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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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50 minutes ago, Zeleban said:

Russian television is constantly releasing new videos about the hardships of life in the European Union. This time, poor Europeans are forced to eat their pets for Christmas.

Similar brainwashing is happening in North Korea. There, local residents are told that epidemics and wars are raging all over the world, and peace and prosperity reign only in North Korea.

Young people get to eat a whole hamster for Christmas these days?

In my childhood we would dream of such luxury. We had to make do with a potato.

At Christmas we might dress up the potato with moss and pretend it was a real hamster.

Dad would make squeaky noises as mom carved the potato and we'd all laugh.

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7 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

Young people get to eat a whole hamster for Christmas these days?

In my childhood we would dream of such luxury. We had to make do with a potato.

At Christmas we might dress up the potato with moss and pretend it was a real hamster.

Dad would make squeaky noises as mom carved the potato and we'd all laugh.

you had a potato?!  We had a rock.  When we dug it up, we took turns eating whatever we found underneath, and we'd all laugh.

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8 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

Young people get to eat a whole hamster for Christmas these days?

In my childhood we would dream of such luxury. We had to make do with a potato.

At Christmas we might dress up the potato with moss and pretend it was a real hamster.

Dad would make squeaky noises as mom carved the potato and we'd all laugh.

You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi' his belt.


Back to topic though, I took a look at expected weather around Svatove, and it looks like in January there might be quite a window of opportunity there, mud-wise.


Edited by Huba
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1 hour ago, Zeleban said:

Russian television is constantly releasing new videos about the hardships of life in the European Union. This time, poor Europeans are forced to eat their pets for Christmas.

Similar brainwashing is happening in North Korea. There, local residents are told that epidemics and wars are raging all over the world, and peace and prosperity reign only in North Korea.

Hah, sure. BTW, don't have experiences with hamsters, but guinea pigs are tasty when grilled (regular food in the Andes).

My best wishes to Ukraine, may the new year bring victory and peace. As for the Russians, they can eat their belts for all I care.

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Puppet governor Shtepa blown up in occupied Kakhovka, Kherson Oblast (yahoo.com)

Another traitor preceding Putin on the road to hell.



Andrii Shtepa, a Russian-appointed puppet leader of the village of Liubymivka, which is located on the left bank of Kherson Oblast, was blown up in the occupied city of Kakhovka.

Source: Kremlin-aligned news outlet TASS

Details: In particular, the "emergency services" informed the Russian mass media that the so-called "head of the village of Liubymivka died in a car explosion on the left bank of Dnipro in Kherson Oblast."

The occupiers appointed Shtepa as governor of Liubymivka.

Propagandists report that Shtepa burned alive in the car.

In the summer, the local publication Most (Bridge) reported that terror began in the village of Vasylivka after the appointment of Shtepa as the governor of the Liubymivka hromada.

It was reported that Shtepa had conflicts with many locals and he showed the occupiers who lived where and said that he would take revenge on everyone.

On 18 July, the occupiers appointed Shtepa as the governor of the Liubymivka hromada [an administrative unit designating a town, village or several villages and their adjacent territories]. He was born in Russia, but has been living in Ukraine for a long time.

For the past 15 years, Shtepa lived in Vasylivka, where he worked on the local communal farm and had unsuccessfully ran for the post of village head.

It was also reported that Shtepa sold hooch and spent money on drugs.



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53 minutes ago, Huba said:

You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi' his belt.

That Monty P sketch is one of their best, love it.  I'm not from Yorkshire though 😉.

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No doubt this post is going to cause some waves here, including a half dozen people posting that I shouldn't be getting into "politics".  Sorry, this is too important to sweep under the rug...

2 hours ago, sburke said:

Solovyov wasn't the only Russian propagandist who freaked out about the imagery of Zelensky's speech before Congress:

Tucker Carlson said "Somehow we were reminded of it today when the president of Ukraine arrived at the White House, dressed like the manager of a strip club and started to demand money. Amazingly, no one threw him out."

