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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. PM sent to russwg1970... Joe
  2. Wow ! I can see that Snipers are really to effective in CMBN... I have a stationary, but Tired German Conscript Sniper and getting 25-50% hits at around 200-250 yrds. One, against a moving Target, and another against a Target in Building...God forbide if I had a Vet Sniper in Good Order, then I probably wouldn't miss at all...Sigh. Joe
  3. Yeah, CMBN and future Modules/Games need the 'Free French' for the U.S. to corrospond with the Commonwealth for the Brits. Joe
  4. I have a small Collection of CMBN Mods that many Players use ( never got around to getting Building, Vehicle or Uniform Mods yet ) and if you have Dropbox, then I can send them over...PM me. Joe
  5. As you mentioned, Ian, that's probably the case...it's most likely one Objective that was seperated into two parts ( two parts in different areas of the Map ), and the Scenario Designer didn't seperate them as two Objectives ( intentionally or accidentally ). Joe
  6. If you can, reinstall Win 7 using a Reinstall Disk and reinstall all your programs including BB & AK since it's possible you have a Windows issue or possible Virus ? No, I haven't had any issues and no need to change out BMP's. I have had a older Dell D810 laptop, Win XP, ATI X600 128mb Vid, Dell D830 laptop, Win XP, Nvidia NV140 256mb vid, Dell Optiplex 755 desktop, Core2 Quad, Win 7 Home, ATI 7700 1GB vid...I pretty much just use the standard video settings and no issues running CMx1 on all rigs ( running CMx2 on the Dell Optiplex ). However, my newer Dell Precision M440, Win 7 Pro, Core2 Duo, Quadro FX770 512mb video, and getting a choppy frate-rate running BB & AK, and the video card specs are much better then all my previous laptops ( but runs CMx2 fairly well ). So, in my case, its' either a Quadro video issue with older Direct X or A Win 7 Pro issue...Until I figure it out, I will be using my older D830 Laptop to run CMx1.
  7. sturbs, If you haven't done so, then install each game on your Win 7 Ult Desktop ( not Progam Files ). -or- copy and paste the BMP files from your Win XP to Win 7 Ult ( replacing the BMP files in your program files )...might also try deleting Win 7 Ult BMP's first before replacing with Win XP BMP's if that makes any difference. I'm hoping one of these options will work for you. I do, however, have CMBB & CMAK installed on Win 7 64bit Home Premium in Program Files (x86) without any BMP issues.
  8. JoMac

    TCIP game

    Hello Walt, We have played BB or AK in the past and can play either one of those, or CMBN @3.11 all by PBEM. Joe
  9. I also meet John Hill a couple times at Historicon, PA back around the 2K time frame when playing his 'Johnny Reb' ACW Mini Rules... Joe
  10. Keep in mind what BF ( Steve ) has mentioned in regards to the Game Engine...The problem is that Rounds will usually hit Vehicle Center ( with some deviation ), and if a Tree Trunk is right in the middle and in front of that vehicle, then that Tree will get hit first, over and over giving unrealistic combat results. A Corrective firing code needs to be implemented. I have also seen the issue of Tree Folaige and bushes stopping\detonating AP/HE rounds on many occassions. Concealment is usually only for Spotting purposes, and not for continually stopping rounds. Hope BF fixes these two above issues. Joe
  11. This has been dicussed in the past, notably myself, and will sway back and forth on this one. I also agree with RedManace, and think Accuracy of Small Arms is alittle to lethal in CM, and 10,000 Bullets per Casualty should the norm from accounts that I have read in the past...if CM just tones down the Automatic lethality abit, and add more savings rolls to better simulate posture and micro-managing of cover, then I would be more then happy. However, as StealSilent and others have mentioned in the past, it has alot to do with overall Suppression ( where most of where you non-Combat Action takes place ) that takes place before the main SpearHead that Combat Mission is suppose to simulate. also, keep in mind alot of those High Casualties you see in a Typical CM Scenario is from Player input rather then Bullet Accuracy in itself. If you want to keep your casualties down, then sit behind a wall for an hour until Scenario has ended. In saying the above, I still think the Casualty per Bullet Ratio fired in CM is still far to high IMHO. In RL, a platoon might loose upwards 10-25% casualties on a bad day...You get more then that in one Hour of CM. I chalk-it-up and justify it by saying, for every 5 minutes of Heavy Combat in CM there is one hour of little or nothing happening ( that's where the Suppression part comes in ). Joe
  12. Hello, Looking for a couple CMBN @ 3.11 PBEM Opponents to play Tiny QB's, Meetings, Computer Pick Mixed Units, Random Small Maps, etc, etc...PM or Post reply back. Thanx, Joe
