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**** ROW IV *****

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Yes CMAK....

As for ROW I Vets there are one or two in the wood work but not many.


The written part of ROWI appealed to me and might be a way to get people to commit.

If they can not be bothered to write a bit of an application then can they be bothered to finish all the games?

The other thing that appealed about ROWI was a lot of the scenarios were based around the Normandy battles and were based on real episodes. As Normandy is my main interest that was the icing on the cake.

Anyway that was ROWI and not ROWIV.

Not long to go...


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Originally posted by The_Capt:

How many RoW I vets do we still have around anyway?

Best ROW I memory - watching Sgt Dearborn kill a StuH42, 234/4 and a 251/1 in the span of 11 seconds in 'Resolve at Ranville'. The last kill was a shot between 2 houses as the 251/1 sped past.

Worst ROW I memory - 'Sounds in the night' - 'nuff said.

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CombinedArms:

A few others have moved on with their lives in other directions.

I'm thinking of Wreck here and I'm also thinking... thank god for everyone else participating in the tourney!


Jim R. </font>

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Originally posted by Kingfish:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

How many RoW I vets do we still have around anyway?

Best ROW I memory - watching Sgt Dearborn kill a StuH42, 234/4 and a 251/1 in the span of 11 seconds in 'Resolve at Ranville'. The last kill was a shot between 2 houses as the 251/1 sped past.

Worst ROW I memory - 'Sounds in the night' - 'nuff said. </font>

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Is it possible to sign up as an alternate? I played in the overflow tourney and would love to play in this one. The problem is I will be moving to L.A. in February and will not even get my computer back till March or April. So I probably won't be able to keep a good flow of turns at the beginning but later should be no problem.

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Originally posted by Holien:

Yes CMAK....

As for ROW I Vets there are one or two in the wood work but not many.


The written part of ROWI appealed to me and might be a way to get people to commit.

If they can not be bothered to write a bit of an application then can they be bothered to finish all the games?

The other thing that appealed about ROWI was a lot of the scenarios were based around the Normandy battles and were based on real episodes. As Normandy is my main interest that was the icing on the cake.

Anyway that was ROWI and not ROWIV.

Not long to go...


Just to put a plug in for CMAK Normandy scenarios HSG is putting together a Battle for France pack and there are several of the scenarios for that pack at The Proving Grounds at the moment getting playtested. If you are interested you might drop by. :D

Just keep in mind that the scenarios are there to be playtested and are not the finished product at the moment. :mad:

Panther Commander

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Originally posted by WineCape:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Man RoW I, that brings back memories..you guys remember having to take that quiz and write an essay to get into the thing?


That was me and Treeburst being extra devilish in RoW I; Wild Bill's scenarios did the rest of the damage. It work, did it not? </font>

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A quick word on patches...

For obvious reasons we want everyone on the same patch during this tournament, so if Feb 15th rolls around and the patch is not released we will hold off until it is. Trust me, it is far easier to upgrade 5 scenarios than upgrade 36 games in progress. I have no idea of when it will be released, but I suspect it is soon.

We are still keeping with our Feb 1st signup date.

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Oh, now I remember why I don’t have RoW I on my sig line.

That dang blasted quiz and thesis you had to write to get in to it.

Why should I write a thesis to get in into the RoW when we have other cool tournaments like Nordic and Not-so-Superbowl.

OK, ok, so I should’ve written the dissertation. But who knew that the RoW would put out some of the most interesting scenarios devised.

And who knew who or what a Nabla was.

Nabla should be in a CM Hall of Fame or something. His scoring system permitted the RoW to become reality and will go down in CM history. I’m sure it will be used for many tournaments to come.

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Whoo Hoo! Now that those meddlesome twin girls of mine have been born, and they are now 4 months old, I can get enough sleep to participate! Not that I would ever, ever use my precious girls as an excuse for my, er, lack of performance in the ROW III section three finals.

Ah, who am I kidding, I just simply got my head handed to me. But I'm game! I love "learning."

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Wild Bill gave me something in the region of 10-12 scenarios, all historical, that he was busy researching for RoW I and told me "right then, you choose 'em 8 for RoW I" :eek:

Amazing work ethic, Wild Bill. I remembered that I chose the scenarios to have a wide variety of men figthing: Axis vs Canucks vs Free French vs British(?) vs Ami's. God bless his kind soul - he, with manager Treeburst155, made RoW an instant winner. Later, the classic Nabla scoring system was introduced to rate players performance without designers needing to worry about play balance.

I thank Boots & Tracks and especially Kingfish (and Holien/Spanish Bombs) for taking up the workload once again for RoW IV.

May all participants have an better seat/view in RoW IV than RoW I,II,III.

PS: For a RoW I trip down memory lane, click on the "RoW I" link at the bottom of my signature. ;)


Charl Theron



Wine donations send to the following for their contributions to CM:


  • Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>
  • Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER</font>
  • Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>
  • Boots & Tracks (RoW tournament scenarios)</font>
  • Andrew Fox (modding art)</font>
  • Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>
  • Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility</font>

Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments:


[ January 23, 2004, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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Best RoW I memory: Using that flamethrower HT to rout Spanish Bombs off the map.

Worst RoW I memory: Wreck. That guy had a knack for absolutely devastating his opponents. I wonder how many other of "Wreck's Bitches" will be in this time? Obviously, CombinedArms has moved on to bigger and better things.

I guess I need to actually get some practice in on CMAK before the tourney starts. Anyone want to get in a game or two?

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Originally posted by Enoch:

Obviously, CombinedArms has moved on to bigger and better things.

Not dead yet... getting better...and still around and planning to boogie in ROW IV...

And I've already noted my "worst memory" as confronting Wreck in "Sounds in the Night"--the scariest scenario in ROW history played against the scariest opponent in ROW history. Somehow, I lived to tell the tale, but not many of my vet German paratroopers did.

[ January 23, 2004, 05:56 PM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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Doh, sorry about that CA. Re-reading Kingfish's initial post I see it is Spanish Bombs who has moved on to bigger and better things as he will help administer the tourney.

I see you are a professor, that means RoW I, section III and our section in RoW (Wreck's Bitches Redux) had at least 2 PhDs in it. That must make us the most highly overeducated sections in those tournaments.

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Here is an interesting thing. I just received my CMAK. It occurred to me that the only reason I bought it was to try and participate in ROW IV. Don't get me wrong, I love the CM series, but I can honestly say that I wouldn't have bought it (due to RL, new kids, etc) if it weren't for the prospect of getting a chance to participate in an excellent tourney with excellent and friendly opponents. While I was lucky to make the finals against probably superior players (and then got crushed BTW)I believe that ROW tourneys and other such things are a great addition to the hobby as a whole.

Awww, I guess I just want to post an appreciation to all the people who make this event happen (Kingfish, Treeburstl, Nabla, and the scenario designers who amaze and stun every time). Simply outstanding!

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Originally posted by Kingfish:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CombinedArms:

A few others have moved on with their lives in other directions.

I'm thinking of Wreck here and I'm also thinking... thank god for everyone else participating in the tourney!


Jim R. </font>

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