He just insulted one of the greatest wartime leaders in modern history, fighting against a murderous Fascist state.  Even if he is against the spending for the right reasons, just look at the scorn, the derision, the (dare I say) hatred that Carlson showed for Zelensky.  And if you don't think I've hit the nail on the head, look at the other things he said:

"The point of today's visit to Washington was not to make the world more stable or make wise decisions, much less to help America. That's always at the bottom of the list. The point was to fawn over the Ukrainian strip club manager and hand him billions more dollars from our own crumbling economy."

and the implication that elderly Republican senators have homosexual attraction to him was fun too:

"They love a man in uniform. What a hunk. So strong and decisive. Look at the expression in Mitch McConnell's face, you could almost hear the giggles of pleasure."

And there is, of course, more:

"If you were a Republican officeholder and Zelenskyy came to Washington, maybe you would for a moment, ask him about his current and ongoing war against Christianity in Ukraine. "


"Punishing Vladimir Putin for putting Donald Trump in office is more important than all of that says Mitch McConnell. "


"But you wouldn't know that from the media coverage of it. Your average reporter in Washington likes Zelenskyy a lot more than he likes you."


"So the leader of a foreign government dressed in a sweatshirt waltzes into the United States Congress and starts demanding money. And then has the gall to tell the people sitting there, who are giving him tens of billions of dollars more of your money, that it is not charity, it's an investment. Really, what are the returns on that? "


I'm posting this because the transcript reads like a playlist for the wingnuts who are going to be deciding policy in the new House.  If you are an American and you are reading this thread, you should be outraged.  Not at me for pointing out that pro-Putin propaganda is being broadcast on America's most viewed cable news network, but because it is there to be pointed at in the first place.


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2 hours ago, Zeleban said:

Russian television is constantly releasing new videos about the hardships of life in the European Union. This time, poor Europeans are forced to eat their pets for Christmas.

Similar brainwashing is happening in North Korea. There, local residents are told that epidemics and wars are raging all over the world, and peace and prosperity reign only in North Korea.

That's why I still have electricity for the computer. I have two cats that run in a wheel... 🤦‍♂️😂

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5 minutes ago, Taranis said:

That's why I still have electricity for the computer. I have two cats that run in a wheel... 🤦‍♂️😂

What's fascinating about that clip is that it isn't propaganda in any real sense of the word. It's not designed to persuade anyone, it makes no real argument, it doesn't offer any ideological justification or world view. In fact, it's quite personal in the sense that it reflects the bitterness of Russian elites who want to burn the European elites who have declared them anathema. It is the expression of ressentiment motivating national policy orders of magnitude below the actual military and political needs of the Russian war effort. Weird, fascinating and so very 21st Century. 

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11 minutes ago, Taranis said:

That's why I still have electricity for the computer. I have two cats that run in a wheel... 🤦‍♂️😂

While that video is pretty ham-fisted, we should not underestimate the economic downturn and its effect on the lower income brackets. These were already hit hardest by the Covid disruptions and the years of neoliberal policy in Europe. This is the next cherry on top. As a teacher I know from a lot of students that this christmas is a lot less merry than usual for many families, even without pets on the grill.

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41 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

I'm posting this because the transcript reads like a playlist for the wingnuts who are going to be deciding policy in the new House.  If you are an American and you are reading this thread, you should be outraged.  Not at me for pointing out that pro-Putin propaganda is being broadcast on America's most viewed cable news network, but because it is there to be pointed at in the first place.


I can't give you a like, so I'll just post a hearty 'amen, Steve!' Unfortunately, his venom has already found some victims I follow Gen Martin Dempsey on LinkedIn and he posted a glowing commentary to Zelensky's speech to Congress, with the expected comparison of Churchill's speech to  Congress. He received a lot of flak from some respondents who used the 'strip club manager' line in their response and were very incensed at the General for his praise of both Zelensky and the Ukrainian people. Pretty sad that this would even be a talking point among Americans. Fortunately they still seem to be a vocal minority..

Edited by OldSarge
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15 minutes ago, billbindc said:

What's fascinating about that clip is that it isn't propaganda in any real sense of the word. It's not designed to persuade anyone, it makes no real argument, it doesn't offer any ideological justification or world view. In fact, it's quite personal in the sense that it reflects the bitterness of Russian elites who want to burn the European elites who have declared them anathema. It is the expression of ressentiment motivating national policy orders of magnitude below the actual military and political needs of the Russian war effort. Weird, fascinating and so very 21st Century. 

The world was perfectly content to ignore Russia from 1991 until 2/24/2022. Obama essentially gave him a mulligan on the Crimean takeover and maintained the policy of basically ignoring Russia. Putin was simply to arrogant to realize that was a very good deal. So he has forced us to pay attention.  The lesson that this was a very bad idea needs to be severe enough no Russian leader considers repeating this mistake for sixty or eighty years.

