with Win XP and use it as your primary CMx1 gaming. Thou, if you go the former route, I'm still not sure if the newer Video Cards ( the one probably installed on your rig now ) support CMx1 FOG Tables.
  9. If you have Win XP, then FOG was present, but If Win 7 ( or later ) the Fog is not seen anymore...However, The Fog affects are still present ( you just can't see it )...It has something to do with the FOG Tables not being supported with the newer Operating Systems. Example: I have a Laptop with Win XP and able to see FOG with BO, BB & AK, but my Desktop with Win 7 doesn't allow me to see Fog...Not sure how the Vista Operating System works, but I suspect it's the same as Win 7 ( since they share the same drivers ). Joe
  10. I don't remember that discussion, but I just tried a QB with current v3.11 ( since I never payed attention ) and the Pause is still there even after I relocate the First WayPoint...Of course, If I had a Firing Order attached and relocated the waypoint, then the Firing Order gets canceled. *Update*...I also tried this playing a Scenario against a PBEM Opponent, and Pause does indeed disappear after relocating the First WayPoint...It appears. I wonder if it has anything to do with Scenario vs QB, Or Opponent vs. AI. Joe
  11. I remember back in my 'Gamers Hobby Shop' days ( about 25 yrs ago ) we had someone who wanted to play the whole Italian/Med Theater. He had a Strategic Layer rule book that he made-up, and wanted to use Micro-Armor Miniatures to solve the battles...Needless to say it never materialized. I still think the Computer Game 'The Operational Art of War' ( over @ Matrix and allows you to create different size Units) or a Table-Top Miniatures Game that has one Unit=Battalion (only couple of those on the Market) is your best bet...This should allow you to play a major Operation in Europe, but nothing to the scale of a World at War.
  12. I guarantee that you wont even finish an Operational level game ( Market Garden, Bulge, etc ) using CMx1 or CMx2 in your lifetime. I think you should look into playing John Tiller's Campaign Series or Operational Art of War and incorporate that into an Operational Level Game...Then, you might finish by the time your kids get to be your age now.
  13. You can't use Tactical & Strategic Level Games with one another...However, you can use Tactical ( CMx1 & CMx2 ) & Grand Tactical Games together as that works much better. Joe
  14. I know in games against my Opponents we have a 'House Rule' that only the Vehicle AI can Pop Smoke ( no Human intervention ). Joe
  15. Hello Panzer, Hmmm, I see you started a PBEM game with someonelse and not me...I Understand :-( You can do a quick test by playing a QB against yourself ( not actually playing it, but rather keeping hitting the done button for both sides ), then do the same with an actual Scenario to see the difference...I believe you will only see the Parameters after you select your force. Joe
  16. Actually, I also have Win 7 64bit and my CMBN & Modules ( I have Disks and not Download ) is installed in "Program Files (x86)...( Data, Misc, Mod Tools, etc ). So, I cant remember if the default location for the download was for 'My Documents" and I changed it to the above location. Joe
  17. I have that CMBO Wiltz Scenario, and will send a Zip containing pics to your provided address. Joe
  18. Hello Erwin, Those Wav Files are indeed usable as I just tried them out using 'Windows Media Player' ( Win 7 Home Premium ). The first set of Files are Close Combat Fist Fights, another set has Small Arms zipping around hitting Ground, Vehicles, etc. If you want I can send them via Email to see if they work for you. Joe
  19. Hello Petsi, PM Sent... Joe
  20. Battlefront sends their appreciation for your order...Please come back again :-)
  21. JoMac


    PM Sent AjarmanG... Joe
  22. Your all wrong...the actual meaning of the word in German, is Kaputt ( or Kaput for us English Speaking ) :-)
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