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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Think I will just get the 3.12 patch...Then get both the VP & BP together at some point. Joe
  2. Hey Mark...You can give me ( JoMc67 ), partial credit if you want.
  3. Ok Mark, I emailed you a Zip Folder containing pics for CMAK 'A Walk in the Sun'... Joe
  4. Sounds Good, Mark, and will look for that CMAK Scenario tomorrow, and send the info...Of course, in the meantime you might get others that might send you the same info. Joe
  5. Ah Yes, WRG WWII Rules ( and similar ) from the 80's...Those were the Good Ole Days of Micro Armor & HO. Joe
  6. I would take either the German or Russian Light Inf Guns for general purpose duties (against Inf & Light Units). Joe
  7. Ok, and so far, BFC needs to look into changing the Jagdtiger & Sturmtiger's Auto-Firing...err, I mean ROF so it's more realistic before games release ( ex; Reg Crews - Jagd 30 secs, Sturm 5 minutes ). Joe
  8. And here is MikeyD's Post on Patton's quote regarding the Tree-Line.
  9. I was actually being sarcastic, oracle...I was trying to remark that Arty is already alittle overmodeled in CM...but anyways.
  10. Well, if a 122/152 round can't cause significant damage to a KT, ( HE or AP ) then something isn't right...That KT shouldn't be able to return fire as if nothing ever happened. Maybe something for BF to look into.
  11. I have the same issue, and the Rhino forks are missing...I do see them very briefly during Scenario start, but disappear. It Could possibly be the different types of Graphics Cards ( Nvidia vs AMD )...Some players can see the forks, but others can't Joe
  12. I also figured that the ISU-152 would fire AP at a long range Armored target since HE at that range has a big dispersal effect and will most likely miss...well, unless the target is a Town Square. I'm Still surprised that the HE didn't KO the KT ( crew turned into jelly and busted-up tank )...unless it did alot of damage that we are not aware of yet. Joe
  13. Arty Shell/Barrages are already too potent in CM:BN ( and other WWII titles ), and I already assumed VT So, it's going to get even worse...Just great. Joe
  14. Ah Yes, it appears the Tree Force Field still continues into the next CM Install.
  15. I also think there are far to many SVT-40s in CM:RT, and prefer the way CM:BB had it...Basically, the average squad having 4-5 Mosin Rifles, an SVT, 2-3 SMGs, and LMG. I tried using the 'Poor' instead of 'Typical' and still can't tell the difference... Joe
  16. Quote: He's intelligent, but not experienced...His pattern indicates two-dimentional thinking.
  17. Ok, so what are the Victory Conditions other then the Objectives ?...I looked at beginning of thread but didn't see anything like points for Enemy Casualties ( 25-50% ), Ammo expenditure, etc.
  18. Well, in RL, the reload time should be around 30 seconds at the minimum, and not 15 seconds ( 15 sec is way to fast ).
  19. And, even giving the Sturmtiger 5-7 minutes between reload is even generous according to this site: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/263182-sturmtiger-not-what-it-seems
  20. A Sturmtigers ROF in CM is one round alittle over 2 minutes...Wow !!!, now that's Super-Fast compared to RL.
  21. I believe in RL the Jagdtiger should have an average ROF of 2 rounds per minute, and the Sturmtiger average ROF of 1 round per 10-15 minutes.
  22. 14' Secs to reload a JagdTiger...Wow ! that's super fast. I thought it be around 2 rounds a minute at most.
  23. Thanks for the Info, domfluff and Bud...That's about what I kinda figured was going on with the Info Sharing & Spotting.
  24. I'm with RH, and many of my sources also show the Lower Hull at 60mm @ 55 degrees...You would tend to wonder if the U.S. 76mm Gun w/plain AP and APCR can't penetrate the Upper Hull, then there might be a good possibility it shouldn't penetrate the Lower Hull ( since it's only 20mm less, and especially in this case where the Sherman was slightly higher shooting down ). Joe
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