  13. Ok, I had no issues running BB/AK on my older Dell D810 ATI X600 128mb w\Win XP and a D830 Nvidia 140M 256mb w\Win 7 64 Home Premium. I also have a old Dell Optiplex 755 Desktop AMD7750 Vid w\Win 7 Home Premium also with no issues playing. I decided to replace these laptops them with a newer ( 5 yrs old ) Dell Precision with Win 7 64 Pro w/Nvidia Quadro FX770M 512mb. The games load-up fine until I go to the Battlefield and here the frames are very low and the Battlefield choppy with multiple terrain overlaying on top of each other making the game unplayable. I tried using the Nvidia Control Panel changing certain aspects, but nothing seems to work. Any help would be appreciated to resolve this problem...If all else fails, then I will just go back to the previous laptops. Joe
  14. Go ahead and get all of CMBN up to 3.11...when ready, then get CMRT then CMFI w/all modules. Joe
  15. I purchased these CD Titles, and mailed to me in the U.S. and payed $10 for shipping, and I believe $1 for each additional CD, and so it was around $12-13 total. Install CMBN first, then activate ( using the desktop shortuct ) and can be online or offline, then do the same for each title. You will still have the same 4x Key restrictions and a +1 additional key each year, and it can be used in one main computer and a back-up computer. Joe
  16. Yes, you will be surprised on how well even 'Green' troops perform in CMx2 ( especially with one or two bonuses )...You can be at Half-Strength and still carry-on after a rest. Remember, that playing against the AI is not the same as playing against an aggressive Opponent. You could still potentially loose even more units, and the player less. However, an Opponent will be more wary to use Conscripts/Green Infantry to engage Armor unless they are sure enough it will be successful.
  17. I could understand your frustration, but spacing out 'Pause' Orders to each vehicle will elivate many of those problems.
  18. Yeah, I wouldn't uninstall due to this 'Close Assault' issue that some of us have, and should try enjoying all Modules patched for full enjoyment...Using the nerfing down technique of Infantry, however, will help eleviate some of that 'Armor Blindness', and give Armor alittle better chance of survival. Keep in mind thou, unsupported Heavier Armor ( Tanks, Assaults Guns, etc ) will still be vulnerable, but overall have alittle better chance of survival...I'm by no means an Armor person ( thou, they are fun to play with ), but prefer Inf or Combined Arms Scenarios. Yes, it would be nice if there were some sort of seperate 'Close Assault' Order option for Infantry against Armor with a Such & Such chance of a KO the longer an Inf Unit stays in same or adjacent AS...But, not the way it is now. Anyways, Skwabie, let me know how it goes, and PM back your results as time goes by so we can fine-tune anything thats needs it...My goal is to make CM as realistic as we can make it for those that are interested.
  19. Skwabie, This is what I do to help give me the desired effects im looking for. Go into the Scenario Editor and make some changes to a Scenario. If playing against an Opponent, then ask him to do the same ( this approach will also give alittle extra for purchasing units ). Infantry: - Inf Moral should always be either Conscripts ( if they are Green or Reg in Scenario ), or Green ( if they are Vet or better ), Give +1 Bonus to HQ's for Leadership or if good quality specialized Inf ( Airborne-Ranger, etc ), Give Inf in Defense Low Motivation and troops attacking Normal Motivation, All Inf should always be in Weakened status. Armor: You can also increase the Armor's Moral up a notch, and give similar bonuses if the above doesn't give you the desired effects. At the very least, experiment with the Infantry alterations first, then the Armor if need be. Reducing the effects of Infantry by making them alittle more brittle, and or increasing the effects of Armor make for what I think a better work-around approach to the Inf vs. Armor 'Close Assault' syndrome.
  20. My guess is that he is giving very short way-points ( which appears under the vehicle ) and not noticable to the player. This will in affect make the Vehicle appear to be slowely turning in circules. Try using slightly bigger way-points that are noticable out from under the Vehicle, say 5 meters minimum. This may require you to look Top-Down on the Battlefield to better see it. I tend to make short way-points anywhere from 5-10 meters apart. Joe
  21. Aquatica, I think you should pick-up a copy of CMAK from either Battlefront, or possibly cheaper on Fleabay ( ebay ) or Amazon. It will give you a good basic protrayal of SA Units ( Uniforms, Voices, Scenarios, etc ), and the game can be added as part of your research portfolio. Joe
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