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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Yes, the German Steel Quality has started to show its defects late....However, it was still a little better then the Soviet Armor Quality ( which started to improve by wars end ), but that's another story.
  2. You have to start paying attention to that Blogspot, Alchenar, as that statement below refers to the T1 Front Armor Penetration and T2 Side Penetration (not front) by the D-5 85mm Gun...Since this Thread is in regards to the T2.
  3. I also agree that Vehicle Crews become casualties far to quickly due to Small Arms, and CM really needs to look into solving this issue...Your Mod, Skwabie, atleast takes this in the right direction.
  4. Skwabie, at first I was in agreement with you...However, then came the thought that ( as kch001 mentioned ) the Mantle is there for protection and articulation of the Gun, and the space behind the Mantle should have an opening alittle bigger then the gun (or the size of KT Mantle). Now, I could be wrong, and the gun fits exactly through the opening of the Turret Face and the Mantle wraps around the Gun sleeve as added protection ( Turret Face 150mm + Mantle Armor 180mm sloped=320mm ). Now, in saying the above, even though the 122 shouldn't penetrate the Turret Mantle or Upper Hull ( penetration is 160mm @45 degrees at 1000 meters ) I still think a 122 Shell would have drastic affects no matter where it hits...Crew casualties ( dead or unconscious ), System failures, Armor failure ( cracking, spalling, etc ), Vehicle catches on fire, etc. all rendering the Vehicle inoperable. So, as far as I'm concerned, I'm fine how the game handles the effects of the 122 and KT ( unless until something else comes up to change this ). Joe
  5. Well, with the possible over-modeling of Automatics, or Troops getting less of a Savings-Roll ( troops in RL take better cover, use of different formations, zig-zag, etc compared to CM ), it becomes fairly easy to get over-run. Don't get me wrong, you will still get over-run, but actions should take a little longer. Joe
  6. Didn't BF already lower the Profile of Vehicle Crews with either the 2.0 or 3.0 engine ? I still think that Unbuttoned Vehicle Crews become casualties far to quickly when under Small Arms. I wonder if Vehicle Crews have a Combat 'Saving Roll' ( like other troops supposedly do ) to simulate the ducking, weaving, etc when under fire ?...If there is, then it's not much of one. Joe
  7. Ahh, didn't know Battlefront has a Win Loss Record'...Interesting. I guess a player like C3PO can use it to track how many games it will take to finally start winning. I personally only play against the AI or Opponents to determine how well the Game Mechanics work in CM compared to RL
  8. No Problem as I'm here to help in anyway possible...Now, even I don't know enough about the game mechanics ( still learning a thing or three from posters ), but enough to give a heads-up to newcomers. Ok, I know Stamos22 as we are still playing Platoon size engagements for now before moving up to Company size, However, I can't remember Abbasid ( thou, your name looks familiar )...What were we playing ( probably a Platoon size game ), and did we finish ? Joe
  9. I don't disagree with that assesement in regards to Gun Accuracy up to 1000 meters, etc. However, I'm just wondering if BF calculates Snap-Shots in game, which would give that 50/50 chance of hit even at short ranges...Ofcourse, then what would constitute a Snap-Shot versus a Timed Accurate Shot. It just seems that a Gun will almost hit with 100% accuracy (unless the Force-Field effect is between shooter and target ), or it will not fire at all (target in sight for 10 secs and disappears).
  10. I always use 'Green' Troops and find they almost always hit...I do, however, come across the Tree/Hedge Foliage Invisible Force Field against rounds that everyone talks about. .
  11. I also played CMx1 and then started playing CMx2, and it's Night & Day as far as Gun Accuracy is concerned...In CMx2 I generally play on Small-Med Maps, and find that I can hit Targets 9 out of 10 times. Altho, the CMx2 Gun Accuracy may be more realistic then CMx1 I still think it's alittle to much, and often wonder if BF has directly modeled the CMSF Gun Accuracy for WWII (Modern Optics, Laser, etc ). Joe
  12. PM Sent, Brian, regarding a PBEM Human Opponent. Joe
  13. CM:BN-FI-RT...PBEM Opponents wanted. I like to play a few Platoon size engagements, then move up to Reinforced Company size. I can do about 1-2 Files a day, and also have Dropbox ( not H2H ). Joe
  14. You are all SICK People...Now, the only thing that really counts is seeing Heads Explode
  15. Players wanted 'Hit Decals' so they can see where the Shell Hit on the Vehicle...That way, if a Player thinks that a certain Gun shouldn't Penetrate a certain part of a Vehicle at so and so range, then they can complain about it in the Forums. Joe
  16. I have no clue on how to do CMx2 Mods or willing to try ( did some basic paint back in my CMx1 days ). I'm already using Scipio's non-penetrating Heat Decal ( didn't like the penetrating ones ) but would rather have someone modify it abit for me. Basically, I like to use his non-penetrating Heat Decal for both Penetration and Heat Penetration. I have attached Photos of what I would like done...Simply, the Penetration is slightly bigger then the Heat Penetration. heat ricochet decalm.bmp ricochet decalm.bmp penetration decalm.bmp heat ricochet decal.bmp heat ricochet decal.bmp
  17. How does Acquiring Ammo from Vehicles/Dumps affect the Ammo Threshold % ? ex: I'm making a Platoon size Scenario against an Opponent ( using existing map ), and I usually make the 'Enemy Ammo' threshold at 50%. If the Enemy goes over that then the Opponent gets 25 points...However, how does extra Ammo play a role in skewing that percentage...-or- in other words; Does the percentage take in account only what the Enemy Ammo expends from his original on hand Ammo or combined with additional Ammo. Joe
  18. No Problem, Chicken Little, as I know you are a busy Student...That's Great that you now have upgraded to 3.11 and purchased CW & MG Modules, and have Dropbox...PM me your email address and I will invite you to a Folder in Dropbox. Thanx again, Joe
  19. Abba, PM Sent regarding CMBN:CW-MG @3.11 PBEM Opponent. Joe
  20. To further add, there is also another Game Mechanic, and that's 'Hit Boxes' & 'Savings Rolls' and how they interact with one another...Maybe there is not enough of a 'Savings Roll per chance of hit ? Then, I'm afraid BF might read this Thread and respond; "We are doing everything right Game Mechanic wise as far as we are concerned and don't know why everyone thinks SMG's or Small Arms in general are to accurate".
  21. No, Of course not...It should be; 50 meters effective, 100 meters Moderate, 100+ meters Low. I know this thread is about the actual accuracy of Soviet SMG's, but think there is another issue regarding all Small Arms (more so automatics)...I can't pin-point it directly, but it might have something to do with how pixeltruppen in CM are engaged in Combat. I think they fire to often, and are not taking enough cover ( self-suppression if you will ) for fear of being seen or hit (not actual Suppression from being shot at). If this was implemented more, then you will see less spotting, less fire going out, and thus less overall casualties. Keep in mind, there is a reason why many of these Troops stay alive to become Vets as the War progresses.
  22. Thanks for the Tests, Migo, some interesting results for sure.
  23. What does your little brother think about you, Sublime...
  24. Yeah, you only have a certain amount of time to edit a Comment...This means you will simply have to post another similar Comment and continue from there.
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