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44 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

No doubt this post is going to cause some waves here, including a half dozen people posting that I shouldn't be getting into "politics".  Sorry, this is too important to sweep under the rug...

I completely understand your disgust and desire to share this, I am however not looking forward to the next week as others test to see if long standing restrictions have been loosened.  There have been several episodes in this thread where I ended up skipping several pages due to continual political back and forth.

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10 minutes ago, MSBoxer said:

I completely understand your disgust and desire to share this, I am however not looking forward to the next week as others test to see if long standing restrictions have been loosened.  There have been several episodes in this thread where I ended up skipping several pages due to continual political back and forth.

I am going to ruthlessly keep the discussion on topic.  We just had one of the most consequential political events of my lifetime and certainly this war.  It should be a valid topic of discussion.  Though I honestly don't think there is much more that needs to be said any more than we do after we post something from a Russian propagandist located in Moscow.  We post such things to know that they exist and to poke fun at them.  We don't need to obsess over it.

We should be able to call "balls and strikes" without someone getting their feelings hurt.  We also don't need even a page of arguing about a strike that everybody clearly agrees is a strike.  Good enough to point it out and move on.


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15 minutes ago, MSBoxer said:

I completely understand your disgust and desire to share this, I am however not looking forward to the next week as others test to see if long standing restrictions have been loosened.  There have been several episodes in this thread where I ended up skipping several pages due to continual political back and forth.

Unfortunately, the behavior of American reactionaries (note; that I am making a distinction from conservatives) is going to have a real effect on this war. We cannot really talk about the war fully without taking that into account. I would say to all that before you take offense, remember who we are talking about...a reactionary tendency that applies not just to Carlson or Boebert but also Taibbi and Greenwald. And as to giving offense, the rest of us should be clear in what and who we are condemning. 


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(don't say anything about Carlson & his viewers, don't do it, don't do it, let it go.......).  Whew, that was close.  🤪

And back on the war: I was thinking today about what Xmas will be like for people in Ukraine.  Then I wondered if Putin would launch a big missile attack that day and I am thinking that sounds just like something he would do.  Hopefully instead some folks will choose that day to hang a new decoration off a lamppost in red square. 

Ok, one Carlson statement:  criticizing Carlson's words is not partisan.  It's basic morality and humanity and reality.

Edited by danfrodo
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2 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

If you are an American and you are reading this thread, you should be outraged.  Not at me for pointing out that pro-Putin propaganda is being broadcast on America's most viewed cable news network, but because it is there to be pointed at in the first place.

I am, and I am. 
Imbibing his swill is the equivalent to the act of aligning with Tokyo Rose in WWII. Except he isn’t funny.

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1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

If you are an American and you are reading this thread, you should be outraged.

Well, since you went there, Steve...

What I am outraged about is that we continue to spend billions upon billions on a foreign war and that our duly elected representatives "agreed" on a 4155 page spending bill in the middle of the night, right before the Christmas recess that no one outside of the few who drafted up the monstrosity are ever going to read. All this while the economy, infrastructure, etc., here at home has ongoing serious problems, to say nothing of the way our own vets continue to be shafted by the utterly idiotic way the VA administration is run.

Yes, but let's get all riled up over what someone said on Fox News! The horror! You know what I do when I see the same sort of nonsense on MSNBC, CNN, the NYT, or WaPo? I laugh and move on. It's not worth the time.

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1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

the wingnuts who are going to be deciding policy in the new House. 

IMO Tucker Carslon is unbelievably out of touch and doesn't understand the facts about Ukraine or the Ukraine war.  This, sadly, is nothing new.  He has been banging on in this manner, on this topic, for about a year now.  He deserves to be called out, challenged and debated.  He is wrong and history will prove him wrong.  I don't think anything has changed with his latest anti-Ukraine, anti-Republican broadcast.  

The last I understood both Republicans, Democrats and Independents (basically most Americans) stand with Ukraine.  Including the Republican leadership.  There are links in this thread of House Republicans supporting Ukraine.  I understand Carlson got under your skin but I don't understand the wingnuts comment. 

Has something changed?  Or was it just another anti-Ukraine, anti-Republican rant by Tucker?       

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