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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. He's basically saying, the more you have the more you will use anyways... Joe
  2. How about Truck Drivers or Motorbikes...Will take the latter. Joe
  3. No, there is no way to move Vehicles from Axis to Allied Menu. Now there was a 40' France Mod ( partially complete ) that I remember that you might find over at CMODS: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods Joe
  4. You do mean a game of CMBN against an Opponent, and not this CMBS Modern Game you speak of...If the Former, then I accept :-) Joe
  5. I think the use of Vets ( especially with bonuses ) make them almost impervious to incoming fire. This is why I only use Green Troops ( with some use of Leadership & Motivation Bonuses ) in my games as it better reflects RL Battlefield conditions...It may now only take a 2-3 MG's or Inf Platoon to Suppress and eventually make an enemy Squad run away within couple turns.
  6. Actually, it's CMSF that uses the older Copy Protection...CMBN, CMFI, CMRT uses the newer version ( along with the newer Modern Titles ). Joe
  7. I don't believe it's just for the Germans. You should notice that many other MG's also have variable rates of fire per cycle. Joe
  8. Ok, Weapon2010....Please, don't confuse Philly with that dead-beat state, called Jersey.
  9. @ Bud, I find Full-Strength Pre-Battle Green Troops rather tenacious in CM ( if having higher motivation and Leadership bonuses ). However, as Bil has mentioned, this is Post-Battle Green Troops, and rather Brittle at this point ( taken casualties, out of Command, etc ). In my Games, I generally only use 'Green Troops', and give lower Motivation and Leadership bonuses if Green in RL, and higher Motivation and or Leadership bonuses to simulate troops that are Reg or Vets in RL...So far, this system works fairly well. ex; I would give a RL Vet Para Platoon this: PHQ- Green w/High Motivation & +2 Leadership, Squads and Support- Green w/High Motivation & +1 Leadership...something along those lines. @ Bil, I also live in Va ( lived in Northern Va half my life such as Arlington, Manassas, Loudoun & Fairfax Counties, but now in Winchester ), and maybe one day we could meet at one of those Gaming Conventions located in Lancaster, PA and other local area ones ( HMGS, Origins, Cold Wars, etc ) if these things interest you. Joe
  10. This Sounds Good, and will talk to another player to see if he is interested as well...Will keep you posted via PM. What size gaming ( scenario/QB's ) are you guys interested in ?...I think it would be nice to setup a Campaign type game ( something up to Reinforced Batt in size ). Joe
  11. Check out this Mod site if you haven't already: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods Joe
  12. Hello Foamy, Yes, I still play CMBO-CMBB-CMAK via Dropbox...PM if interested. Joe
  13. Bah-Humbug to you all...Ok, all kidding aside I also enjoy Bud's AAR Comic Relief as it's rather enjoyable :-)
  14. Hey Bud, What's with all this Individualism ?...Just stick with HQ & SL names and how many Casualties from each Squad on a turn by turn basis...You were doing so good, until you started listening to PM :-(
  15. Well, I don't play post WWII or ever care to... To Highlanders post, I do think the Infantry and Armor in CMx1 was done right, but now Infantry Rule in the CMx2 WWII Titles ( especially when playing Turn-Based ). This is, because Armor is made harder to spot Inf, and Armor has little or no chance to react against Infantry in same turn. The only chance Armor has, is to constantly move with several Way-Points in the same turn, and just hope you don't run into Infantry 2-3 Action Spots away...Your best bet with Armor is to play it in Real-Time. Joe
  16. The IS-2 ( JS-2 ) can be penetrated by the Tiger 1 @ Short in some aspects of the front, by Panther @ Moderate and Tiger II @ Long Ranges, this assuming standard perpendicular hits. Joe
  17. Ok, Canuke, are you patched @3.11 by chance ?..If so, then I'm with Vanir and can't explain it myself. Yeah, in general the MG's wont shred the tougher Ht's per say, but will most likely drive them away with some possible damage.
  18. Thanx for the Test, Vanir as it's good to know...I wonder if this applies to all MG's ( not just the MG42 ) from all Nationalities. It's no wonder I don't see certain MG's fire ( either Inf or Vehicle Mounted ) at certain Light Open-Topped Armored Vehicles. When playing against the Computer or Opponents, I have a 'House Rule' that the AI chooses Targets on their own ( except when you want to use the 'Area-Fire' order ) as it helps eliminate Opponent Cherry-Picking Targets...Now, I might have to reconsider that 'House Rule' when playing against Opponents ( either that or make certain exceptions ). Interesting thou, I do remember in v2.12 that Inf MG42's would fire on their own against U.S. HT's...
  19. I also know that German LMG's will engage Halftracks/Brens, but don't remember having the opportunity to use HMG's against them...Yeah, if anything you would think HMG's would engage more so then LMG's...This is disconcerting :-( I also notice that certain MG mounted AC's wont engage each other...I had a 223 AC vs an Otter and they just ran circles around each other during most of the battle engaging Inf instead. Joe
  20. Hey Bud, Great Idea using a Comic Strip for CM....However, when you and I start a new game ( we PM'ed each other earlier about playing small Platoon up to Company size engagements ) I would like for you to do an AAR ( your side perspective ) on a turn by turn basis, but using the Traditional AAR Method that most others use. Joe
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