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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Ok, I have 3.0 and having the same issue as the OP and couple others, but with the 'Task Force Raff' Scenario/Campaign ( only played this one since the upgrade )...I'm playing the U.S and lined my troops on back-side of St' Martins Hedge, placed order to go directly forward to direction of stone bridge that's about 100 yrds or so away, my troops didn't go through the small opening in Hedge, but instead went to the river embarkment opening before moving forward...I didn't have this problem with v2.12 Joe
  2. I don't care if your playing one of these insignificant Peng Weasels that frequently waste their time on this Forum, Nidan...Your better then that. Now, your new Game File is ready in Dropbox Folder 'Nidan vs Irish, and it's been there for past week...I suggest you get your Arse back there and send me back a File :-) Joe
  3. Yeah, my thoughts exactly...I mean, Really, do we need a word that says 'Casualty' in the UI...It just messes up the look. If we must have a Casualty marker, then the weapon should be in Red since we have Yellow for Wounded ( or a red dot\dash under weapon thats less conspicous ). Atleast, we have Mods that help out.
  4. On the 3.0 Upgrade I dislike the word 'Casualty' written in the UI next to the Weapons, and prefer the v2.12 version. I talked with Scipio who helped me option out the 'Casualty' word by opening up a 'String' and deleting the word out, then putting in my Z Folder. Ok fine, ofcourse this means the 'Casualty' is now replaced with Yellow Weapon (incapacitated)...I now see Wounded and incapacitated all in Yellow, and hard to tell the difference between the two ( unless I look around the Battlefield to see who is actually Wounded, and who is actually Incapacitated in the squad ) Is there any other suggestions, or Mods in use...Maybe a way to make the Weapon Red for incapacitated ( since Yellow is for 'Wounded' ), or have the Weapon dissaper altogether ( like it did in v2.12 ). Joe
  5. Average middle income Person/Family makes $50K-100K a yr, and some folks are still complaining about $10...Just get the v3.0, and keep up with the game system, or fall behind the wayside.
  6. I have noticed the same thing about 25% of the time in v3.0, and Facing Command alone doesn't help. Instead, I would have to move my troops back atleast one AS then move forward to original location in order for them to line-up properly. There is also a similar issue that I also noticed in v2.12 and now v3.0... If you Run\Quick your troops diaganol to a Wall/Fence ( or within 1-2 Action Spots behind it ), then Run\Quick forward to line-up with Wall\Fence about half your troops in the Squad will jump and be on the other side...Generally I need a Hunt or Slow Command to the Fence line to prevent this...Maybe a Game Engine issue or limitation, rather then a bug. Joe Joe
  7. Nice, atleast in your particular game you got closer to RL Casualty Rates for a Barrage or three of Arty...Remember, your the Defender and will most likely not receive much in the way of Casualties any ways.
  8. Yeap, and read similar accounts...When a Heavy Mortar Barrage starts coming down, just lay on the ground for several minutes till its over, then start moving again ( lost a few troops in the process ).
  9. Agree with most here that HE is alittle to leathal, especially after looking at the Lethality Charts. I like the Idea of it being Variable, but not the Random factor so much. However, with CM's abstracted Nerfed HE affects, It probably doesnt matter where your individual troops are located in the surrounding Action Spots ( bunched or seperated ) but rather how many are suppose to be casualties (depending of all factors ) with die-rolls randomly determing who it will be. Joe
  10. On top of that, most of the time the Gyro was turned off, because most crews ( except Vets ) didn't know how to use it...In game, Im not sure if Crew quality is modeled for this in any way. Joe
  11. Ofcourse, we all know that the Sherman was the best all around...
  12. JoMac

    Opponent wanted

    Hello Ale, How about CMBN @3.0 ( with all modules ), Small size QB's & Maps, Mixed Units, with mostly Random Settings...Will make for interesting games other then Scenarios. I have played a few PBEM's myself, and only have Dropbox ( didn't bother with H2H )...If interested, then PM me your Email Addy, and will sent you a Dropbox Folder ( Ale vs Irish ). Joe
  13. So, From this Thread and similar others, it seems that conditions like Movement & Firing, Vehicle size, amount and quality of eyeballs, are all important factors...Type and Quality of Optics being more or less generalized. Joe
  14. Yes, actually, going to agree with you on many aspects of your statement in that there is a distinction between Quick and Longterm Demos. CM does have that one-size fits all abstraction, and I can live with that.
  15. Yes, and the Officer is going to get that retailation in the next Scenario...
  16. Yeap, and I see it the same way as far as CM Scenarios are concerned...You have taken the Objective ( or not ) by Scenarios end, and now tasked to dig end. Few other things that should be out of scope of a typical CM Scenario. - Digging-in - Demolition Charges ( unfortunately, we get this already in clearing Hedges & Walls ). - Mine Laying & Clearing - River Crossings - Airpower & Heavy Arty ( this is debatable ) - few other things I'm sure CM already has contingencies before a Scenario starts for things like; Head & Ammo count, Supply, and Vehicle status.
  17. Ummm, ridethe415 is still correct...Just give a shorter Firing Arc, and your troops shouldn't return fire.
  18. Your right, Jeagermister, so start digging-in your un-harrassed troops on turn one, and by turn 30 you might have a Shallow enough foxhole for cover...Oh nevermind, game will be over by then, but it will be there for the next Battle in the Campaign :-) Joe
  19. No problem hosting, and will email you later with the details.
  20. Hello Papa...Ah, another MIC besides myself ( ok, Im half-MIC & half-WOP ). I can start a PBEM game with you. We can play a 1000 point QB, Meeting, Combined Arms, Village, couple Random Settings ( Date, Weather ), and if have CMAK we can play that as well...I only play AXIS in CMBB, but AXIS or ALLIES in CMAK. I've used some minor Terrain & Tweak Mods in CMBB and CMAK that I can remember, but nothing more then that...If interested, I can email you the files. Joe
  21. Hey Doug, Unfortunately, I don't have your Scenario, but can sent you over a similar one called "Shootout at Singling" if that helps. Joe
  22. I'm looking for the Link, Scipio, but can't seem to find it. *Edit*...Nevermind, for some reason I had to log-off in the Battlefront Forums in order to see the link in your sig. Joe
  23. Ah Zenith, the best of the Good Ole' tube TV's. Oh Yeah, as Jim mentioned... Joe
  24. You can simulate many of the above in CM by setting the levels of Fitness, Motivation, Headcount, etc.
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